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Through the window in the carriage, a middle-aged man wearing a complex magic pattern robe can be seen standing quietly under the tree logo representing the barbarian cave.

He is Horus.

Greia was the first to open the door and walked down because she was close to the door.

When Angel came out of the carriage, he could hear Gree’s whisper: “Sure enough, it’s still the same, the cold is like the coldest polar night.”

Angel tranced for a moment before she realized that Greia was referring to Horus.

“Winter King Power” Horus, as you can see from the name, Horus is a Magus specializing in Ice Attribute.

“There is him in the room, it is estimated that without the use of ice, you can directly slice the frozen mermaid shell and keep it fresh for ten or two hours.” Greia whispered beside her, but she did not dare to say positively. It was when Horus and Sanders were talking, so they whispered in Angel’s ear.

Horus’s strength is very strong, and any elemental breath on him is completely bound, and it is impossible to leak. Greia’s description is simply exaggeration.

Horus and Sanders chatted a few words, then looked away.

When Greia glanced at Horus’ eyes, she only felt a chill in her back. Fortunately, Horus not at all looked at Greia more, and put her eyes directly on Angel.

Horus looked towards Angel’s eyes, still with an indelible cold color, and with the pair of emotionally different pupils, even more alienated and indifferent. It’s just that, if he looks carefully, his eyes are actually milder than Greia. It’s just that, except for the close ones, probably no one can see Horus’ mood changes.

Horus looked towards Angel, indifferently said: “Your Excellency Rhein is very happy that you have chosen to go back now, he seems to have something that needs your help.”

Angel: “When I go back, I will immediately go to the Cloud Tower.”

Horus’s slight nodded, maybe he didn’t like to talk too much. He not at all talked too much and said directly: “Go, the material of the plane’s path is ready.”

Horus first moved towards the station, and everyone immediately followed.

But only halfway through, Horus and Sanders stopped at the same time.

When Angel and Greia hadn’t figured out what was happening, Horus suddenly began to exhale cold air throughout his body, which even turned into a dense white mist.

The next second, a thick ice dome suddenly enveloped everyone.

The blazing sunlight shines on the transparent dome, reflecting the crystal and swaying light spot, giving everyone in the dome an illusion as if they were on the shallow sea floor.

“What’s going on?” Greia said doubtfully.

Horus didn’t answer, but after creating the dome, he appeared beside Angel instantly.

Angel not at all any action, because he can feel that Horus is not at all hostile, he just teleported to Angel, and did nothing else.

At this time, Sanders also came over.

Angel noticed that no matter whether it was Sanders or Horus, the brow furrowed tightly, seeming to be alert to something.

Is it an enemy attack? Otherwise, why would Horus lay out a clear defensive dome? Target is me, or is Sanders?

When Angel was about to ask about the specific situation, suddenly, the whole person stopped, a sense of inexplicable crisis dropping from the sky, the entire scalp began to numb, and his eyebrows began to beat violently.

Angel glanced at Greia and was able to read it in the other person’s eyes. She had a similar situation.

Greia’s eyes suddenly dimmed. She felt the heartbeat of this Fleshy body, and whispered in her mouth: “The sign of crisis.”

And it is a huge crisis that threatens life.

The only one on the scene who didn’t feel it was Asaz. He looked left and right in doubt, wondering what was going on.

The sky is cloudless, the sun is fine, everything seems to be ok, why are Lord’s expressions so solemn?

When Asaz was puzzled, a palpitations came out of him, but this palpitations did not originate from Asaz, but was sacrificed by him and hidden in the empty Sebastian.

“Sebastian, do you know what’s going on?” Asaz couldn’t help asking in the heart loudly.

Normally, Sebastian responded very quickly, but today he seems to have disappeared, no matter how Asaz called, he did not say anything. Only the palpitations that kept coming out made Asaz understand that Sebastian not at all disappeared.

Do n’t go back without disappearing, do n’t want to go back, or is… dare not go back?

As Assaz was at a loss, the sky suddenly darkened.

There is no sign, the first second was still a cloudless clear blue sky, the next second I do not know what happened, the sky instantly dimmed.

But the sky is still cloudless. The reason why it is black is because there is a huge gap in the sky. This gap seems to be a crack in the void. It is darker than the darkest ink. It’s just a living creature, and it instantly covered the sky.

Day to night.

However, despite such an amazing change, there is still no strange breath, Asaz still has no feeling. Pedestrians on the street, whether they are Apprentice or mortals, are the same as usual, and some people even stop to stare at the changes in the sky.

“What happened?” Everyone was puzzled.

But no one knows the answer, Horus, Sanders, Angel, Greia … I do n’t know anything at this time, the only thing I can feel is the unprecedented danger sign.

“Is it the monster that had breathed Legend’s breath before in the void?” Horus asked quickly. With such a terrifying sense of crisis, Horus could only think of the existence of the Legend class.

Angel and Greia glanced at each other and said, “No.”

Horus looked at it suspiciously, wondering why they answered so affirmatively. He had doubts in his heart, but he also knew that it was not time for inquiry, he gloomy faced: “Although I don’t know what the situation is, but now the situation is very bad here, even if the permafrost ice cover is released, the bounce of the heart is still there. It ’s gone, it ’s not safe here, we must leave now! ”

Without Horus, everyone knew that they had to leave now.

It’s just, can you escape with plane now? Such a huge vortex, connected to the unknown void, indicates that the surrounding Space energy is fluctuating. Here, the plane is used to sandwich the path, especially the long-distance plane.

When everyone hesitated, Angel said: “I’ll open the door.”

It is not safe to use the plane to clamp the road, but opening the door directly does not affect it, because the door opened by Angel is point-to-point, not a long tunnel.

The door he opened, although the transmission distance is not far away, but now the biggest demand is to quickly leave the sky mechanical city and leave this area shrouded in darkness.

Instead, his door will work.

The door model has always been fixed at the Spell position. Angel does not need to build it, just prying the magic in the magic swirl, and a door appears in front of them.

Angel directly located the longest distance that the door model could reach, and then quickly opened the door, preparing to leave here first.

But at this moment, the center of vortex in the sky suddenly glittered with a bright light.

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