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“An arrow?” Horus murmured a little, looking towards Asaz with suspicious eyes: “How could you know?”

Although Horus didn’t use any technique, but his strangely surprising color pupil, coupled with the icy aura that radiated out from time to time, made Asaz as a Buddha’s radiance in Extreme Cold winter.

Asaz did not know whether to tell Horus the truth, he opened his mouth, and finally closed it again.

“Is Sebastian telling you?” At this moment, Greia stepped forward, not only asking Asaz to make a clearance for him, but also blocking Horus’s aura.

Asaz was slowly recovering, and he gasped nodded: “Yes.”

“Sebastian told me that it saw the truth of the rays of light in the sky indistinctly, as if it were a glowing arrow.”

While Asaz was speaking, Sanders whispered to Horus about Asaz’s situation, but not at all stated that Sebastian was a Demon, but described as a hidden in the void , Full of variable parasites.

Horus didn’t say anything after listening. There are always some lucky people in the world who have some incredible chances. However, since Sanders said that the “creature” behind Asaz is full of variables, then this is not necessarily an opportunity, but it may also be a bitter abyss.

Horus refocused his attention on Asaz and returned to the arrow he described.

If Asaz said it true, then the arrows that make them all aware of the danger sign must be extremely terrifying.

Only, why does it pass through the void and shoot at the sky machinery city?

Since it is an arrow, there must be a target, who will it be? Who is it going to shoot?

While Horus was thinking about this problem, he suddenly heard Sanders’ sound: “Angel, what’s wrong with you?”

Horus followed Sanders’ words and looked towards Angel on the side. When Angel’s eyes were rounded, he seemed to think of something, and his face was very ugly.

“Arrow, downtown area; Arrow, downtown area.” Angel repeated the narrative several times, and somewhat absent-minded shook his head: “Could it be …”

Angel raised his head violently, and an illusory door appeared directly in front of his eyes.

“I have something to verify.” Angel finished quickly, and didn’t wait for everyone to react, and disappeared directly at the door.

Everyone looked towards the sky in the distance, and could vaguely see that Angel had opened the door several times in a row. Target seemed to be Sky Machinery City!

Without any hesitation, Sanders and Horus directly followed.

Greia looked at Asaz: “The signs of danger have disappeared, and we will go over and see. Or, you stay here.”

Asaz shook his head and followed Greia firmly.

On the other side, Angel has come to the center of Sky Machinery City under the continuous opening of the door.

The continuous opening of the door made Angel’s face pale, but this time he was alone, so he was still within his tolerance.

He looked up towards not far away.

Infinite battle towers resembling Tianzhu are standing here. Looking up, I couldn’t even see the top of the tower.

Angel came here immediately because he remembered what Anthony said before, the most powerful house among the budding believers, before he entered the out-of-order rhythm, he said something to Lord Rosen–

“The punishment will fall on you soon. You might as well guess where the arrow came from?”

Although no one knows what these words mean, it is undoubtedly a threat. The thing that threatens Rosen is an arrow!

At that time, Anthony Au reminded Rosen that must be vigilant. As a result, an arrow was fired in less than 2 days.

The arrow with endless brilliance disappeared in the central city, and the place where Rosen usually stays most is the infinite battle tower in the central city.

Angel guessed that the arrow would be the arrow pointed by the budding believer, so without the slightest hesitation came over.

Angel took a closer look at the situation of the Infinite War Tower. Not at all felt anything wrong. The walls of the Infinite War Tower were painted with special magic patterns, and they didn’t seem to be touched.

“It seems okay.”

At the same time, Angel also noticed that on the tenth floor of the Infinity War Tower, such as the 10th, 20th, 30th … 50th floor, Apprentice and Magus came out to check the situation, and their expressions seemed to be out of doubt. What happened, also in other words, how they were not at all affected inside the Infinite War Tower.

Putting it that way, shouldn’t that arrow shoot at Rosen?

“It’s better to see Lord Rosen. If he’s okay, he can also discuss the situation of this arrow with him. If he’s in trouble …” Angel didn’t think down, but moved directly towards the darkness. The top of the tower flew away.

When he came to the top of the tower, Angel not at all saw signs of the wall breaking open.

I just don’t know why, Angel still feels something is wrong.

If it weren’t for Rosen, who would have drawn the arrow? Where did it hit the central city?

“These questions are put aside for a moment, let’s go and see what the city of Rosen said.” Angel took out the communicator and he planned to contact the city of Rosen directly.

However, Lord Rosen not at all replied that Angel went to contact Anthony Ao. Oddly, Anthony Ao was almost always on call, and there was no response this time.

Angel’s heart rose again.

At this time, a wall not far away from the top of the tower slowly blurred, and a familiar silhouette appeared in front of Angel.

Melissa Yada.

It is also the daughter of Rosen Yada.

Before Angel came here, it was also Melantha who opened the channel for him. Only this time, Melantha’s expression was a bit wrong.

Panic, fear, and a trace of confusion and helplessness.

“What’s wrong with you? What happened?” Angel asked suspiciously.

Melanza opened her mouth, seeming to be frightened, her lips trembling all the time without saying a word.

Angel did not continue to ask Melansha without answering, but moved directly towards the inner corridor.

The appearance of Melanza was obviously stimulated. Also in other words, what must have happened inside.

The only thing that Angel can think of about the present is the arrow!

Angel hurried to the door of the metal hall. The door was opened, but nothing could be seen inside.

Because it is full of rays of light.

Dazzling rays of light.

“This light … is the light that disappeared before?” Angel’s ear heard a low-pitched male voice.

Looking back, it was Sanders and Horus. Two footsteps could still be heard at the end of the corridor, and Greia was holding a dull face Melansha, moved towards them.

“What happened inside?” Horus asked.

Angel shook his head: “I don’t know, but the situation may not be optimistic.”

Angel said he was ready to enter the house, but before he moved, Sanders grabbed his arm.

“This light is very weird, shielding all energy probes, don’t enter the probe easily.”

Angel not at all felt the danger warning, and he guessed that Melanza should also come out of this room. If she can come out, it means there should be no problem with this light.

However, this is just Angel’s speculation.

Sanders is right, and it is best not to act blindly without thinking until there is no definite evidence that the light is harmless.

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