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Opulia happily signed a confidentiality contract.

Rosen didn’t deliberately appease people, he directly said the budding thing. Oplia at first is still somewhat disapproving, and he was speechless until he recognized the classification of mysterious things.

After experiencing a series of expressions of consternation and soul struggle, the mood of Oplia finally calmed down.

“… I suddenly regretted signing this contract.” Oplia rubbed his temples, which had begun to swell. Even if he didn’t predict anything now, he could perceive a boundless maliciousness and enveloped him.

“When you know the germination, there is no chance of regret.” Rosen said indifferently.

“I understand.” Opulia was deeply sighed, and slowly faced reality from helplessness: “Lord Lord wants me to do?”

“You should know, I want to know more about germination.”

Opulia nodded: “Okay, let me try.”

Having said that, OPLIA walked slowly to the center of the hall, with a very solemn expression, mutter incantations in his mouth, and he seemed to be chanting some secret mantra. However, if you listen carefully, you will find that the soft whispers of Opryia are all like “Why can’t I think about it and sign a confidentiality contract?” Going down this path, I regret it! “…

In addition to these regretful words, the gap is also mixed with some unfathomable mystery.

For example: “Why is this floor half stone and half metal, is it being decorated?”, “Is this the decorative style of the zebra horse, when did the Lord Lord’s aesthetic become so eccentric?” But what is so good about the bottom of the skirt, why change it indiscriminately? “

Angel’s face was speechless, but it was the opposite of Rosen, and the calmness of Anthony from the communicator projection. It seemed to be commonplace for mutter incantations in Opulia.

Anthony Ao even told Angel intimately: “Oplia is not like this, but he likes to talk nonsense as soon as he is nervous.”

The “nervous” OPLIA walked to the center of the hall, put out a breath deeply, and then raised the wooden stick in his hand.

At this time, his nagging finally stopped.

I saw his body suddenly changed, a mysterious and mysterious breath, starting to escape from the top of the wooden stick in his hand.

Under this kind of breath, OPLIA is like a prophet from the ancient times, standing on the barren shore of time, thinking about the future direction.

When the aura in Opulia became stronger and stronger, the entire metal hall seemed to become a chaotic universe.

Opulia stands in the center of the universe, surrounded by bright stars.

When the breath reached its highest point, Oplia put a heavy stick on the ground with a wooden stick. With a “dump–“, a large number of corrugated waves began to diffract outward.

At the same time, the stars began to die, and the universe returned to darkness and chaos. The entire hall suddenly became dark, and in this endless darkness, the sound of hua hua suddenly appeared.

From a small rustle to a big ear.

It’s like there is a raging river rushing towards unknown in the dark.

Although Angel can’t see it, he knows that this may be the figure of the River of Destiny. Undoubtedly, the River of Destiny in the division of Divination 3 should be the one that Opryia believes in.

This hua hua sound continued for a long time, and finally, in a sigh that came out of no one’s mouth, the darkness was over, and the light came back.

After immersing in the aftertaste of mysterious for a long time, Oplia finally raised his head.

“What did you see?” Rosen asked.

Opulia shook his head gently, with a helpless smile on his face: “I saw nothing.”

“Did you see anything? What happened?”

Opulia put the wooden stick on his lap and sat down directly on the spot: “I went directly to find clues about the budding, no way; I narrowed the scope and wanted to find information about the budding believers, and fate still gave no guidance; Shrinking, placing the exploration area in South Territory, Yi Rongguo, destiny remains indifferent. “

“Then I used a special method to find a clue node in the loop of destiny. Unfortunately, I still get nothing.”

Opulia has exhausted almost all the methods he can think of, including the most clumsy future exhaustion method in Prophecy Spell, and has not explored even a little information.

“As long as the content related to the germination is like being covered by a thick layer of black mist that cannot be seen, it can’t be seen at all, and …” Paused in Puglia, with a solemn expression: “And As soon as I dive into the mist, I will fall into a strange state of stunnedness. If this kind of stunned state lasts a few more seconds, I feel that my Spiritual Force will be irreversibly polluted.

This is also the first time that the country has encountered such a strange situation in its prophecy.

This kind of pollution that directly affects Spirit is like there is a kind of Will that exists in the world, preventing everyone from exploring the budding secret.

After listening to the words of Opulia, Rosen’s face was even heavier.

He actually thought at first, would Prophecy Spell not work. Because he knows very well that mysterious things are very special, any probing spells that act on mysterious things may fail, and even naked eye, rays of light, and energy will be offset by mysterious things.

Almost every mysterious thing will deflect, weaken or even ignore natural law.

Prophecy Spell is no exception.

However, Rosen thought that as long as it did not involve the budding ontology, simply looking for budding believers, there should be no situation, but it was counterproductive. All the people and things related to budding are covered up.

“This terrifying effect is worthy of loss of telekinesis without solution level.” Anthony Ao whispered.

Angel is also nodded, he now understands why there are people who believe in the budding god. As long as you believe in it, you can be covered by the disordered mysterious force field, just like a kind of “refuge” given by God. This does have some religious flavor.

When things got here, it seemed to be in a deadlock. Can’t find budding believers, let alone destroy or expel them.

What should I do?

When everyone was thinking about ways, Opilia used a “lucky choice” technique, which was an evolutionary technique from “good luck 2 choose one”, which belonged to Sect. Opry wants to change the way, instead of directly looking for answers, but on the surface to find solutions to problems–

“How to solve my heart troubles?”

However, after use, Oplia not at all felt any heart throbbing, it is estimated that the lucky choice failed.

Opulia shook his head, but he was not too disappointed. Anyway, he just tried it casually, not at all really thought he could get feedback.

However, just at a loss, a breeze blew in from the open window.

This breeze blew into the hall, and not at all caught everyone’s attention. It didn’t attract Angel’s and Rosen’s eyes until it scraped a piece of vellum on the laboratory bench.

The paper was flying in mid-air, and a simple symbol on the paper could be clearly seen.

“Ya” and “I”.

When I saw this pattern drawn with Juanxiu’s strokes, Angel and Rosen thought about it almost at the same time-


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