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“Sprout, sprout …” Rosen murmured the term repeatedly. If the word was changed before, the word would definitely not make him react. But now, the word seems to be a magic spell that makes Rosen feel trembling in fear whenever he talks.

Now, Rosen has finally understood why Angel told him so seriously.

Because this matter is so important!

In other words, the budding event is a violent upheaval for the entire Magus world. However, the most terrifying thing is that this matter cannot be described to too many people.

This is a terrifying nightmare hidden in the mist.

No question, no idea, no spread, no guess, no try.

But such a big terrifying secret appeared in Yi Rongguo, which is equivalent to saying that an uncontrollable unexploded ordnance was placed on the pillow side of Sky Machinery City.

Rosen could n’t imagine how terrifying disaster would be if the budding faith broke out in Sky Machinery City.

Sky Machinery City is one of the largest gold flow hubs in the South Territory Magus world. Almost all the elite talents in the Magus world are gathered here. Various Grand Magus organizations and Magus families have set up here. If a “budding disaster” erupts here, it may erode the entire Magus world in an instant.

Must be stopped! And, use all means to stop it!

Rosen Ping Su is a person with extremely cold temperament, but today’s news also makes him unable to bear a strong obsession.

An obsession that must be completed. Otherwise, the Sky Machinery City may be subverted by the “budding disaster”.

Even if there is no sign yet, Rosen has made up his mind to wipe out this disaster in the cradle.

Thinking of this, Rosen quickly opened the console and wanted to contact the top executives of Sky Machinery City for a meeting. But when he was about to press the “call” button, he stopped again.

Although the top executives of Sky Machinery City are all his close friends, but the people’s hearts are changeable, so try not to tell these people.

Rosen quickly turned off the console, but turned on the communicator. Soon, a light blue light appeared in front of him.

“City Lord Rosen, and Mr. Pat, what’s the matter?” Anthony Ao looked at Rosen and Angel, and their faces were the same and solemn, causing him to give up the normal meeting etiquette and ask Cause.

“Muse is still closed?” Rosen asked.

Anthony Ao gave a positive answer.

Rosen thought for a while: “Then don’t disturb him first, tell you the same.”

Lawson looked towards Angel, using his eyes to indicate whether he could tell Anthony this matter. Angel shrugged indifferently, since Rosen had already contacted Anthony, indicating that his heart was determined, whether to ask him or not, the final answer was the same.

Rosen quickly spoke out the entire process of development of “Sprout”, and Anthony fell into a long silence after hearing it.

“So that’s how it is.” Anthony now understands why they are so solemn. This matter is indeed a matter of importance. From a long-term perspective, it is no less than the Ivo news that Angel told before. Bigger.

A mysterious thing that doesn’t even know where the body is, but it makes Sky Machinery City like an enemy. Anthony can’t help but sigh in his heart. This is mysterious Strength.

“What does the city owner plan to do?” Anthony looked towards Rosen.

“It is too early to talk about how to do it. We must now know more about the budding believers and information about those outside the realm.”

As for how to get this information.

What I can think of now is to look for Magus’s help in addition to vigorously searching.

Searching vigorously, this easily arouses the curiosity of more people and causes the budding things to spread faster. So get rid of this, only to find the prophecy Magus, which is more secretive and proper.

Without any hesitation, Rosen directly opened the console and said to Melansa outside: “Notify Oprea to come here.”

Opulia is a prophetic Magus who lived in the opposite city all the year round. In the early years, he was blessed by the muse. In return for the muse, he came to the Ashley Comprehensive Academy and became a tutor, but he himself prefers to be called Followers of the muse.

After calling for Opia, Rosen said to Anthony: “I will open the 3rd authority of Magic Eye, and I hope you can break out of Strength and invade it to help me monitor the entire Sky Machinery City.”

This is the main reason why Rosen told Anthony about this, because Anthony ’s strongest is the perception.

Anthony nodded: “Yes.”

“If there is any suspected sprouting information, you should inform me immediately, if there is an emergency, you also have priority.”

Soon afterwards, Oplia arrived at the metal hall where Rosen was.

This is a young man who looks very young, but his eyes are very vicissitudes. He leaned on an ordinary wooden stick and came in from the outside.

It seems a few ordinary steps, but in Angel’s eyes, every time he pauses, it seems that he is in the center of the intertwined lines of fate.

This feeling of extremely mysterious and abstruse makes people recognize his identity at first glance.

When Opelia came in, I was surprised to see Angel and Anthony both here.

The dignity of the atmosphere makes Oplia wonder why Rosen came to him today.

Opelia gently leaned on his staff and wanted to see the direction of the River of Destiny. But I didn’t get a clear answer in the end. The only thing I know is that today’s events may be extraordinary.

Opelia gently nodded to Angel and Anthony, and then focused his attention on Rosen: “Fate told me that the city owner should look for me for something that should be extraordinary.”

“It is indeed a very important thing.” Rosen said as he handed an exquisite parchment to Opulia.

Oplia took a look at the parchment, and there was a trace of suspense in his eyes.

This is a contract in the name of Will.

Using the name Big Will, generally speaking is a very serious contract. However, Ouplia carefully looked at the terms of the contract and found that the terms were not harsh.

Generally speaking, there is only one clause: what is happening today cannot be circulated in any way.

Also in other words, this is a confidential contract.

But with such high specifications, it was the first time that Oplia saw it.

This also proves once again that River of Destiny shows that Rosen’s search for him is very important.

Rosen saw that Oplia had been holding the contract for a long time without any action, and said softly: “If you don’t plan to sign, you can.”

Rosen did not intend to force Oplia, although Magus predicted that there were few Magus, but it was not without. It’s just that the relationship between Opulia and Sky Machinery City is closer to that’s all.

Faintly smiled in Opulia, quickly leaving his own mark on the contract.

“There is nothing unwilling. Although destiny tells me this matter is not trivial, but not at all warns me of my safety. Under the premise that there is not too much risk, it is no problem to know more.”

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