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Siman is not a budding person, but she is now being taken away by people who are suspected of budding believers. If you can find Siman through Prophecy Spell, you might be able to follow her to find those madmen who sell dead.

In this case, it will not touch the budding prophecy shield.

After listening to the ideas of Angel and Rosen, Opulia agreed very much.

Earlier, the Puglia had predicted the budding event, but there was no evidence or evidence to rely on, but a salient clue to salvage traces in the boundless River of Destiny. Although there is a Prophecy Spell bonus, the success rate is indeed relatively low.

Like a painter who has never seen a griffon, telling him what a griffon looks like through someone else’s mouth, can he really draw a griffon?

Similarly, Prophecy Spell is the same. Predicting out of thin air, the probability of predicting success will drop significantly; if there is an actual reference object, with good evidence, you can follow the graph in the River of Destiny, and the success rate will naturally rise.

Siman is an empirical evidence they know. Moreover, because she lived in Sky Machinery City before, she left a lot of traces here. Opulia can use these traces to find Siman.

As long as Siman is found, many doubts can be solved.

After confirming this plan, Rosen immediately sent someone to find what was left of Siman pheromones.

It didn’t take long for Melansha to bring a black feather, which is the apparent organization of the half-beast after the silk vine merged with the bloodline of the goose. The pheromone on the feather is already very few, but because it is connected with Melantha’s bloodline, Oplia can still be used as a prophetic medium for spellcasting.

In addition to bringing this black feather, Melansa also brought Little Liu and Helen.

These 2 people are the people who know Siman most in Sky Machinery City. Opulia intends to communicate with them and learn more about Siman’s information, which can also increase the success rate of predictions.

Little Liu and Helen were brought here, in addition to explaining Siman’s message, there is another thing.

It is to delete some of their memories.

Although Little Liu and Helen don’t know what “sprout” is now, but they saw the sprouting logo, and no one can tell whether they will discover sprouting through this logo in the future.

In case of 10000, it is better to delete the memory directly.

Rosen means directly deleting all the memories of Siman’s disappearance and making up a fake memory that Siman left.

However, Angel felt unnecessary. Helen’s own memory is actually very vague. At first, the “Sprout” logo was drawn, which was also guided by Angel’s Illusion technique, so that she remembered it.

So, as long as Helen’s memory of the “Sprout” logo is deleted, the rest will remain intact.

In this way, Helen will not have a memory fault, nor will he feel awkward. The most important thing is that this will not cause damage to their Spiritual Force.

Rosen finally adopted Angel’s suggestion, and unconsciously deleted all the memories of Little Liu and Helen about the logo. In the process, they even felt nothing.

After Helen and Little Liu talked to Sipulia about the siman story, pudia nodded to everyone: “Siman ’s information is almost the same, plus her feathers, as long as there is no accident, it should be You can find her trail through Prophecy Spell. “

For Opelia, let Helen’s eyes shined. After she came to this metal hall, she had been a little flustered. She didn’t know why Siman’s disappearance would pay attention to Lord Rosen.

A lot of chaos in her mind made her dizzy. It wasn’t until Oplia said that Prophecy Spell could find the trace of Siman, and she suddenly came back to his senses.

Can you really find Siman?

When Helen was filled with anxiety, Angel came over.

“Magus of Opulia is about to start prophecy. Let’s go out first to avoid disturbing him.” Angel said, taking them out of the metal hall.

In the hallway outside the hall, Helen looked towards Angel and asked his inner doubts.

“You should be able to find it.” Angel’s voice fell, and before Helen’s likes rose, he poured another pot of cold water: “However, it is unpredictable whether it is death or alive.”

Seeing Helen’s eyes slightly shaken and confused, Angel whispered comfortingly: “Now you don’t need to worry about anything else, just wait for the results to come out.”

Helen nodded: “I see, and … thank you.”

The disappearance of Siman can attract the attention of Lord Rosen, as well as the prophecy Magus to act in Opulia. The only thing Helen can think of is that there must be Angel’s help.

Her heart is full of gratitude to Angel, but she has nothing to return now, the only thing that can be expressed is heartfelt thanks. Even if Siman knows, such gratitude is not worth mentioning in Angel’s eyes.

Angel faintly smiled, did not say much, just let them wait outside, then pushed open the door of the hall and walked in.

When Angel returned to the lobby, the prophecy of Oplia was almost over.

I saw Oplia standing in the center of fate, and the black feathers belonging to Siman surrounded him, and the mysterious and mysterious atmosphere gradually weakened until it completely disappeared.

At the same time, Opulia opened his eyes.

Unlike the atmosphere of Shen Qi Condensation after the previous prophecy, this time, as soon as the prophecy ended in Oplia, he immediately stepped forward. His eyes were less hesitant and more clear.

“Found it!” The expression of Opulia with joy: “I found the trace of Siman!”

Rosen stood up: “Where is she?”

“She is in the sky now, and …” Opulia: “It’s very close to us, it should be near the void corresponding to the sky mechanical city.”

Near the void corresponding to Sky Machinery City?

In the words of Opelia, Rosen thought of something, and then slowly put his eyes on Angel’s shoulder. A seabird wearing a small pleated skirt, with a curious head, looked around 4 …


Outside the Infinity War Tower, Angel looked up.

Several golden streamers crossed the sky and rushed towards the unknown void.

Needless to say, these golden streamers correspond to Lawson and the others. Their Target points directly to the void, and I want to go in the sky to find the budding believers. Less than 5 minutes after he left the Infinite War Tower, the combat members had been organized into the void, very fast.

“Lord?” A soft voice called out from Helen’s mouth.

Angel turned around and looked towards the opposite. Little Liu helped Helen look pale, and both of them looked at Angel with urgent eyes.

“Lord, is there any news from Siman?”

Angel nodded: “Relax, there is already news of silk vines.”

Helen’s eyes lit up, but her expression was still uneasy. With the news of Siman, is she alive now, or has she … died?

This question stuck in Helen’s throat, but he didn’t dare to ask it.

Angel also saw Helen’s hesitation, and he smiled faintly: “From the perspective of the prophecy, at least she is still alive.”

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