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After listening to Angel, Little Liu was finally sighed in relief. According to Angel, if it is later, Helen’s Spiritual Force may actually fall.

Fortunately, she found Angel. Angel is also willing to help Helen, otherwise the consequences will be unbearable.

To sort out the Spiritual Force for Helen, she was naturally asked to wake up first. The external force wake-up is likely to stimulate her unstable Spiritual Force, so now they can only wait for Helen to wake up naturally.

Helen’s awakening is not at all regular, but basically every day will wake up for a while. Now, all you have to do is wait.

While waiting, Angel was not idle.

He intends to ask carefully how Helen got hurt in the end? Because only after understanding the internal situation can specific rescue arrangements be made.

However, before asking this question, Angel had another doubt: “Where is Siman?”

Angel has seen Siman several times before. From Siman’s attitude, she seems to have an unusual feeling for Helen. Because of this, Siman’s care for Helen is very high, and now Helen is lying on the bed injured, and Siman can’t run around.

But now Siman is not here, which is a bit strange.

When Little Liu heard the name “Siman”, a glimmer of grey flashed in her eyes.

“Siman she … half a month ago, just …” Little Liu paused, somewhat sadly, “missing her.”

disappeared? There was a clear look on Angel’s face. Although he was surprised to learn that Si Man was missing, only this answer could explain why Si Man was not with Helen at this time.

“How did she disappear?” Angel asked curiously. Half a month ago, the Rising Stars game was over. According to the situation of the current players, Siman should be in the endless corridor cultivation. How could he suddenly disappear?

Little Liu lowered his head and sighed: “Actually, Helen’s injury is also related to the disappearance of Siman.”

Little Liu talked about what happened half a month ago—

Since Helen is living in Little Liu’s house, Siman naturally follows Helen and lives here. It’s just that Siman’s strength is much stronger than Little Liu’s, and because of his high personality, Little Liu is closer to Helen.

After the star game, Siman, like other players, cultivated in the endless corridor every day. According to Siman’s own plan, this situation may last for about a year.

Because Siman often goes to the endless corridor, the time to accompany Helen naturally decreases. Helen doesn’t care. Her strength is low. She is still in the early stage of cultivation. She can also cultivate here at Little Liu. She can also exchange ideas with Little Liu. However, Siman feels that she can’t get through, always thinks that she has ignored Helen.

So half a month ago, Siman prepared to take a few days off to accompany and examine Helen’s cultivation.

“I usually communicate with Helen. Since Siman came back in the past few days, I didn’t bother them either. It happened that there was something wrong with the White Pigeon Library. I didn’t go home those days. When I came back from dealing with things, Helen was seriously injured and came back stumbled, “Little Liu said.

Little Liu didn’t know what was happening at the time, but just listened to the servants saying that Siman had gone out with Helen that day, and it seemed to be preparing to go shopping.

Later, Helen understood some insider after waking up.

Siman took Helen away from Sky Machinery City to relax, and encountered a strange group of people on the way. They somehow caught Siman and were about to force her away. Helen stepped forward to try to go to the vines, but was suppressed by the powerful coercion, and then passed out.

After waking up, Siman had disappeared, and Helen himself was seriously injured, and finally returned to Little Liu’s house in an embarrassed state.

“They met a strange group of people? Who are these people?” Angel wondered, is it Siman’s enemy?

“I don’t know, Helen didn’t say it.” Little Liu said: “Helen said something to us except the day before. Later, every day things became less, and every day was silent. Now it has been ten days.

“I think she is probably worried about Siman …”

Although Little Liu knows not many details, the general content has already been mentioned. The most important thing is that the source of Helen’s injury is also clear.

Angel had doubted it before, but now it is confirmed. Helen’s injury was caused by official Magus’ coercion.

The coercion not only made Helen’s fleshy body oppressive, her Spiritual Force was also severely hit by coercion.

As long as she knows the reason for her injury, combing Spiritual Force does not need to consider too many factors, which will make the treatment easier.

As for the group of people Helen and Siman met, Angel didn’t care too much. After all, Siman is not familiar with him after all. Helen is fine. The disappearance of Siman should be left to Xialu Hailing to worry about.

2 Come, it sounds not unusual at all, although it is a bit strange to say that the other party is going to catch Siman, but this world has gone more than this strange thing, there is no need to care about everything.

It was Little Liu, who had been talking about and guessing the identity of that group of people.

I thought it was Siman’s hatred for a while, and then I thought it might be abnormal, and my thinking kept jumping.

Angel was annoyed by the noise, and imposed a Illusion technique on Little Liu directly, and the air was instantly quiet.

The evening glow gradually faded away, and the night covered the sky. Insect Cry’s rubbing sound in the garden outside, clearly buzzing, but instead made the night quieter.

In the early hours of the morning, the cloud covering the Sky Machinery City dissipated, and moonlight spilled in through the window, leaving Helen’s bloodless face and paler.

At this time, Helen, who had been sleeping for a long time, finally opened his eyes.

At the moment when Helen opened his eyes, Angel lifted Little Liu’s forbidden Illusion technique, but because of the long banned sound, she also had no sound at this time.

When Helen woke up, he instinctively tilted his head out of the window.

She woke up all these days, looking at the sky outside the window, thinking about Siman’s situation, and feeling dazed while feeling sad.

The night is beautiful, and the moonlight is also beautiful. Even on the window of the room, two shadows are projected.

2 The shadows are not strange, but … one of them looks tall and seems to be a man?

On the second floor of Little Liu’s house, Ping Su could not have a man come in, let alone into her room? !

Helen turned his head suspiciously, wanting to see who it would be?

When she fixed her eyes, the whole person suddenly froze.

The light and shadow dropped in the moonlight, highlighting the angular five features of the blond youth, are more prominent. All the goodness seems to overlap in this light and dark.

“Yes, it’s … it’s you …” Helen couldn’t believe it. He just said a few words. He seemed to realize something and immediately changed his mouth: “Super Lord.”

Angel faintly smiled: “It’s me, long time no see.”

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