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Little Liu’s home is a separate courtyard. After entering the door, you can see the statue fountain and a beautiful small garden.

Gardeners were trimming flowers and plants in the garden, and servants were sweeping the falling leaves. Of course, these servants are mortals. According to Little Liu himself, she was hired when her parents were still there.

Following Little Liu all the way to the second floor, they finally stopped in front of a door at the end of the corridor.

Little Liu knocked on the door, and soon the door was opened. An old lady wearing a plain dress walked out. After seeing Little Liu, she bowed her head respectfully and called out “Miss.”

This plane-friendly old lady is a servant of the Little Liu family, and is now arranged to take care of Helen.

“How is Helen now?” Little Liu asked.

“Miss Helen woke up for a while in the morning, but she didn’t say anything, and now she’s sleeping again.” The old lady’s eyes felt a pity. Helen’s character was not as arrogant as other Transcending people. Also love this lady.

“Alas.” Little Liu sighed: “You go down first, leave it to us here.”

When Little Liu was talking to her grandmother, Angel actually sensed the situation in the room. As the old lady said, Helen was lying in bed and resting.

After pushing the door open, Angel and Little Liu walked in.

The room is small and the furnishings are simple, but the lighting is very good, and the sunset glow can be seen through the window. At this time, the color of the evening light reflected in the room, which just spread HeLa lying on the bed for One Layer Heaven.

Angel approached the bed and looked at Helen in a lethargy.

Several years have passed since the last meeting. Angel only knew that in the end Helen followed Siman to the Xialu Hailing, and then there was no more text.

Goodbye now, Angel still has some emotions of reunion.

Helen’s face didn’t change much, Hongxia slightly concealed Helen’s pale face, but her weak fatigue was difficult to hide.

Angel perceives Helen with Spiritual Force, preparing to detect her specific situation.

After a few minutes, Angel withdrew Spiritual Force.

Seeing this, Little Liu hurriedly asked, “Lord, Helen, is she okay?”

Angel: “The physical condition is very bad, but the not bad you take care of, at least from the perspective of fleshy body, she has begun to recover gradually, but still needs a long period of rest.”

Little Liu just breathed a sigh of relief, and Angel immediately came to a slogan.

“However, her worst was not the injury on Fleshy’s body, but the Spiritual Force suffered some impact.”

Little Liu also understands this, because when Helen woke up, she once said that she can’t mobilize any Spiritual Force now, and even the thinking Space feels vague.

This shows that Helen’s Spiritual Force was definitely injured.

Little Liu is the administrator of Baige Library. She usually reads the content when she organizes books. She once read a book introducing Spiritual Force. There are a lot of performance records of Spiritual Force after injury, but more than 90% of Spiritual Force suffered, but only Spiritual Force cannot be mobilized, not even thinking Space is imperceptible.

This kind of situation occurs only when the injury is very serious and almost irreparable.

Helen’s situation may have suffered the most severe Spiritual Force injury. When there is no way, Little Liu will seize all opportunities and find Angel.

“Lord, can she recover from her Spiritual Force’s injury?” Little Liu asked hesitantly.

“Why do you ask that?” Little Liu, who was puzzled by Angel, wasn’t because the Spiritual Force was hurt. How did she listen to what she said seemed to be terminally ill.

Little Liu told Angel what she found. After listening to Little Liu’s words, Angel understood the inside story.

He was a bit lost with a smile: “The information is correct, but you have to look at the actual situation. If Helen suffers from the kind of Spiritual Force injury you said, then she does n’t need to wake up occasionally. It’s impossible to live. “

Little Liu froze for a moment: “Lord means that Helen’s injury is not that serious? But why is her perception of Thinking Space blurred?”

Angel: “Her injury is indeed serious, but not to the point you said. As for why you can’t feel Space Thinking, this is normal, because she can become an innate skill, relying on external force.”

Angel is very clear that Helen itself is not an innate skill. On the Yunluo, she also tested the value of Spiritual Force for her. The scale of Spiritual Force is 9.3.

Therefore, Helen can become an innate skill, must rely on external forces. Like accidentally, it should be that Siman gave her night potions, which made her cross the 10 point Spirit Force in one fell swoop and became an innate skill person.

It is also because of the external force that her Spiritual Force fluctuations have not been completely stabilized. If you give her a few years of cultivation to become level 2 Apprentice, or senior level 1 Apprentice, it should be fine, but she was still in the early stage of Level 1 Apprentice, Spiritual Force was injured.

Injury when the Spirit Force fluctuates and is unstable, leading to the Spirit Force’s injury being raised a layer out of thin air, plus her becoming an innate skill is an external force, which makes the pseudo value that grows out of thin air, also on the verge of collapse.

In this case, her perception of Thinking Space will become blurred, which is normal.

After listening to Angel’s explanation, Little Liu also understood a little, but her expression was still very dignified: “Will Helen’s Spiritual Force value drop 10 points?”

If it really drops, Helen is equivalent to being beaten back to the mortal from the innate skill. Moreover, Rin night potions can only be taken once, and she will not be able to take Rin night potions again in the future.


Little Liu heard anxiously, “Is there a remedy?”

Angel turned his head towards Helen lying on the bed, indifferently said: “Yes.”

Because Helen is only unstable in Spiritual Force now, the value has not actually dropped, so there is still a remedy.

There are two kinds of remedies, either take a special Spiritual Force to repair potions, or help Helen to sort out her Spiritual Force.

The first method is too expensive. Each bottle of Spirit Force patched potions is not a small number, and it is not a junior Apprentice. The second method sounds simple, but it is very difficult to operate, because if you want to sort out the Spiritual Force of others, then your Spiritual Force must be powerful and able to perform subtle operations.

This is very difficult for Apprentice. Even the peak Apprentice cannot do this.

However, for Official Magus, it is very simple.

Therefore, Little Liu’s approach to Angel is considered to be crooked. Angel can sort out the disordered Spiritual Force for Helen without having to find someone to help refine the Spiritual Force to repair the potions, relying directly on his own Strength.

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