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Why is Angel here? How did he come? Also, have I seen this embarrassing look?

Helen’s mind raised various questions, and the more he thought, the more he floated.

Suddenly, Helen’s face appeared thin red, Little Liu at first thought Helen was a little ashamed to see Angel, but the next second, Helen suddenly stretched to act to cover his mouth, his chest kept rising and falling, a touch of red from There was a diarrhea between her fingers.

Little Liu’s expression panicked: “Helen, what’s the matter with you?” She reached out to act and wanted to touch Helen, but afraid of hurting her, she quickly turned her head and asked Angel for help with a pleading look.

Angel didn’t speak, just stepped forward and stretched to act to support Helen’s shoulder.

Helen didn’t know what happened, but she felt that when there were various doubts and anxieties in her heart, she suddenly couldn’t control her body, and a sweet smell came back from her throat to her mouth, followed by a strong vomit.

In order not to lose face in front of Angel, Helen covered his mouth, but the blood spit out still bleed out.

After vomiting blood, Helen still did not feel relaxed, but his body was more painful, just like the internal organs were stirring, coupled with the floating mood, Helen not only fleshy body felt peak pain, Spirit anxiety and psychological pressure are also in vain increase.

It can be said that this was the most painful moment of her half-month return to Little Liu’s house, apart from the first day.

She was holding her aching chest and gasping, but there was still no sign of relief. Instead, as she exhaled vigorously, the pain in her body became more apparent.

When Helen felt that the whole person was about to collapse, a mild Strength suddenly reached her within the body.

This strength is like the star of the old night. Although it is not surging, it carries a bright strength. Just entering a little within the body, it seems to have cut through the endless darkness, letting Helen sinking into the long night of pain , Saw the dawn of dawn.

When the sun rises early, the dawn pierces the haze, and Helen’s viscera that turns over the hills and the seas falls to everyone.

The pain slowly disappeared, and reason came back again.

When Helen could sense the outside world, he only heard a low-pitched chuckle that seemed to come from the depth of his throat: “The sudden change of state of mind affected the injury within the body. So, when I saw me Are you excited? “

Speaking, naturally is Angel.

Helen listened to these words, his face flushed red. Unlike the previous blushes that were vomiting blood, this time the red is pure shame.

But after seeing it, Little Liu asked with some anxiety: “Lord, Helen seems to be in a different situation, and her face has changed again.”

Helen’s cheeks felt hot when he heard it, and he wished to lower his head to find a seam to get in.

Angel ’s energy is still in Helen within the body, how could he not understand that Helen is really blushing this time, he smiled softly: “Relax, although Helen ’s situation is still unpredictable, but I will watch.”

When Little Liu heard it, the big rock in his heart finally dropped. Helen looked towards Angel with gratitude, she understood that Angel must have seen it, but in order not to embarrass her, she did not point it out.

This gentle act of courtesy reminded Helen of the time when he was at Yunluo. It is because of Angel’s gentleness with other Transcending people who are completely different that Helen is slowly in contact, and his heart slowly falls on Angel.

Although the time when the scent of incense only remained on that piece of sea, after Angel gently refused her, he never floated again; but the heartfelt feeling, Helen never forgot.

At this moment, her mood seemed to return to that time, surging again.

It was just this time that Helen understood that this was not a temptation, nor was he palpitated by emotion, purely grateful.

She controlled the movement of the heart ape, lowered her head and said softly: “Thank you.”

Angel: “Thanks are unnecessary, do you remember what I said to you when Yunluo passed Qiming Tower?”

Qiming Sea Tower, located on Qiming Long Island, is an import and export of Devil Sea Territory. It is also the last sea tower encountered by Yunluo before reaching the finish line-Ferran Continent.

On that day, Helen said obscurely that if she entered the Magus world, she wanted to use Angel as a target to chase.

At that time, in the last darkness before dawn, Angel looked at the faint whiteness of Skyrim and said to her: “Although I don’t mind being the Target you are chasing, but whether it is in the Magus world or ordinary person World, my heart will always be The Target that should be put is not others, but yourself. Chasing yourself, achieving yourself, and surpassing yourself, this is what you should do. “

At the end of his talk, dawn came, and the sun shone on his face. Even though Angel used a sloppy middle-aged image at the time, under the shadow of rays of light, it was still so dazzling.

How could Helen forget this moment.

“It seems that you still remember.” Angel said softly: “Taking yourself as a Target, chasing yourself, fulfilling yourself, and surpassing yourself is a small suggestion I give you; but now it seems that you are far from the advice I give you It’s still far away. “

Helen: “I …”

Helen wanted to say something, but finally he sighed softly without arguing. In the past half month, she did have the idea of ​​giving up, Angel not at all wrong.

Angel looked at Helen’s expression and knew that she understood what she meant. Angel doesn’t write too much on this topic either. Helen is a witch character and she will see what she should do.

“Go back to the topic.” Angel: “You can slowly recuperate the injuries on your body, but your Spiritual Force’s injuries can’t be delayed any longer, otherwise you will fall by 10 o’clock, and you may no longer be an innate skill person. To At that time, whoever you want to use as Target will become a lie. “

Angel briefly explained how to treat Helen Spiritual Force injuries.

“… In the process of treatment, perhaps your Spiritual Force will appear to resist stress, but this is a normal phenomenon, you must control it, do not resist my Spiritual Force, I will help you sort it out.”

Helen nodded: “I see.”

paused, Helen hesitated: “Big, how did Lord know that I was at Li Wei’s house?”

Angel looked towards Little Liu, he only knows now that she is called Li Wei.

Seeing Angel’s gaze, Helen knew that Little Liu did it. She looked towards Little Liu. The latter gently twitched her tongue at her. This lively movement was somewhat different from her quiet appearance, but in Helen’s eyes, it was equally cute.

Looking at Little Liu’s expression, Helen probably understood how she invited Angel.

Helen thought about it and said to Angel: “Lord, Little Liu is only worried about me. If she has something offensive, please forgive Lord.”

“Since I’m here, I naturally don’t care about this little thing.” Angel motioned Helen to sit up: “Get ready to start, your mind is hard to calm down, which will help the Spiritual Force to sort out.”

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