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I have not found the form that Toby ’s third robbery may appear. Although it is a bit regretful, it seems normal to look back. After all, the form of snake birds and griffins are very rare. The same is true for Type morphological estimation. It is not easy to find the corresponding monster from the general education magazine.

Angel shook her head and decided to give up the search temporarily.

There is a chance to talk about it in the future.

Angel planned to go back to the manor first, but when he was about to fly back, he saw magical eyes flying all over the sky.

Then he turned to look towards a street that was much colder than usual, and finally decided to walk slowly back.

Although flying in the sky in his identity, the Magic Eye could not stop it, but at this time, the Magic Eye was eager to deliver the message. The most important thing was that this message was still a problem created by Toby in the sky Angel still decided not to interfere with the work of Magic Eye.

It doesn’t hurt to go back.

Exactly, now Toby has successfully robbed, and it’s time to leave Sky Machinery City. Before leaving, you can take this opportunity to take a good stroll around this huge fortress city floating in the sky all the year round.

Angel walked leisurely with the traveler’s mentality. Because of the legendary breath that passed away before, the city became very deserted. Angel walked leisurely for a long time and did not see a few passers-by.

The deserted sky machinery city has a sense of beauty that reverses the prosperity, but instead allows Angel to see a different style.

However, Angel didn’t go long before he heard da da da’s footsteps behind him. From the frequency point of view, it seems to be running.

Observed with Spiritual Force, I didn’t know anyone, Angel didn’t care, just thought it was an insignificant passerby.

Only, just thinking about it, the man stopped not far behind Angel, some gasping for breath said: “Super, super-dimensional … super-dimensional Lord.”

Angel stopped and turned to look towards this girl wearing old-fashioned black-framed glasses.

Although he didn’t know this person, Angel remembered that he had seen her in the Baige Library before, and he seemed to be an administrator.

Why did an administrator chase him out and stop him? Could it be that the pages were broken when I turned the book? Angel thinks about it, it seems not at all.

Why is she chasing it out?

“Is there something?” Angel asked directly.

The girl was Little Liu. When Angel looked over, her face was embarrassed and she lowered her head and said: “I, I am actually nothing.”

As soon as Little Liu finished talking, he wanted to give himself a slap, but nothing to stop an official Magus? This is tantamount to amusement. If it is a brutal Magus, it will even kill it directly.

Little Liu glanced at Angel with anxiety and found that the other party was not at all unhappy, still looking at herself quietly, as if waiting for her below.

Her heart, which had been suspended in mid-air, dropped a lot.

Sure enough, as she said, Angel is a very different person and treats everyone as gentle and equal.

Little Liu’s inner thoughts are tumbling, but the reality does not dare to have any slack. After all, Angel is gentle and is also an official Magus. Her status is there. She forced to stop the other party, which is a kind of rudeness. If there is any hesitation, it is not just rudeness, but rudeness.

Thinking about this, Little Liu said quickly: “I don’t know Lord remember Helen?”

When Helen’s name passed into Angel’s ears, he froze a little, and a shadow flashed in his mind. It was a woman with a fat figure in a dark blue and white uniform and a very sharp look.

Once the deputy captain of Yunluo.

“Remember.” Angel nodded, “Helen asked you to come to me?”

Little Liu soon came to say in the future. As she said at first, she came to Angel. In fact, she did n’t at all “right things”, nor was Helen letting her come to see Angel. After all, Helen could n’t know Angel. Will go to the White Pigeon Library.

All behaviors are completely spontaneous by Little Liu.

According to Little Liu, Helen also came to participate in the Rising Stars this time. Under chance, Little Liu and Helen met. Because of their temperament, they became close friends in a short time.

Even, Helen lived at Little Liu’s house during this period.

During this period, Angel’s reputation also began to ferment, sweeping the entire Sky Machinery City in just a few days, and Little Liu often mentioned Angel at home. On one occasion, Helen said that she missed her mouth, and Little Liu only knew that she and Angel knew each other.

Later, under the various coquettishness of Little Liu, Helen said some things about Angel, which were all superficial and full of beautiful words. Although Helen did not elaborate on the inside story, in Little Liu’s opinion, perhaps the relationship between Helen and Angel is not bad.

That’s why there is today.

“I knew that Helen knew Lord, so I wanted to come to Lord.” Little Liu’s eyes begged with a hint of plea: “Helen was badly injured. I hope Lord can take care of her and save her …”

“Helen is hurt?” Angel did not hesitate: “Where is she?”

After a while, Angel led to Little Kwai Fong under the leadership of Little Liu.

Red Kwai Fong is a street that is biased towards mortal shops. There are many mortal daily necessities and mortal residential area. Because there are no metal streets and metal houses, it has become the place with the highest vegetation coverage in the main city of Sky Machinery City.

Little Liu’s home is here.

There are some Transcending people around Little Liu, who are very infatuated with mortals, and even feel that it is an insult to step into the mortal area. She didn’t know what Angel was thinking, so she explained a little arrogantly: “My parents are mortals and lived here before they died.”

For Little Liu’s explanation, Angel indifferent expression.

The real Magus will not care about these small problems. Only those who do not ask for progress, always eyes high above the top, will only care about such unnecessary things.

Compared to these trivial things, Angel is more concerned about Helen’s injury.

For Helen, Angel has always liked it. This kind of favor is not a shallow love, but an appreciation of personality.

Helen’s behavior is very decisive and decisive, advancing and retreating, from a certain point of view, Helen and Nausica are quite similar. However, in terms of life creed, the two people have their own differences, Nausicaa is more pursuing freedom, and Helen is inclined to be lawful and disciplined.

However, regardless of Helen and Nausicaa, Angel’s personality is very much appreciated.

Weakness is never gender, but soul and personality that are willing to wait. But this World, there are too many soul degraded consciously.

Helen is an exception.

Even if it is just this appreciation, Angel is willing to reach out to help Helen. Not to mention, Helen also helped him a lot in Yunluo.

So, when Helen was injured, Angel came here immediately following Little Liu.

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