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The puppet theatre was very quiet. The only thing I could hear was the crackling of the burning flames on the candles and the footsteps of Rab after stepping on the altar.

When Rab came to the highest point of the altar, he spit out one mouthful of impure air, and then looked back at Flode.

Frode gently nodded to him, and this gesture seemed to bring Labe courage. He was like a devout Knight, kneeling down on the high platform in the middle of the altar.

Everyone is looking forward to the miracle.

However, nothing happened, only a faint rays of light fell from the gap above the puppet theater’s head and fell on the top of Rab’s head.

Outsiders can’t even tell, this light that can see the dust dancing in the air, is it sunlight or the gift of World’s Will.

Just when everyone was puzzled, Rab’s eyes suddenly turned round and looked straight ahead, as if there was something in his up ahead.

But the others could not see anything, and some even secretly thought that Rab was acting … But when they thought this way, a huge breath came suddenly.

Everyone felt this breath for the first time, huge, magnificent, boundless … full of sacredness and oppression, they were imperceptible to the nature of breath, but they fell to the ground involuntarily.

Under this kind of breath, everyone felt their tiny dust flying.

Especially Saber Knight, not only did he feel insignificant, but the evil spirit within his body was humble as if he wanted to dissipate from his body.

“Is this the arrival of World’s Will?” Although they could not see anything, it did not prevent them from having speculations in their hearts.

In the whole puppet theater, the only one who can see what is happening is the person involved-Rab.

In the vision of Rab, he not at all saw what World’s Will, he only saw a dark void, and the faint outline standing in the depths of the void.

Like a tree.

Although the distance is very far away, Rab inexplicably felt that it was a towering giant tree.

On this tree, there seems to be something snubbing in summon.

Rab wanted to go forward to find something calling him on the giant tree, but his feet seemed to be choked and unable to move. At the moment of anxiety in Rab ’s heart, he found that the tree slowly disappeared into the depths of the void, but the feeling of calling him did not disappear. Instead, he got closer and closer, louder, and even heartbeat resonated.

Like, it is approaching itself.

What is it? When Rab was in doubt, a faint light flashed across the void and came to Rab.

Rab looked at the light spot hovering in front of him, hesitated for a moment, and still stretched out his hand, trying to catch it.

As soon as Kolab had an action, the light spot moved again, like a meteor, and a magnificent light band was drawn into the eyebrow of Labow.

When the light spot entered Rab’s eyebrows, at first Rab didn’t feel anything strange, but in an instant, countless pictures turned into a torrent of torrents, and began to wash up Rab’s thinking.

Rab only felt that his head was about to explode, and the severe pain that had never been experienced swept away instantly.

But fortunately, the next second Rab’s eyes were dark, his body fell softly on the altar, and he fell into a coma …

The inheritance ceremony, officially ended when Rab was in a coma.

The huge breath disappeared. Everyone stood up from their knees and looked at Rab falling on the altar, their eyes mixed.


In the eyes of others, this inheritance with a sense of ceremony, in fact, for Angel, it was just a touch of the branches of the power tree.

After the ceremony was over, Angel checked it out, and Rab had already gained the power of Sin Mist, but it is still in the integration period. After the formal integration, Rab himself will understand some functions of Niewu.

However, it is a pity that Angel has scrutinized carefully. Although Rab has gained the ability, his fit is not 100%, and he still cannot complete the inheritance of the fog.

There are some functions that Rab not acquired at all, or incomplete. What are the specifics, only to wait until Rab wakes up.

Rab was in a coma for most of the day, and woke up quietly until 4 o’clock in the afternoon.

After waking up, Rab was still in a state of chaos, still seeming to realize the extra knowledge and information in his mind. Even if everyone around me asked curiously, Rab still didn’t look back.

This situation continued until dusk, and Rab felt the fullness of his thoughts eased slightly, and he was able to think about other things with strength.

Facing everyone’s doubts, Rab pondered for a moment and outlined his previous experience.

The experience of Rab fusion, in fact, apart from pain and dizziness, there is not much content. What everyone is most concerned about is what ability Rab has gained.

Regarding this, Rab himself was actually confused. Although he did gain the ability, he was still in the theoretical stage after all, and he didn’t know the real effect.

So, a group of researchers kept bringing Rab back to the evil devil research institute, and prepared to conduct a deep analysis of his ability.

Angel paid a little attention and did not follow up. Because when Rab woke up, he already felt that Rab already had the ability to “suppress evil spirits.”

Suppressing the evil spirit is the most useful for the hunter group, and Angel is the most important ability.

This kind of ability is the core of the birth of Sai Fiend, and it is very closely related to the birth and treatment of Sai Fiend.

With this ability, Rab can also let Angel completely let go of the Devil Lab. Therefore, other abilities are not important, as long as such abilities are sufficient.

Angel didn’t care about Rab’s ability, but Flode was very concerned about Rab’s power.

With the research of the evil spirit laboratory, the ability of Rab is gradually revealed.

In addition to suppressing evil spirits, Rab also has the ability to sense evil mist, which direction can be sensed, but it can only sense the general direction, not the specific location. This ability can only be said to be average, but it can be pre-warned in advance to avoid the spread of evil fog to the original heart city.

Then, Rab also has the ability to “manipulate the evil spirit”, he can walk freely in the evil mist, and can control a part of the evil spirit. This ability is very useful for the scouring group, Rab can enter the scouring fog, capture the appropriate scouring demon, and merge with the scoring Fiend.

Unfortunately, Rab ’s ability is not strong. In the face of a powerful evil demon, he still needs Fiend to cooperate with him in order to capture and control. Moreover, once the evil spirit is merged with people, he can only suppress the evil spirit, and cannot expel the evil spirit from others within the body.

At present, only these three kinds of abilities are known, which is still far from the complete body of Sinwu’s power, but these three kinds of abilities are already very powerful when used in the Sin Group and the Sin Devil Laboratory.

Moreover, with these three kinds of abilities, the former members of the Sin Group can finally begin to prepare for the fusion of the Sin Devil …

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