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When the starlight in the sky began to be dotted with cloudless night, Toby finally opened his eyes.

Angel was originally sitting at the desk, reading the research report of Frode quietly by the light of the fluorescent stone wall lamp. However, when Toby woke up, he immediately put down the paper in his hand and turned his attention to Toby.

“What was the result of this time?” Angel curiously asked.

Today, Toby is preparing to enter the House of Heart 5 times, and this is the last time. In the previous 4 times, Toby has perfectly overcome the grievances. So, Angel is curious, what is the result of this last time.

Toby shook his head, tossing aside the negative emotions that had been in his mind before screaming at Angel.

“It’s done?” Angel saw a surprise in his eyes. If he also won this time, it means that Toby’s 5 experiences today all ended with the idea of ​​defeating extreme grievances. The success rate reached 100%!

Toby responded, and then tweeted as he stretched out his wings.

After listening to Toby’s words, Angel’s original expression of joy slowly converged, frowning: “Tomorrow you are going to be robbed? So fast?”

Toby was very solemnly nodded, and the original brisk tweets also became low.

According to Toby, it has basically mastered how to cope with extreme grievances, so it is ready to take a rest for one night, and it should be robbed tomorrow.

Although Angel knew that the sooner Toby should be robbed, the easier it was, but at the point of being robbed, he was still a bit worried.

“Demon has more than ten Demon bloodstones. Do you want to accumulate more experience?” Angel hesitated for a moment and suggested.

However, Toby directly refused, and it seems to have been determined to complete the robbery tomorrow. According to its meaning, it keeps every detail of the project of the grudge in the house of heart in mind, and then enters the house of heart experiment, there will be no progress, so it is better to waste time instead Should be robbed.

For ordinary person, it is said to remember, but in fact it is just on the surface. When it comes to the application stage, the brain often goes down. But for Transcending life, as long as you remember, you will never forget it unless you are irreversibly mechanically injured.

Angel also understands this truth, he thought for a while, still nodded. Although his heart is full of worry, since Toby already knows, any of his suggestions will only become a burdensome pressure in Toby’s heart.

So far, retreat will breed Devil in your heart. Only by advancing can you really cross this dark time.

After Angel agreed with Toby’s statement, he took him back to reality.

Angel told Tolia the meaning of Toby. Greia’s reaction was the same as Angel’s. They were all worried, hoping to try more, but eventually Toby was convinced.

Now that she decides to be robbed tomorrow, Greia naturally wants Toby to get the best rest. Not only did she make a delicious meal for Toby in person, but after Toby ’s body and soul felt satisfied, he took Toby to the World of Dream Twins and took the cat bus to the ethereal forest, where Toby was here. In the silent forest full of birds sing and insects cry, Spirit is recuperated.

While Toby rested alone in the dream twins, Greia and Angel left the illusion.

Greia seemed to have something to say, avoiding Charlie and Asaz in the manor, and came to the hall with Angel.

After sitting down, Greia did not speak immediately, but remained silent for a long time, watching her face change, as if tangling something. After a long while, she asked hesitantly: “Do you think Toby can survive this disaster?”

Angel thought about it: “At least the chance of success is at least much higher than before.”

“Also in other words, there is no affirmative answer in your heart.”

Angel nodded: “Any change can happen, so I ca n’t give a definite answer. But I believe that Toby ’s experience during this period is enough to make it cope with various unknown situations.”

“That’s true, it’s natural. But I still feel a little worried.” Greia paused and looked directly into Angel’s eyes. “Can you answer me a question?”

In Greia ’s within both eyes, Angel saw glittering, restlessness and fear for the first time.

Greia may have seen her projection from Angel ’s within both eyes. She lowered her head slightly: “I feel that I am a bit different from myself, both soft and indecisive, maybe this fleshy body, also Is affecting my thinking. Forget it, I wo n’t ask … “

“You ask.” Angel interrupted Greia’s self-deprecation: “As long as I know, I will answer you.”

Perhaps because of Greia’s momentary weakness, Angel gave sympathy. At this moment, he was even ready to tell Greia the truth of the dream wilderness, but Greia not at all asked about the dream wilderness.

“I do n’t care about other things. I just want to know one thing. Toby ’s extreme grievances in Mingmeng are really the same as when he was in reality. Was it? ”Greia was silent for a moment and asked the biggest doubt in her mind during this period.

If the extreme resentment in Mingmeng is just a virtual Dreamscape, can Toby ’s experience of overcoming extreme resentment really be used in reality?

For this question, Angel without the slightest hesitation’s nodded: “It’s the same.”

Although he didn’t know what Toby experienced in the house of hearts, but he can be sure that the grievances must be the same. Because Angel has the power of “Dreamscape’s Gate”, he can clearly perceive that when Toby enters the House of Hearts, a strange creature … or Strength seems to be connected to Toby.

According to Angel’s investigation, it can be determined that this Strength is a large collection of negative emotions, and it is these negative emotion collections that have created the extremely grudge projection in the House of Hearts.

Therefore, Angel can be sure that Toby’s extreme grievances encountered in the House of Hearts are actually the extreme grievances within his body.

However, because of the relationship between the house of heart, the idea of ​​extreme resentment was drawn into a projection that’s all tormenting Toby.

“Are you sure?” Greia stared at Angel carefully.

Angel nodded: “I’m sure that Toby’s battle with the extreme grudge during this period is definitely not a white exercise. When the disaster comes and Toby truly faces the grudge in reality, his experience will be Become the key to its victory. “

Looking at Angel’s determined look, Greia’s anxiety lowered slightly, and she let out a long sullen chest: “I hope so.”

Greia put her whole person into the depression of the sofa, with a complex expression on her face, not only worried about Toby, but also disgusted about her little woman’s attitude.

Time, in this silence, slowly passed.

About an hour later, there was a crunching sound outside the hall.

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