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Since Rab came to the Labyrinth Lab, he has been with Collers and worked hard to become a researcher.

In Rab ’s planning, even if he cannot become a Fiend in the future, he must become an excellent researcher and be on the front line against evil. This is not just because of justice, it is also a responsibility for Rab. Guarding Chuxin City, guarding his favorite younger brother.

Therefore, Rab has been moving towards the researcher’s direction.

But what made him didn’t expect was that when he thought he was getting closer to the researcher, fate suddenly gave him a sharp turn.

“… That’s it. You can calm down today. Tomorrow, I will take you to an inheritance ceremony.” Frode preached.

Although Frode had made Rab the whole sequence of events very clear, he still did not relieve himself for a moment … let him accept the inheritance of World’s Will and gain the ability to guide the way forward for Fiend?

What is World’s Will? What is this ability? Rab’s head was full of trance, and he wanted to ask Frode, but the answer he got was ambiguous.

After Flode finished speaking, he was ready to leave. When he went out, Rab stopped him again.

“Thyssen Lord … why, why …” Rab was confused in his eyes: “Why me?”

“I also want to know why World’s Will chose you.” After replying, Flode turned and left the room. As the footsteps moved away, his silhouette gradually disappeared.

In the room, Rab was still in a state of doubt and confusion. Originally he had planned for the future, but when he came out suddenly, he felt that the road was clear, and it seemed to be covered with mist.

I do n’t know how long it took, and the researcher Colliers, who always took care of him, walked into the room: “Well, you did n’t go to study the data, it is rare to see you lazy.”

Rab raised his head in confusion and looked at Claires: “I don’t know what to do …”

Colles looked suspiciously towards Rab: “What’s wrong?”

Rab hesitated a moment and said Frode’s words, but concealed the specific situation, but only vaguely expressed his troubles.

After listening, Colles shoved his glasses, with a puzzled expression on his face: “It sounds like nothing, but just changed positions. You are still on the front line against evil demons, and you are still there Guarding your most important person, what are you worried about? “

“I was originally a recorder of the evil demon experiment, and now I am transferred to an experimental researcher. Isn’t that a reason?”

After listening to Colliers, Rab lowered his head without squeaking, but his eyes covered by his forehead seemed to slowly cool from confusion …

As night fell, Angel stood at the top of the sky tower, overlooking the Chuxin City. Today’s Chuxin City is lit with faint lights, and the streets are quieter.

Before the power of “Celestial Phenomenon Change” was implemented, the people of Chuxin City also rested daily, but the time was not fixed. But now, with the change of day and night, everyone’s creative clock seems to be back in the past. Get up early in the morning to work and return home to rest at night.

Looking at this scene, Angel’s mood is subtle. Originally he created the wilderness of dreams, in order to leave Jon a back road, but now the wilderness of dreams seems to be more and more like a real world. This unintentional experience is really special.

Angel can’t tell what it feels like to be a “creator” experience, but he vaguely feels that this experience will bring endless benefits for his future path.

While Angel was silently watching the night at the beginning of Heart City, the door opened to him.

Freud opened the patio door and came over.

“Have you already said to Rab?” Angel asked without looking back.

“Yes.” Flode said his conversation with Rab.

After Angel listened nodded, he asked Frode to describe the empowerment as an inheritance ceremony and the source of the inheritance as World’s Will, which was also to dilute his existence. He can become an absolute god in the wilderness of dreams, but this identity does not seem to have any other bonus except for bringing him vanity. Rather than being pushed to the stage, it is better to observe silently behind the scenes.

After chatting with Flode about Rab, it is already in the sky.

Angel’s 3rd day with Toby is also coming to an end. On this day, his harvest was not great, but Toby’s harvest was not bad.

Toby, just like yesterday, still beat the grudge 4 times. However, Toby only entered the House of Hearts 5 times today and failed once, so the success rate increased again.

According to Toby’s words, he failed just because he was too anxious and careless. It is confident that it will not make a mistake tomorrow.

With this wonderful expectation, time came to the fourth day.

Angel remained in the wilderness of dreams. When Toby entered the house of hearts and began to experiment, he paid attention to the “inheritance ceremony” over Rab.

This inheritance ceremony was held in the puppet theatre in Chuxin City.

Originally, the Puppet Theater was a theater based in Puppet Theater in Waterford. When Angel experimented with the dream conch, he entered the wilderness of dreams because there were no puppet masters and no one made puppets. empty.

Later, after the establishment of the Sin Group, in order not to waste Space, the Puppet Theater was transformed into the headquarters of the Sin Group.

When Flod took Rab to the Puppet Theater, there were already some people here, including Saber Knight, Sheriff Turas, and Monroe, who had already merged with the evil devil, and some of the preliminary selections through the hunt team Members, as well as researchers in the evil spirit laboratory.

Once Rab gains the power of Sinwu, his ability will be closely related to the Sin Group, and it must be impossible to hide, so letting these people come here in advance is also to let them witness this ceremony that is very important to them.

Everyone was on the periphery, only Frode and Rab, along the long blanket covered with candles, all the way to the altar in the middle.

The altar was originally the organ stage of the puppet theater, and was temporarily transformed into an altar for the inheritance ceremony.

Under the eyes of all eyes, Rab not at all felt panic, his eyes came to the altar all the way with firmness. Frode stopped and pointed to the high altar: “The next road, you should leave alone.”

The superficial meaning of this sentence is to let Rab go to the altar by himself. But everyone knows that this sentence also has a deeper meaning.

The moment when you choose to set foot on the altar, it is equivalent to choosing to inherit the power of evil fog, and also choosing to assume great responsibility.

This path is likely to be lonely and ununderstood, and he can only walk by himself.

As long as a decision is made, there is no turning back.

Rab closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and opened his eyes in both eyes with a glittering divine light. A silhouette of the younger brother Rado appeared in front of his eyes, and … Shannie’s smile.

Rab’s eyes were more tenacious, he stepped away without the slightest hesitation, and stepped up to the highest place of the altar.

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