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Angel observed all morning.

The researchers in the evil spirit laboratory are more or less relaxed, but this is also very normal. It is understandable to relax in the tight work, as long as you can finally finish the work in your hand Rest is also in a reasonable category.

However, Rab is very different. He was arranged by Frode for observational experiments and data research, and data research was also assisted by researcher Claires, so Rab ’s work was generally very relaxed. But throughout the morning, he was not distracted at all, and he bet his heart and soul on his experiments.

Even if not at all anyone supervised him, Rab still kept his discipline.

This may be said to be rigid, but in doing this research, this Focus force and sense of responsibility are very much needed.

In Angel’s brief observation, Rab is commendable. At present, it seems that he is indeed eligible to inherit the power of evil fog. However, he was still ready to discuss with Flode before making a decision.

After leaving for nearly half a day, Flode finally logged back into the wilderness of dreams.

When he came to the sky tower, there was a trace of tiredness in his eyes. Angel thought what had happened and only knew it after a little inquiry. It turned out that before Frode returned to reality and went to receive a group of innate skill people.

Ever since Flod started to operate “Dawn of Murderous Intention’s Nightmare Orphanage”, there are slowly some Guides who will take the collected innate skill to their orphanage for trial.

After all, this kind of experiment can not only see the temperament of the innate skill, but also protect the safety of the innate skill to the greatest extent, which is naturally welcomed.

During this period of operation, Frode also met various innate skills.

This morning, Frode saw someone who made him feel very tired.

Because the relationship between Frode and Yinya Imperial Family ’s Niya is not bad, Niya also knows the nightmare orphanage run by Frode. Frode.

With the help of this old Apprentice, Flod has rarely returned to reality, but today there was an accident.

“The innate skill people who entered the nightmare orphanage this time are almost completely destroyed.” Frode rubbed his temples and sighed: “Full of 7 innate skill people, only one person survived in the end.”

Angel’s expression is a little surprised. The orphanage’s illusion is set by him. The danger is definitely there, but not to this degree?

“This trial by fire is a Magus family called” Heavenly Kingdom “, which is considered a veteran family, and has cooperated with our orphanage many times. There has never been an accident before, but this time 7 family members came and died 6, naturally makes Guide very Wrath. “

The old Apprentice of the Silver Heron Magus group could not deal with it, and finally only allowed Shanny to call Frode back to reality.

“I originally thought that there was a setback in the process, or Shanny didn’t hold back and opened the killing ring, but after investigation, and forensics for Shanny and Yada, the final result was not the case.”

Angel does not believe that there is a problem with the illusion, so it must be a human problem: “Is that the living person who killed other people?”

Frode froze for a moment, nodded: “Lord was right, it was the living person who killed the others.”

Frode at first thought that the living person had a resentful gap with others, so he took advantage of the nightmare orphanage’s trial to kill them secretly.

But then he realized that there was no hatred between the man and the others, and they were killed only because … he wanted to kill.

These seven innate skills are all of the same generation. After starting cultivation, they will inevitably seize the resources released by the family. He killed these people in advance, so the inclined resources can be enjoyed exclusively.

Frode understood his ideas. Magus World, something more cruel than this, has happened. only……

“I chose to start when I tried the orphanage.” Frode sighed. “The orphanage is famous for the test with the highest survival rate, but the guy broke it.”

That’s all that damages reputation, and what makes Flord most uncomfortable is that the guy wants to cover Shanni and Yada in order to cover up his murder.

Shanny was naturally not afraid, but Yada was frightened by his viciousness, and she still has no palpitations until now.

This is where Frode felt angry.

“Alas, after this, it is estimated that no Magus organization will send innate skill people in a short period of time.” Flod shook his head: “But anyway, just earn a little magic crystals anyway, less is less, just there More time to focus on the wilderness of dreams. “

“However, when it comes to the survival rate of innate skill testers, I think that if we open up the wilderness of dreams in the future, it will allow them to experience a more terrifying nightmare here.”

For Frode’s proposal, Angel indifferent expression. Future things, let’s talk about the future.

After Flodd vomited, he entered the topic. Angel stated his opinion on Rab, and Flod was also nodded, recognizing Rab’s sense of responsibility, and gave his affirmative evaluation of his temperament again.

However, when Angel proposed that the power of Sinwu could be granted to Rab, Frode blocked it.

According to Frode, although Rab is qualified in all aspects, for the solemn sake, he is going to design a trap to test him.

Angel carefully listened to Frode ’s trap design, which was nothing more than pretending that the evil demon was out of control, and then forced Rab to make various choices, such as the choice of whether to rescue his companion, or his own life and death when facing danger.

Choose one of 2 under various desperate situation to test Rab.

If it passes, then you can grant him the power of Sinwu.

Frode finished his test method very proudly, and expected to be appreciated by Angel. However, Angel just said silently: “Tomorrow, I will take the time to grant the power of evil fog to Rab, you remember to inform him. “

Frode froze for a moment: “Don’t you check it?”


“Why?” Frode frowned. “Is there anything wrong with the test method?”

“Nothing wrong, just unnecessary.”

Human nature is the most untestable, and the test fails without saying; even if the test is successful, maybe a seed of blame will be planted in Rab’s heart. This kind of complaint is not big at first, but it can grow up against the wind, slowly accumulate, and finally it may become a real hatred.

Moreover, the need to go to the point of testing human nature must be the most important thing.

From Angel’s point of view, he can recover the power he has given through the power tree at any time. In that case, why bother to test human nature.

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