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Stirling stared quietly at the distance, and whispered lightly said with a smile after a long time: “This is the wave of creation, which can arouse World consciousness. It seems to be a not bad technique.”

Sanders naturally perceives it, but he is not concerned with the creation of the law. When he first created the law, World consciousness also came, and the scope of the natural phenomenon is large. It has been regarded as one of the very best in recent 100 years.

He is more concerned about location.

“In this direction, there is still a distance …” Sanders frowned: “How do you feel as if you came from the Whale Sea?”

Stirling also nodded and said: “It is indeed a whale beard sea, very close to the forbidden land, and I don’t know who will choose to create the law there.”

The Forbidden Demon Land is talking about Continent.

Close to the old soil Continent? Sanders suddenly had a hunch in his heart.

He was silent for a moment, then stood up and said to Stirling: “Many thanks to you today, I have something to do, so I left first.”

After speaking, without waiting for Stirling’s reply, the Sanders silhouette disappeared from the Iron Magus Tower.

Stirling whispered softly: “Walking so fast, I was going to ask him about Angel. Oh … Forget it, Muse seemed to have mentioned it before, and gave the R & D institute access control card to Angel. Let ’s talk about it at the R & D Institute. “

On the other side, Sanders went directly to a corner of the punk theme park under the big tree with colorful balloons.

Near the big tree is the Demon Circus, a circus that takes pleasure in the abuse of the dead. Standing under the big tree, you can still hear the miserable cry from the circus.

Sanders knocked on the trunk of the tree. An invisible door suddenly appeared on the tree. Sanders pushed open the door and walked in.

The outside is a common tree, but the trunk is very spacious. You can see people moving inside. These people have a characteristic, and their clothes have the logo of “Eternal Tree”.

This is where the Savage Cave resides in Punk Theme Park.

The personnel in the station saw Sanders coming in and expressed their respectful attitude to him.

Sanders was nodded, responding to other people, and then he went directly to a temporary room in the rear. Pushing the door open, Sanders sat on the sofa and entered the wilderness of dreams directly through the dream.

When Sanders came to the Sky Tower, he happened to see Frode coming out of the tower.

“Lord Magic Lord.” Frode bowed his head respectfully.

“Did Angel come in?” Sanders asked.

Frode froze for a moment and shook his head: “I’ve been there before, it seems to have said something with his brother, and then I left. I’m not in the wilderness of dreams now.”

Frowned, Angel wants to talk to Lyon, why did he deliberately talk to the wilderness of dreams?

Didn’t they brother live on the manor?

Or, Angel has left now?

Thinking of this, Sanders’ heart jumped suddenly and couldn’t help but ask, “Lyon is in the wilderness of dreams now?”

Flod nodded: “Yes, he is at Sabel Knight.”

After a while, Frode saw Lyon, who learned combat skills with Sabelle. In the face of Sanders’ inquiry, Lyon was suspicious: “How can Lord Lord Evil know that Angel is not in the manor? Angel did leave, and left yesterday. “

Sanders rubbed his eyebrows and asked, “Do you know what he left to do?”

Lyon shook his head: “Angel just said that he would leave for a few days and come back soon, so I didn’t ask him where he went. By the way, I remember he mentioned that he was going to find gold and so on, but then I Asked where he is now, but he said it was at sea. I remember, was n’t Kim in Conya? “

“At sea?” Sanders’ hunch became more and more obvious, “What sea? Beiling Sea, or Whale Sea?”

Both the Beiling Sea and the Whale Sea are the seas near the old soil Continent, but the directions are slightly different.

“Whale beard sea.” Lyon resolute and decisive said.

After Sanders heard this answer, there was no response on the surface, but there was a sound in his heart, and he sighed helplessly: “Sure enough.”

Previously, I sensed the fluctuation of World consciousness in Stirling. Knowing that the location is very close to the old soil Continent, at that time he vaguely had a hunch in his heart, thinking that it might be related to Angel.

This immediately said goodbye to Stirling and came to the wilderness of dreams to confirm. It turns out that his hunch is not wrong.

Although it is still unclear whether World consciousness was created by Angel, Angel unfathomable mystery ran to the whale sea, which is very suspicious.

“Sir demon, what happened to Angel?” Lyon asked with some doubt.

Sanders shook his head: “It’s okay, just ask. Because there is a creation method near the whale sea …”

Genesis … a natural phenomenon? Sanders said halfway through, suddenly stopped. If it was a method of creation, it reminded him of one thing.

Angel said before that he has been preparing for Spell recently.

Sanders is actually curious what Angel’s Spell bit is, but Angel has always maintained mysterious, and now associates with the natural phenomenon of Genesis … Is Angel going to go the hardest way? Innovate independently? !

Sanders’ first Spell position was developed during the Apprentice period, and he fixed the “mimesis”. The remaining 2 Spell positions were developed at level 1 and level 2 Magus respectively, and fixed “Dark Shadow” and “Nightmare Stand-in”.

The last two spells are his original spells and the most suitable for him. But the first Spell position is a very common level 2 trick. Although it can cooperate with the nightmare and release the “nightmare mimicry” with excellent formidable power and effect, for Sanders, it is still regret.

Because this is a pity for him, he actually hopes that Angel will use the autonomous creation method from his first Spell position. In particular, Sanders has seen Angel use his own “wind tornado” before, and the expectations for him are naturally higher.

It’s just that it’s not that simple to create a law. It is very likely that there will be no gains in the past decades.

Considering the situation of the storm clouds approach in the Magus world, Sanders not at all imposes this idea on Angel, just letting him choose a trick that is useful to him and fix it in the Spell position.

But now it seems that if the natural phenomenon of whale sea is from Angel.

Would he really take the hardest path? Thinking of Angel mysterious and secretive concealing his Spell position, the answer seems to be ready.

Sanders originally thought that Angel might have caused trouble again, but if Angel is a method of creation, then … The scale of this natural method of creation is too small. It is best to stretch the entire Sea Territory for a few hundred days .

The bigger it is, the more glad he is!

You know, when Greia created the postoperative creation in Yunluohai, the natural phenomenon lasted for several hundred days!

Sanders suddenly felt better: “Although the scale of the anomaly is not large, it at least leads to World consciousness, but as far as an Apprentice creation is concerned, very nice … but speaking of which, this time World consciousness comes , How does it feel weird? “

Sanders muttered, without much thought.

Lyon on the other side is still waiting for Sanders’s reply, but looking at Sanders’s happy expression, there should be no problem thinking of coming to Angel?

After guessing that Angel is very likely to create a method, Sanders had intended to put down what was in his hand, and directly returned to the plane to see the specific situation.

However, this is too grand, it seems that I care too much. Moreover, there is a certain chance that it is not Angel creation method, and it will be embarrassing to go back when the time comes.

If Angel is the creative method, it is always Spell, and it doesn’t matter if you go back sooner or later.

It would be better to complete the task in hand first, to avoid wasting the casting materials that open the plane path.

Sanders returned to reality and continued to find the next Target in the Punk theme park, but he was still thinking about the creation of law.

If Angel really created the method, then his future path of true knowledge will be smooth.

“I just don’t know what method he created. Actually, in such a short period of time, it has been perfected to the point where it can be completed.”

The only regret is that the scale of anomalies is relatively small that’s all.


There are not too many people in the South Territory Magus community who value this World consciousness, including Sanders.

However, in the sky is not far away from the crystal wall of the Magus world.

But there is a line of sight, looked towards South Territory.

“Huh, it’s Lord Will?” Said the black robe who was shrouded in nothingness, slightly surprised.

It was only after he left South Territory that he knew the current situation of South Territory. Because there is no channel to go to Continent, South Territory is much worse than the other Magus circles. didn’t expect, in such an area, there is actually a natural phenomenon that can attract Lord Will?

However, it’s a little strange that Lord Will doesn’t seem to be coming, but is observing something.

Of course, this is just a metaphor for black robe people. Because Lord Will is actually a collection of consciousness, not at all thinking and emotion bias.

The expression of the black robe is a bit regretful. If Lord Will comes, it is estimated that the benefit of the magician will be beyond imagination.

After all, the natural phenomenon of Creativity will inevitably attract corresponding awards.

The commendation of Lord Will has always pointed directly at the truth.


When the black robe shook his head secretly in his heart, he suddenly “Yi”.

It’s not that there is something wrong with the natural phenomenon of creation, but that the familiar fluctuations are felt not far from the natural phenomenon of creation.

“I actually felt the evil personality created by the dark movement?” The black robe raised his eyebrows. When he was in South Territory, he had given a feedback to King Guman because he wanted to see if the bloody kingship was out of control. ‘S owner created a wicked personality.

didn’t expect When he created the natural phenomenon this time, he actually felt him.

“It’s a bit fate. If you don’t find the out-of-control product” The Box of Reincarnation of the Undead “, you can go to South Territory to see it. The black robe shook his head, turned around with regret, moved towards darkness in the sky and flew away.

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