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In addition to the black robe, in this chaotic in the sky, there is another person, watching the Angel quietly across the endless space-time.

At this time, Angel was unaware.

He was also immersed in the strange co-frequency brought about by the changes of the black cloud. Under this common frequency, Angel only felt that there were all kinds of wonderful scenes in front of him.

He didn’t know what these scenes were, but these scenes showed 10000 1000 changes in front of Angel’s eyes. With the flashing of colors, halos and patterns, Angel couldn’t help being immersed in this unknown World.

Various scenes have given Angel many inspirations, like a collision of knowledge with countless scholars, and the sparks splashed out, bringing interesting ideas for each and everyone.

Whether it is magic, Alchemy, or even the power application to the wilderness of dreams, all kinds of ideas are led by this strange situation.

Angel finally felt, what is called inspiration.

He vaguely speculated that these circumstances might have been mentioned by Sanders-the gift of truth.

In other words, the award of World consciousness.

When Greia created the magic on the Magic Island, Sanders said in detail that this is a strange mechanism.

Because every time a method is created, it is to open up and challenge a new path. Big Will will block all people who break through the road, but will also reward people who cross the road. This is a weird and contradictory mechanism. As for why this is done, this is a very complex subject, and many Magus are studying it, but there is no recognized answer.

Although Angel guessed part of the truth, he was still puzzled.

He never thought of building a Spell bit himself, which would induce the natural phenomenon of creation. Strictly speaking, the door model is not his own creation method, but the strange Esper quantity in the eyes of the heaven and earth teaches him to do so.

Since it is not a method of creation, why is there a World Awareness Award? Angel is still confused.

“Or is, this model of the door is the first time it appeared in the world, so this is the case?”

The eyes of heaven and earth should come from other worlds, or other universes. Therefore, this kind of door model is really possible for the first time in this world.

It is because of the first appearance in this world that there is a natural phenomenon of creation?

Although Angel has a lot of doubts in his heart, he has no time to investigate the answer, because the most important thing now is the “commendation” in front of him.

Except for irrelevant thoughts, Angel completely indulged in this situation.

As time went by, Angel didn’t know how long he had indulged. When he came back to his senses if he understood, that wonderful scene gradually faded out.

The scene dissipated like a mist. But at the same time, it opened another veil, revealing the other kind of wonder behind the scene!

“This is … road?” Angel could not help but exclaim.

Countless information gathered together and built a grand and surging long way in front of Angel!

Long road is just an image, it does not really exist, nor does it have the shape of a so-called “road”. But in Angel’s heart, this is a “road” constructed by countless knowledge and endless information!

Moreover, it is most likely the one that all Magus is pursuing … the road to real knowledge!

When the thought flashed in Angel’s mind, the road was turned into as if dreams and visions in a bubble, and disappeared.

However, the appearance of this road seemed to draw him a pie, not only showing him a prospect, but also deeply Branded in his mind!


At the same time, in the sky at a space-time distance from the Magus world.

The sound of “tick-tick” echoed continuously. The source of this sound is a very large golden clock. This clock is like a roulette. When the pointer inside moves, the place where the external gears of the roulette meet also moves slowly. Every time it turns, it will make a “tick” sound.

On this huge clock, a humanoid Shadow is sitting at the top.

Shadow gazed quietly at the distant South Territory, to be precise, the center of the previous signs.

I don’t know how long it took, Shadow suddenly sighed.

“Ah–” Shadow rubbed his palm, his eyes became impatient and slowly became restrained, and finally he was lost: “It is clearly the seed of the mark, but it can’t be started. It’s really heartbreaking.”

As a trader who walks in time and space, Cassini rarely sees such a beautiful seed of truth and really wants to steal it … oh, no, it is a ‘choice’ to trade.

At this node, this is an absolutely non-loss transaction.

However, Cassini didn’t do it, or he didn’t dare to do it.

The seed of truth-Angel, although the truth gift he received this time was only from the world consciousness of the Magus world, but what Cassini could not understand was why Lord Will would watch him in secret.

For Cassini’s level of life, World consciousness is actually similar to the consciousness born of some Continent, which is a kind of “pan-consciousness” in a broad sense.

Lord Will is different, although it is very similar to World Consciousness, and is a collection of various information consciousness. However, the information contained in the World consciousness is basically only the information already in the previous life.

But the main Will’s information set contains almost all known pan-planes. It can be said that it is a great Will shared by many Worlds.

Magus even called it the ultimate.

It is also truth.

Cassini doesn’t think so. He firmly believes that there will be places where Lord Will can’t radiate. For example, he had seen “Augustus Ting’s Twin Mirror” in Yuan World. This is a mysterious thing that can connect to more distant unknown places. Cassini believes that the World behind the twin mirrors is where Lord Will is difficult to extend.

Although in Cassini’s eyes, Lord Will is not the so-called “truth”. But one thing is undoubtedly, Lord Will not at all true thinking emotions.

It is just a collection of information consciousness.

But now, what makes Cassini wonder is that Lord Will seems to be watching Angel.

Cassini has seen a lot of Heaven Warping Genius, and even the creator of the creative method Will will come and award. But it was the first time I saw that Lord Will would use “observation” this anthropomorphic behavior.

Even if Lord Will did nothing, neither came nor praised him. But this action by Lord Will made Cassini somewhat refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases, daring not to steal at this time … trading options.

When Lord Will withdrew “Observation”, Angel had awakened from the World Awareness Award and Cassini also missed the trading opportunity perfectly.

He could only sit on the clock and sighed for a long time.

Cassini withdrew his attention from Angel. Although the action of Lord Will made him a little curious about Angel, it was only an Apprentice after all. It was not easy to find a trading opportunity with him.

“Huh, a near-French World actually gave birth to a potential seed?” Cassini’s eyes were placed on a distant unknown place, and the silhouette disappeared as soon as the silhouette turned.

I can only hear a whisper: “Youth … Oh, no, beautiful girl. Would you like to make a deal …”


Angel eyes opened, in an instant, countless messages began to refill.

Including the information of the Spell bit, the new structure of the Spiritual Force model, and even the awards previously won in that singular scene, all appeared in Angel’s mind.

However, these are basically known information, and now it is just a new one.

At the moment when Angel opened his eyes, Popota on the edge of the bonfire below found him, and he put away the insect nest, and a few leaps came to the high cliff.

Popota came to Angel’s side and asked in a somewhat surprised tone: “You just … were you creating a law?”

Although Popota was very sure about his speculation, he still hoped to get a positive response from Angel.

Angel is still in a trance, just the nodded of the differential expression, which is considered to be the Popota, and then looked up towards the sky.

The black cloud is still circling, but its strength has obviously weakened.

It seems that the “natural phenomenon of innovation” has begun to decline.

Angel was a little ridiculed and didn’t know if it was the shortest record in the natural phenomenon of creating a law.

He had seen many records of Magus, including the natural phenomenon of Su Mi Shi’s creation of law at that time, which lasted a long time.

The current natural phenomenon of innovation is similar to that of Alchemy, and it begins to subside immediately after completion.

Perhaps because the main effect of the door model is ordinary? After all, the short-range Space displacement is traceable in the Space system.

Or, the model of the door itself is not really derived from his creation method; therefore, the natural phenomenon of creation method is so dull, and disappears very fast?

Popota also noticed the dissipation of the natural phenomenon of creation in the sky. Recalling that at the beginning, he did not even perceive fluctuations of signs, and Popota was also speculating in his heart. Perhaps Angel ’s original technique was not It is particularly powerful.

However, for Popota, this is already surprising.

“It’s amazing to be able to create a law at the Apprentice stage, and even a natural phenomenon appears.” Although Bobota used a soothing tone, these words are indeed Bobota’s heartfelt words in his memory In, I have not seen other Apprentice, which can induce the natural phenomenon of creative law.

Angel doesn’t care much about the scale of the natural phenomenon, and even feels very happy.

The smaller the movement, the better. After all, the origin of the door model is unknown. If it is known by others, he still has to find a way to explain it.

“Let’s go.” Angel didn’t plan to stay again, even if the natural phenomenon didn’t move much, but other Transcending people might have noticed it, so it’s better to leave here early.

Thinking of this, Angel took out Gondola and flew in the direction of Popor moved towards the old soil Continent.

What Angel did not know was that it was not long after he left the unknown island.

Jetway’s water incarnation appeared near the island.

The Water Attribute Strength in the water incarnation has already started to be out of balance, which is the price of Jetway’s forced intrusion.

But what made Jetway helpless was that he was prepared to lose a water incarnation and broke in, but found that there was no one here? Obviously, the founder has left.

Jetway circled around and saw only an extinguished bonfire.

But there are no pheromones remaining nearby.

Jetway tried to get into the water and get information from some underwater creatures, but before he could re-enter the sea, the water incarnation was turned into foam because of the imbalance of energy, completely disappeared.

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