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Angel is no stranger to this sense of inflation.

In the past, when he was preparing to break through the barrier, Moyuan would have this sense of bulging, which is a sign of impending progress.

This feeling appears at this point, meaning … he is ready to advance?

He has now reached the peak of Apprentice. According to his original plan, he thought that it will take a long time before the magic source bulge appears. Didn’t expect just learned the Spell position today, and there is hope for further advancement?

Angel can actually try the breakthrough barrier now, but it is not a good condition here and now, and the barrier faced this time is different from the past, which is enough to reverse a breakthrough in Magus’s life.

Once the breakthrough fails, it would be many times more difficult to break the wall. Therefore, Angel temporarily suppressed his inner impulse, and waited for the thorough preparation before breaking through.

Angel opened his eyes.

His original intention was to experiment with the effect of “door” first, but after he opened his eyes, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

Winds lingering across his skin.

The wind without the wind zone is already strange, and what makes Angel feel strange is the inexplicable atmosphere around him.

He slowly raised his head, and the moment he lifted his head, the action instantly froze.

He saw the black clouds surging like vortex in the sky. At the same time, he also noticed the center of the black cloud vortex. The deep hollow was like eyes embedded in the clouds, watching him silently.

Angel himself doesn’t know why he imagines the center of vortex as an eye. However, he felt this way in his heart, as if he was staring at an unknown unknown.

“This is a strange sign.”

Getting rid of the unfathomable mystery thoughts in the brain, Angel finally slowly recovered, facing the changes in the sky.

Before, when his mind was completely immersed in Space, Angel did not feel any signs of the outside world. He even thought that he was more attentive, and he did not need to go to the sea to build the Spell position.

However, now the signs have emerged.

Is this strange sign appearing because of the Spell bit he created?

But it is a bit strange, why did this abnormal sign not at all produce too strong fluctuations before?

When Angel was thinking this way, the resulting fluctuation immediately appeared.

This sudden and strange wave emanated from the black clouds in the sky. The most peculiar thing is that this fluctuation seems to have a common frequency somewhere with Angel’s mind.

A wonderful situation came to mind.

Angel’s pupil shrinks slightly, with a trance and shocked expression, and whispers in a low voice: “This is …”


What Angel didn’t know was that the sudden change in the sky had suddenly happened when he opened his eyes.

This kind of low-key and indescribable change is difficult for people in the center of the aura to feel, but as far as 100 miles away, Jiebo ’s water incarnation clearly found something wrong.

At this time, Jetway was not close to the boundary where the black cloud was circling, and already felt a strange sense of oppression. This kind of oppression was actually not strong, but Jiebo found that he could no longer move forward. Every step forward The body’s dimensionally balanced water balance begins to appear turbulent.

This means that as long as you go further, water incarnation may collapse.

What exactly is going on?

With a silhouette of dim-blue water, standing quietly on the night sea, Jetway looked at the center of the black cloud’s oppression, but could not see anything.

Even, he wants to feel the ocean currents through the innate skill to break through his upper limit of perception, which can’t be done at this time.

It’s like having a natural barrier that repels everything outside the black cloud.

Jetway frowned: “This should be a sign. But, I remember there is no sign, this kind of repulsion?”

The most important thing is that this strange sign is very bland!

When Jiebo was puzzled, the abrupt changes in the sky suddenly changed.

The violent wind came from the distant sea, and the sea was swaying continuously. It didn’t take long for the wave of more than ten meters to appear, bursting towards the center of the black cloud.

At the same time, bursts of bizarre waves began to emerge from the odd signs.

Jiebo was stunned for a moment, he was no stranger to this fluctuation.

He was still wondering what strange signs this was, but now this sudden fluctuation gave him the answer.

When he was in the song of the deep sea, he had experienced similar fluctuations, and this fluctuation still came from his tutor-‘Poseidon’ França.

This is … a natural phenomenon when creating a law.

When perceiving this fluctuation, Jetway couldn’t help but wonder: “Which Magus is here to create a method?”

The creation method that can provoke a strange sign, if placed on the official Magus, it is enough to advance to the real knowledge!

Although this strange sign does n’t look very strong, it ’s a natural phenomenon that for a long time covered most of the Sea Territory when it was created by Forsa, but in Jebo ’s view, this is also a level where he ca n’t go high .

While Jetway secretly guessed who was creating the law in such a remote place, suddenly, a huge and magnificent idea fell from the dark clouds of the sky.

Even if Jetway is outside the black cloud range, I feel a sense of palpitations.

This great idea does not seem to come from a wise life, but rather a kind of … a collection of consciousness.

“This is, World Awareness?”

World consciousness has actually occurred in the natural phenomenon of creation. In general, this creation involves a very important natural law change. For example, when Greia stepped into true knowledge through the technique of creation, world consciousness came. .

However, Jetway can’t imagine that this seemingly extraordinary omens, why can it attract the arrival of World consciousness?

What method was created?

While Jetway was full of question marks in his head, another distant piece of Sea Territory suddenly felt a call of consciousness at his body.

“Jebo?” This is a dumb and full of vicissitudes sound.

Hearing this sound is not only the Jetway itself, but also the white around Jetway, and I heard it. Moreover, because of the blindness of his eyes, Bai is more sensitive to the sound, and can even find the current where the sound is attached.

“Teacher?” Jiebo immediately recognized the person who was speaking, and asked fully: “I don’t know what happened to me?”

“I remember you have water incarnation near the whale sea, where World consciousness is coming, do you know what’s going on?” Forsa asked.

“The instructor also perceives it?” Jiebo was a little stunned. He remembered that the instructor was right in the far endless sea, and could actually perceive the situation of the whale sea.

Jetway: “My water incarnation is actually near that now, according to the fluctuation of the odd signs, it should be someone who created the law there.”

“Is it a natural phenomenon? It’s possible.” França pondered for a moment. “However, it still seems a bit strange.”

“Strange?” Jebo didn’t understand what Franz meant.

“I always feel that this World consciousness is a bit different from the past.” Fran Sutton: “Maybe I think too much. However, if there is an opportunity, you try to see who is in Carry out innovation. “

If it is an ordinary Magus, it should be able to enter that path by this creative method.

Jebo nodded, just wanting to say that his water incarnation could not enter the black cloud range at this time, but found that the voice of França had dissipated from his ear.


It’s not just França who can perceive the situation of the whale sea.

Now the small group of people standing at the top of the South Territory Magus world can perceive the World’s Will coming on the other side of the ocean.

But this group of people are those who have experienced all kinds of storms, or are not interested in indifference, or do n’t care about glancing, or observing with interest, but really curious enough to find the bottom, but there is not.

Because some of them also saw that the source of such abnormity was: creation of law.

At this time, running to disturb other people’s creative methods is a way out of style. Even some Magus with extreme personality will not do this.

They are not very interested in what spells have been created, because the signs are not strong.

However, it has been a long time since I have seen the natural phenomenon of initiating law that incorporates World’s Will. Everyone is somewhat curious about the innovator.

At this time, in the 7th root of the Shisang Dynasty, in the punk theme park.

Sanders is sitting with a smiling youngster in an iron-stained Magus tower.

This youngster looks harmless to humans and animals, and laughs innocently. But if someone really regards him as a soft persimmon, it is to take the dead end.

“Nerve Man You Family” Stirling, a Magus who has embarked on the road of true knowledge more than 600 years ago, is also an Alchemy Warlock specializing in mechanical nerves.

Sanders came to Stirling, naturally because of some conditions of Jon’s body. Although Stirling studies mechanical nerves, he actually knows the human body very well. After all, his hobby is keen to transform the neural system into a mechanical nerve. If he does not understand the human body, he cannot complete the transformation.

It was also pleasant to chat with Stirling, and Sanders quickly got the answer he wanted to know, and even got some additional information. The only thing that sighed him was that chatting with Stirling was too expensive.

Stirling is an extremely money-loving Magus, who wants to chat with him, no matter who you are, you must pay the price.

Sanders didn’t want to remember how much he paid, but at least the answer from Stirling was satisfactory.

When the conversation was about the same, Sanders had planned to leave, but at this moment, the two were stunned.

In the whale sea, the wave of World consciousness finally came.

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