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Original Heart City.

After Angel left, Frode personally arranged personnel to prepare for a new batch of residents.

After a long while, the location that was settled with Angel before was filled with staff.

For newcomers who come to Chuxin City from time to time, the staff has become accustomed to it, and even said that ordinary people are also used to this situation.

However, it is very rare for so many people to come at once.

Watching this group of people wearing servant costumes suddenly appeared on the temporarily emptied square, all the staff began to prepare for the recording work.

On the other side, the “newcomers” were completely different from the people in the past, and began to show uproar.

“Where is this? Why, are we here?”

“Oops, I have another patient. It’s so dark now, I don’t know if I can rush back. Can anyone tell me, is this Watford?”

“Dr. Dink, this seems to be Watford. Although I haven’t been to Watford for a long time, I know the Ocean Theatre in the distance, but how do you think the street pattern has changed a bit?”

“What about my sheep, what about my sheep?”

“Frandu, what sheep do you still manage?”

“But I slept with my sheep before. Now that my sheep are gone, how can I explain to the Viscount Lord when I go back?” Said the grievous shepherd Frandou.

Everyone was screaming in surprise, at this time, one of the female Knight wearing leather armor suddenly shouted: “Shut up first!”

Everyone was silent, talking about Viscount Lord’s Battle Teacher, Knight Swatch. The prestige at Pat Manor is only under the maid chief, Mana.

Swatch has spoken, how dare others speak.

I saw Swatch walked aside and looked at the maid maid maid in silence: “Mana, do you know why we are here?”

Mana shook her head and looked at the surrounding environment: “I ca n’t remember, but since it ’s in Waterford, go to Gru town first. After returning to the manor, I ’ll ask Viscount Lord Bingming Situation. “

Mana began to speak, seeming to define the next trip. However, without everyone’s nodded consent, Swatch suddenly said: “But, this is not Watford.”

Everyone looked at Swatch doubtfully, and some people argued: “Although we can’t normally reach Watford, we can know the Ocean Theatre.”

Swatch shook his head and explained: “The building is indeed very similar to the Ocean Theatre, but the Ocean Theatre is opposite to the City Hall. How could the City Hall disappear and stay here with the Ocean Theatre? And, you have been to Water People at Ford, do n’t you think the layout here is strange? Just like the square at our feet, Waterford has such a large square? And the tower over there, I have n’t seen it in Waterford. “

Swatch often used to contact Knight to run back and forth between Waterford and Gruentown. The last time I went to Watford was only half a month ago. Swatch could not believe that Watford built the tower and such a large square within half a month.

The headwoman of Mana was also nodded: “When Viscount Lord went to Lord Waterford, I accompanied him. At that time, there was really no such high tower.”

Both the maid chief and Zhongyuan Knight said the same, the scales in everyone’s hearts had already begun to shake: “Where will this be?”

“Ocean Theater is really similar … Is it an illusion? If it is an illusion, will it be the illusion created by the Young Master?” Someone speculated.

“It won’t.” A crisp female voice said dissatisfiedly, “Young Master has been outside these years and has matured a lot and will not do such pranks.”

“Maid Oli knows the Young Master best, and she should be right.” Mana nodded and said: “The Young Master really doesn’t do things that tease us.”

Where will it be? Why are they here?

When everyone was puzzled, the group of staff in the distance had already gathered up: “Is the newcomer ready to start registering.”

“Registration? What registration?” Everyone asked suspiciously.

Swatch looked back and glared: “Don’t quarrel, let the maid maid speak.”

As the steward of the manor, the maidservant mana has a very high prestige, and regardless of foreign affairs and internal affairs, mana can also handle it perfectly. Therefore, it was handed over to the manna maid chief, and everyone was very convinced.

“Can you tell us where is this? Also, what needs to be registered?” Mana wondered.

“This is Chuxin City. Registration is to record your identity for subsequent management.” The staff said with a smile: “And, you only have to register to have the right to live in Chuxin City.”

“We are not the people here, nor will we stay here, should we not need to register?” Mana asked again.

On the other side, Swatch whispered “City of Beginning” in a low voice. As a standard female Knight who graduated from Knight Academy, even if Swatch has not been there in person, she knows all about the provinces and cities of the empire.

But the name “Chu Xincheng” has never been heard of by Swatch.

The staff looked at Mana suspiciously: “Don’t you really know how you came here? Think about what happened to you before you came here.”

The words of the staff made everyone think deeply.

The maid maid whispered: “I remember when I was looking for the Viscount Lord with a plate, I seemed to see a scarlet light halfway? Then I couldn’t remember anything.”

After the headwoman of Mana finished speaking, she looked towards Swatch and wanted to know her situation.

Swatch: “I was near the garden at that time, because suddenly it was snowing, and Glenn asked me to take care of the flower shed.”

Swatch ’s words kept the gardener behind from staying nodded: “It ’s true. I was holding a Yuelan to the flower shed. I heard a cry from the main castle halfway along the way. After seeing the scarlet light for a while, my memory seems to be broken. “

Everyone whispered at this time, almost all of them appeared the strange scarlet light before the memory was interrupted. Only the shepherd Franku was sleeping in the corral at that time, so not at all saw the so-called scarlet light.

“What happened after the scarlet light?” This was everyone’s doubt.

Even the staff began to get confused: what scarlet light is not scarlet light? Didn’t Lord Lord pull them in?

Just when everyone was confused, Frode stepped out of the crowd and stood in front of the manna maidservant: “I know you are servants of Pat Manor and I know you have a lot of doubts, but please register first I will tell everyone the truth. “

But everyone didn’t know Frode, glanced at each other, and didn’t know what to choose.

At this moment, a servant inadvertently saw the other side, suddenly suddenly suddenly shrink, pointing to the distance, some stuttering said: “Mama … Madma maid, that man seems to be …”

Everyone was attracted by her sound and looked at her: “Hey, that person seems to be … Jon, right? But isn’t Jon frozen, how can it appear here? Is it my dazzling?” ? “

“It’s really like Jon!” The maidservant mana also surprised, but this Jon seems to be unable to compare with others, but in general, the body and Spirit are still very good, and the ice coffin The dry and thin look is completely different.

“Isn’t it really Jon, how can there be such a similar person in World?” Someone whispered: “Yes, to know if it is Jon, in fact, just look at the dumb servant, he is not serving Jon For so long? “

Speaking of this, everyone’s eyes were put on the dumb servant.

Dumb servant Yorkshire once served Old Pat, and later, after Old Pat’s death, he has been waiting for Jon for many years. So the one who knows Jon best, except Angel, is the dumb servant.

Everyone was waiting for the dumb servant’s answer, but after being silent for a long while, the dumb servant opened the mouth and said: “Yes, he is Jon.”

At this moment, nobody looked at Jon, but looked at the dumb servant with shocked eyes.

The dumb servant is a “dumb” servant because he can’t speak.

But at this time, he actually spoke? His sound is hoarse, and with a weird tone, like a foreigner, the first time he speaks common language.

The dumb servant seemed to be surprised, confused.

“What’s going on, why did the dumb servant speak?”

At this moment, a sound came from behind them: “Even if I can stand up and walk, the dumb servant can talk, is there anything strange?”

Everyone turned around and saw Jon standing beside Frode with a smile.

“I know you have a lot of questions, and I’ll talk about it later. Come on, register your identities first.” Jon Paused: “I’ll take you to see someone, and you will know the truth.”

“See who?”

“A person who has guilt in his heart and sorry is here to meet you.”


The appearance of Jon made everyone feel strange about this place.

In addition, when they remembered the fragments before, they all had scarlet light glittering. This made everyone understand that maybe they appeared here, perhaps related to the Transcending incident.

Now that Jon has promised, he will tell them the truth later. After hesitating for a moment, everyone started to register under the leadership of the maid maidservant.

After the registration was completed, Frode glanced at Jon: “Or, shall I go with Mr. Jon?”

“No, you still have to deal with the follow-up matters. I’ll take them to the past. The guy normally has a lot of responsibility. Didn’t expect this time, but he dare not face his own people.” Jon Shaking his head, “I’ll take them first, and let them familiarize themselves with the place.”

Frode thought about it, and there would not be too serious accidents in the original city, and … Frode glanced at the top of the building on the right, where there was a silhouette of a horned helmet.

With the protection of Turas, nothing will happen.

Thinking of this, Flod nodded: “Then I will go back to the sky tower first.”

After Flode left, Jon stepped forward and looked at Mana and said, “long time no see.”

Mana didn’t say anything, she had doubts in her eyes, and there was a hint of nostalgia.

Jon looked towards Yorkshire, the dumb servant who had taken care of him for many years, with a sense of sympathy in his eyes.

“Come on, if you have any questions, you will understood later.”

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