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The bizarre atmosphere spread, everyone didn’t expect the person Jon took them to see, actually the two owners of Pat Manor.

No one would have expected that Viscount Lord told them a horrifying story with an ashamed expression.

“Me, we are all dead?” The shepherd, Franku, was talking, his sound trembling.

Lyon’s eyes were filled with grief that couldn’t be seen through: “It’s just that Fleshy body is dead, at least the Spirit consciousness is left, and it lives here.”

“We’re really dead, why don’t I feel at all?” Everyone was stunned, not at all spirit slowly recovers.

Only the dumb servant Yorkshire realized, no wonder he suddenly talked, because it was because … he was dead.

“Then … Viscount Lord and Young Master, and Mr. Jon, why are you here? Do you also encounter unexpected?”

After the maid maid was stunned, the first sentence of came back to his senses was to care about the owner’s situation, which made Lyon’s mood more guilty.

Jon said with a smile: “Me, it’s a half-dead state, almost like you. As for Lyon and Angel, they have become Transcending, there are other ways to come here.”

“Then, is this the World after death?” Asked the servant.

“It’s not the hell or undead ruins you imagined. This is a special World. You won’t be much different from here in the past. However, you may need to adapt to the life here and change the rhythm of the past. “Angel replied.

Angel’s words made many people feel a little confused.

They were still digesting their “dead” news, but now they have to face the change of life rhythm. This is a change of Heaven and Earth turning upside down for many servants who are stable in the status quo. Even, they will feel timid.

Only inner strong men such as the maid maidservant, Swatch Knight, etc., feel better.

Looking at the “miserable” atmosphere in front of him, Angel whispered: “Relax, Frode will give you a time to adapt. And, changing a life is a new way of living.”

Angel’s comfort, I don’t know if it can take effect, but the atmosphere at the scene made Lyon a bit unbearable.

“Angel, is there a way for them to slowly accept the change?” Lyon’s tone, with a pleading never before.

After all, this group of servants has been changed by the lovers of Lyon ’s mentor.

Moreover, as the actual leaders of the town of Gru, they are all the people of Lyon. Without taking good care of the lives of the people, Lyon felt guilty and felt the atmosphere of the people on the scene at a loss. Lyon was even more uncomfortable than they were.

He couldn’t change everything here, he could only hope for Angel.

Angel pondered for a moment, but still couldn’t bear to refuse his brother’s request, nodded to him: “Well, I think of a way.”

Angel returned to reality from the wilderness of dreams.

Sanders was leaning against Methor at this moment, silently watching the conversation between Xius and Rolando.

Although Rolando has lifted the mysterious Strength of the servants, the result is similar to the previous assumption. The servants are all dead … Although Xius knows that the servants are mortals, Eureka is an official Magus, 2 The author is unable to mention on equal terms, but in case of 10000 one, I still confirm with Roland again.

At this moment, Sanders heard Angel’s voice.

He glanced at Seuss and said nothing. He turned and flew away from the cloud to the terrace on the top floor of the castle.

Angel is now standing on the edge of the terrace, silently overlooking the secluded and somewhat ruined manor.

“Those servants, already in the wilderness of dreams?” Sanders landed next to Angel and whispered.

Angel nodded: “Yes, I successfully arrived in the wilderness of dreams. I have already dealt with their bodies in reality.”

Sanders’ indifferent expression’s nodded, not at all talk more about this topic, but talk about the topic: “You just said that you want to use Dream Conch?”

Angel nodded: “I want to copy Pat Manor to the original Heart City.”

Let those servants temporarily live in a familiar place for a while, and then slowly get acquainted with the things in the original heart city. This is the only way Angel can think of.

“For those servants?” Sanders understood Angel’s plan almost immediately.

“Also for my own peace of mind.”

Sanders pondered for a moment: “Okay, I get it. I’ll let Xius and the White Bear leave the manor temporarily.”

Sanders not at all said more, turned around and left.

Angel didn’t have to tell Sanders, but Huyce is still here after all. He used Dream Conch to drag such a large-scale Pat Manor into his dreams, which may cause his suspicion. Only then did this matter be informed to Sanders.

Sanders also understood what Angel meant. Although he felt that there was no need to achieve this level for his servants, but since Angel’s mind was determined, he had no plans to block it.

After Sanders returned to the cloud and earth, on the grounds that the outside world was easily spied by Prophecy Spell, Hughes took Rolando to the Gravity Garden temporarily. Xius did n’t doubt that he was there. At the same time, because Rolando wanted to lift Eureka ’s mysterious energy, the White Bear was naturally very concerned. Leaving Pat Manor.

After sensing that they were leaving, Angel immediately took out the Dream Conch and pulled Pat Manor into the wilderness of dreams.

The location of Pat Manor was placed by Angel on the edge of the east district of Chuxin City. It was not at all who itself. He also greeted Frode before and emptied it temporarily. Therefore, when Pat Manor appeared in the sky, not many people noticed it.

However, it is estimated that the residence with such a large area will not be long before it will be discovered by others.

After returning to the wilderness of the dream, Angel asked everyone to follow him and walk towards Dongcheng District.

Along the way, Angel could feel that after a period of recovery, the servants’ emotions gradually calmed down, but many people still felt distracted in their eyes, such as Oli around him.

Oli’s maid followed Angel step by step, and seemed to arrange her own pace as a personal maid as before.

Although the pace has not changed, she still has a trance in her eyes.

“Young Master, can we really not go back?” Oli finally asked after hesitating for a long time.

“Maybe there is a chance, but the chance may not be great.” Angel whispered.

After Ollie got this answer, her eyes were blank.

“What are you worried about?” In Angel’s opinion, Ollie’s age is not old, and according to his understanding, Ollie actually did not leave Gru town very much, it seems that he was only taken by Swatch Knight because of a certain procurement problem. Been to Watford, this is the farthest door she has ever traveled.

Oli is young and lives in small circles all the year round, and seeing the outside world will make it easier to accept. Angel does not understand why Oli looks more sad than others?

This is because Angel’s perspective on the problem has deviated. From his own perspective, of course, he likes and is willing to take a look at this huge World.

But for girls who are introverted and sensitive, like Ollie, and who have barely stepped out of her childhood, she is most afraid of change, especially changing the circle she is most familiar with. For her, Pat Manor, Grew The town is her comfort zone, and stepping out will make her feel scared.

The reason why she followed Angel’s side so step by step was that she felt a sense of security only when she was next to a familiar person.

“Although the maid maidservant, Swatch Knight … they are all there, but I still miss other friends. I was very scared when I thought that I might not see them in the future.”

Angel was silent for a moment: “Perhaps, they will come here in the future.”

“No, no, I didn’t mean to let them die.” Ollie quickly waved her hand. “I just miss that’s all.”

Angel smiled for a while: “Do you still think that this World is the world after death? Actually, you can come here without death.”

“But can’t it be Transcending to arrive here?” Ollie said strangely.

“Do you think that Jon Tutor is a Transcending person? You just need a little means to come here.” Angel paused, seeing Oli’s brows seemed to stretch a little, and said: “If you really miss them, it’s good Adapting to the life here, I will find ways to bring them here, and I will need you to take care of them as a local tyrant. “

Hearing this, Ollie froze for a moment. Finally broke the dismal expression of sadness, and laughed: “Okay.”

Soon, they came to Dongcheng District and saw the “Pat Manor” located here. Everyone was stunned, including Jon and Lyon, didn’t expect to be here and see the familiar buildings.

“Why is the manor here?” Someone said incredulously.

Swatch looked at the manor in front of him and couldn’t help recalling the Ocean Theatre that he had seen before. Some trances murmured: “The Ocean Theatre has all appeared, and Pat Manor seems to be … normal?”

In an incomprehensible way, Angel pushed open the gate of the manor.

“From here on, it’s where you live. As for the room, it’s the same as yours before.” Angel took the lead in, and the others froze for a moment, and followed with delight.

Seeing the familiar manor here is probably the moment when they feel most at ease in these few hours.

However, after entering the gate of the manor, doubts flashed in the eyes of the former farmer: “Why, there is no farmland?”

In other words, there is not only no farmland, but no plants.

What came into view was a barren land.

“The farmland will happen in the future.” Angel coughed 2 times, farmland crops, he really can’t solve it on a large scale at present.

Of course, if you really want to tinker with plants, you can do it. For example, some Transcending items are sent into the wilderness of dreams through the dream conch, and for example, some plants with wisdom, using the dream can also bring its body into the wilderness of the dream, but this situation is not widely applicable.

However, since plants can appear in the wilderness of dreams, the future is predictable.

As long as you can bring in the real power and want to solve the plant problem, it will be simple. Any natural Magus can do it.

Barren farmland is just a small problem. Although everyone is puzzled, they have received too much information today and have not paid much attention to it. What they care more about is the situation in the manor.

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