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At the beginning of the city, the top of the sky tower.

The lord of Monroe sent away some of the trance Sabel, and then strode gracefully, and knocked on the door at the end.

“Come in.” Lazily’s voice came from behind the door, sounding tired in the sound.

Lord Monroe pushed open the door and saw Flode, who was still processing data at his desk.

Frode briefly put down a large number of copywriting in his hand and raised his head to look at Monroe: “Looking at your proud of one’s success, Sabel’s answer makes you satisfied?”

“After learning a part of the” truth “, he has decided to be loyal to me.” Monroe bloomed and smiled, and was able to receive such a powerful Knight, naturally very happy.

“Don’t you have been loyal to you before, or why would you be your City Defense Captain?”

“This time is different. Saber took Knight’s soul as a gift and vowed to be the Knight who guarded the original heart city.” Monroe said proudly.

Frode’s nodded awareness, for Knight, swears by the soul of Knight, which is the most noble oath. It can be said that it was his job to appoint Sabel as the Captain of City Defense; but now, Sabel vows to protect the original heart city, which is faith.

Nothing more than Monroe would be so happy.

“It seems that you ran for the past few days to judge between him and Turas, the effect is remarkable.” Flord laughed casually, and then asked Monroe’s intention: “Look at your expression , Do you seem to be confused? “

Speaking of the meaning, Monroe ’s expression of joy began to end: “It ’s about the Sheriff of Turas. His character, as everyone knows. Nowadays, Turas is defeated by Sabel Knight. I am worried … “

“Worried that the sheriff’s position will continue to be unresolved?” Frode raised an eyebrow.

“Yes.” Monroe was nodded. Turas’s personality was too distinct. Many people speculated that according to Turas’s personality, he is now dressed by Sabel, and the impact must be great. “Everyone is worried. That ’s how it happened, and I did n’t come out for a few months. ”

The last time Turas did not return to the original heart city for a few months, because he was taken to the abyss by Angel, naturally unable to return to the wilderness of dreams. This point, Flode is clear, but these things do not need to tell Monroe.

Frode laughed: “Relax, your understanding of Turas is still superficial, and his face is very thick. He has a Spirit victory method, and he will heal himself in a few days.”

Spirit victory? Monroe was a little confused.

Frode didn’t explain, but continued: “Thulas really likes the limelight, but his character is actually calmer than you think. He sees a lot of things, but he doesn’t break them.”

“Relax, it won’t take a few days, he will run back fart.”

Frode also hosted in the church of the dead, so clearly understand that the church of the dead is actually boring and boring. Turas estimated that he would be bored in a few days, and then he would beg for Angel to take him back to the wilderness of the dream.

Hearing this, although Monroe was still somewhat suspicious, it was impossible to question Flode, but nodded and retreated.

Frode thought that Turas would return to the wilderness of dreams only a few days later. In fact, on the same day, Turas returned as if nothing happened, with a smiling hehe expression.

Come with Turas, and Angel.

Frode immediately greeted him, whispering in his mouth: “Lord.”

“Did you figure it out right now? You should go to work now.” Angel looked towards Turas, who turned around and walked away, whispering in his mouth:

“Anyway Sabelle is dead, not even soul, just a ray of consciousness, how to win me, there is the ability to fight realistically.”

“Also, according to my age when I was alive, I am much younger than him. He is so old. When I played, I put water in it and deliberately lost to him.”

“That’s right, yes.”

With a variety of rhetoric in mind, Turas’ morale seemed to be revived, and he shoved away from the balcony and jumped directly from the top of the sky tower.

Because Angel was by his side, Frode endured not speaking. If it was usual, he had started chasing Turas and scolding. This guy jumps from here and will definitely leave potholes on the ground. When the time comes, he will have to trouble the urban construction team. It is simply a white consumption manpower!

After Turas left, Frode asked in a low voice: “Lord, what are you doing here to find me?”

Angel nodded: “There are some things.”

“Wait, like accidentally, I will take some people into the wilderness of dreams. They are all servants who have watched me grow up and have a close relationship with me.”

Frode had heard Angel talk about this before, and now Angel reiterated, he immediately understood: “Lord please rest assured that I will arrange for them personally, and I have set the corresponding tasks for them before, They will definitely integrate into the original heart city immediately. “

As he said, Flode took out a few sheets of paper from the table and handed them to Angel.

The paper states that the work that these servants are about to do is not a job of authority. Basically, it is a matter of ease and wide contact with some people, which can quickly let them know and integrate into the original heart city.

Angel is satisfied with the nodded, and he is naturally at ease with Flod’s arrangement.

This time came, just to bring Turas in, and to talk to Flod about the servant arrangement. After talking about his intentions, Angel intended to return to reality first, but when he left, he accidentally saw some copy on Frode’s desktop.

“An Investigation Report of the Incident Group?” Angel looked at the words on the cover doubtfully. “Aren’t you writing” Second Chapter of the Observation Record of the Dreaming Wilderness “recently? What is this?”

“This is actually related to the content of the Second Chapter, a chapter about the power of the dream wilderness.” Frode: “Because the order of the original city has been on the right track, the city’s affairs have Monroe responsible, and I am very relieved. So I thought about it, looking for the power of dissipation. I set up a special group for this purpose. “

The power of escape … Angel immediately recalled that when he gained power from the Nightmare Host’s Body, there was once a power that he did not all integrate into himself, but escaped and merged with the wilderness of dream itself.

But so far, Angel does not know what the power to escape is. Because, so far, no natural phenomenon has appeared. Of course, power does not necessarily have a natural phenomenon, but since it is power, it must be some kind of natural law.

The foreign affairs group set up by Frode was to find this natural law.

I checked the “Investigation Report of the Incident Group”, and Angel did not find anything unusual. Many of them were some rumors heard by the members of the Incident Group … Most of these rumors are people’s own hysteria. So almost every article has the conclusion of Frode’s correction: rumors.

No “rumors” were written, just because that’s all has not been ascertained.

After reading this report, Angel has no hope for this strange group.

Natural law is like an undercurrent lurking under the deep sea. Even if you come to the deep sea, you may not be able to discover this fleeting undercurrent. Even more how you may not be able to step into the deep sea.

If you really want to find this dissipative power, I am still going to find the answer in Nightmare Host’s Body.

But after all, Frode was doing things for himself, and Angel was not good at fighting Frode. He had nodded and praised a few words.

After leaving from Frode, Angel returned to reality. As soon as he opened his eyes, he felt a strong wave of energy in the distance.

Come to the balcony and look out.

I saw a flying car made of black metal, pulled by three bright flamingos, and flew from the end of the gloomy Shen sky.

The color of the flamingo is red, just like the flame burning to the extreme. The 3 flamingos glide across the sky, extremely stunning.

The flying car pulled by the flamingo is similar to the pumpkin carriage in fairy tales. It is flat and round, with windows and doors on it, and it also depicts many strange lines.

At the core of these lines is a pattern: a canyon under the wind and clouds.

When he saw this pattern, or logo, Angel had almost confirmed the person.

This logo is a unique logo of the Storm Canyon organized by Magus, and Redhead Hughes is from Storm Canyon, so the owner of this flamingo flying car is self-evident.

After a whine of flamingos, a large loop came in the air, and finally pulled the exquisite flying car and stopped on the cloud.

After the flying car landed on the cloud, the flamingo broke away from the reins and stood or lay down near Merter, looking very comfortable.

At this time, the door of the flying car was opened, and two tall men walked out of it first.

It was Hughes with red hair and Sanders wearing a gentleman’s suit.

After the two of them landed first, a strange force field wrapped in geometric patterns also floated out of the flying car.

Seeing the shielded force field constructed by this geometric pattern, Angel immediately recognized it, and this is his geometric lock.

And the lock of geometry is now in the open state, so the people inside, undoubtedly, should be the secret mastermind-Rolando that Sanders went out to arrest this time.

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