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As the old man walked, he touched the new tombstone with the old crutches in his hand. As the crutches protruded, a faint phantom emerged from the ground.

Sanders is no stranger to this old man’s behavior.

——Spirit, use crutches to wake up the sleeping soul.

Also in other words, is this old man a soul warlock?

Rhein came to this ricket old man. They seemed to be old friends. They stood in front of a newly established tombstone and said these things. After a while, Rhein walked with rickety old man moved towards Sanders.

“Prussia is an old friend of mine.” Rhein sighed with a little nostalgia on his face, and sighed: “I haven’t seen him for 1000 years, and there has been no news of him. Didn’t expect came to the front of the abyss this time. To him. “

Rick Old Man, also known as Borus, gently bowed his head to Sanders: “Lord Magic Lord.”

A thousand years ago, the old knowledge of Rheinland, but now the strength is lower than that of the late Sanders, it seems to be only level 1000 Magus, not at all embarked on the road of true knowledge. Even though it may be much older than Sanders, when facing Sanders, he still has to be honored.

Sanders was nodded to Prussia and then looked towards Rhine with some doubt. Do not know what Rhein suddenly took him to find a soul Warlock to do?

The Rhine’s mouth moved, and Sanders felt a message covering his energy circle in his ear. These energy circles were not completely eliminated until the information was accepted by Sanders.

This is the method of information transmission in Rheinland. Currently, no Magus can spy on it.

In just a moment, Sanders read all the information from Rhein. Rhein passed on all the messages of Prussia to Sanders, which made Sanders clear, what Rhein meant.

Don’t look at Berrus is just a soul warlock, but in fact, he is a mysterious Magus with double innate skill. Not only is the innate skill of the soul department, he also has a rarer Divination innate skill.

According to the information from Rheinland, Prussia is also a dual innate skill, and defeat is also a dual innate skill. Because he has a double innate skill, he was promoted very quickly at the beginning, and through predictions, let him first step, get a lot of resources, and became Transcending Magus in a short time.

However, because of the dual innate skill, which limited his way, Berlust was confident that he wanted to enter the real knowledge at the same time, and the result was obviously a failure. His difficult choices led to later years of air consumption.

At first, Rheinland had persuaded Berrus to let him take the first path and wait for the future to merge slowly. As a result, Berrus not at all listened and turned around, but the original genius was replaced by future generations.

It was not until nearly 200 years that after knowing the difficulty of advancing the two lines, Berrus joined the Frost Moon Alliance as a “soul walker”, gave up the nickname of “soul prophet”, and put all his energy on soul Tie it, hoping to embark on the road of true knowledge.

After reading the information of Prussia, Sanders could not help but think of Angel in addition to sighing emotion.

Speaking of which, Angel is also a dual system innate skill, and is very similar to Prussia. According to Shu Ling, it is also a dual mysterious side. It ’s just that Angel ’s dual-line innate skill has a distinct difference. The one that appears on the outside is Illusion, but what is the other innate skill that is hidden inside. When Shuling identified the innate skill at that time, he could n’t go deep into Angel ’s Spirit Sea, so in the end It is also unproven.

Sanders also knew the difficulty of dual skill innate skill cultivation, so he concealed Angel directly.

I was thinking that after Angel became the official Magus, I would tell him. Now that I saw the situation of Prussia, Sanders secretly said, maybe he would tell him after the Angel stepped on the real knowledge?

Of course, Sanders just thought about it. Spirit Hai’s role will be highlighted immediately after Angel becomes the official Magus. Maybe Angel doesn’t need him to tell him at that time, and may find himself a dual innate skill.

Sanders was sighed, no matter what, he didn’t want Angel to follow Berrus’s path.

Here Sanders had just digested the news of Prussia, and he came up, “Your Excellency has already told me your request, and some cooperation from you may be needed next.”

Sanders knew that Borus estimated to use prophecy to locate. He smiled bitterly: “My student has props to shield the prophecy. I am afraid Mr. Berrus wants to use Prophecy Spell to capture his traces. It won’t work. “

At the time, Sanders also asked Angel ten million not to take off the bloody night asylum, but now it is because of this, he can’t use Prophecy Spell to investigate his whereabouts.

Sanders’ words made both Prussia and Rhein a little surprised.

Seeing Borus with suspiciousness and unbelief on his face, Sanders continued: “Before,” the illusory meditator “Gauss had not broken Angel’s prophecy shield, but was blamed.”

Gauss is one of the ten or eight observers of the Crown Star Church. It is located in the Peak Prophecy Magus of South Territory. Even he can’t break Angel’s prophecy shield props, and it is even more impossible for Borus.

Berlusk looked towards Rhein with doubt, Rhein was not calm at this time, but deep in one’s heart was also surprised.

Rhine can see that Sanders is not at all lying and can shield Gaussian prophecy props, the level is definitely not low. He didn’t know this at all! Moreover, Rhein is also curious. Why did Gauss, who has lived in the Crown Star Church all year round, use Prophecy Spell to spy on Angel?

Rhein looked at Sanders deeply, and there seemed to be some hidden things in it. Sanders didn’t tell him.

Rhein naturally cannot ask in front of Prussia, skip Sanders directly, and ask Prussia: “Under the shield of prophecy, I wonder if there are other ways?”

Rhine said so, and Berlus naturally understood what he meant.

Berrus was silent for a moment: “It is okay not to use Angel as the prediction point, then how do you rely on the illusion as the prophecy? Use your choice as Will to predict this time.”

Berlus was obviously going to make a “decision of destiny”.

Sanders wondered: “My choice? What do you mean, ask the clock’s good luck 2 choose one?”

The so-called good luck 2 choose one is Divination’s good luck technique of the ‘question bell’ Sect. It means that among the 2 tangled choices, the ‘Ask Bell’ will give you a choice you like.

It seems that it is the gospel of choosing those who have difficulty, but in fact this not at all involves the prophecy level, just a big data information processing to give you a recommendation feedback that matches your own information.

Sanders naturally understands this truth. If you simply use good luck, you may not really be “good luck”.

Berlus shook his head: “Sect I believe in is one of the three mainstreams of the River of Destiny. The choice I am talking about is not good luck, but fate guidance.”

Fate guide? ! Sanders’s eyes flashed with surprise. Although he didn’t know much about Prophecy Spell, he had heard of the Renowned technique of fate.

This is directly in the River of Destiny. Interfering with the future is a very high-level technique of Divination.

There is a saying in Divination: For the future, it is very simple to see, it is difficult to speak, and it is more difficult to interfere than to speak.

Those who can use fate guidance are basically level 1 characters of the Observer of the Crown Star Church.

Until then, Sanders looked towards Borussian’s eyes a little more solemnly. From his release of his destiny guide, we can know how high Borussian’s innate skill is in Divination.

“Then trouble Mr.” Sanders seriously said.

Prussian nodded, closed his eyes and built a model of art related to the guidance of destiny in his heart. His breath was obscure and clumsy, and one after another phantom appeared behind that rickety body. It seemed that he was young, and the time seemed to alternate continuously on the Prussian body.

I don’t know how long after that, Prussia suddenly moved. I saw him throwing the cane in his hand, and slammed it, chanting a tribute to the River of Destiny in his mouth, and finally the cane stood in front of Sanders.

In an instant, Sanders felt as if he was standing on the bank of the River of Destiny, with the roar of the roaring river in his ears, each syllable with infinite charm.

“Lord Magic Lord, you can now express your confusion in the heart, and destiny will guide you in a relatively correct direction.”

The image in front of Sanders changed again, from the River of Destiny to a branch road.

There is a street sign on the left, a street sign on the right, and a Prussian cane stands in the middle.

Sanders in the heart meditated on his own confusion. As the mind was born, there was a new line on the left street sign: “Abyss layer 3”, and the fuzzy street sign on the right also added a line: “Abyss layer 1” .

When the street sign showed handwriting, the cane in the middle began to tremble, as if a wave of River of Destiny was washing the cane.

After a long time, the crutches shifted. After shaking for a while, the crutches fell to the right of the branch road.

At the same time, the street sign on the right dissipated like smoke, turned into a faint airflow, and merged into Sanders’ eyebrows, and a lot of information entered.

After Sanders digested the information, he raised his head and wanted to thank Berrus.

But when he looked up, he found that Prussia was not not in front of him.

Rhine, who stood beside him, said indifferently: “He has already gone to the next cemetery, you don’t care, I have taken you to thank him.”

After Rhein finished speaking, he said, “How do you know what to do next?”

Sanders is nodded, and his fate guides him to stay on the 3rd floor of the abyss, everything goes according to nature. However, how to let it go naturally, Sanders still need to continue to wait, hoping for any variables to appear.

After receiving an affirmative answer, Rhein was nodded and did not ask what fate gave Sanders the guidance, but asked another thing: “speaking of which, before you said that Gauss had gone to spy on Angel, but it was true of?”


On the other side, La Sudran is still calm, but no one knows that a hidden storm is about to blow here.

In the street near the southern suburbs of La Sudland, the young fire Demon Grievu and its fire demon steward Tantin stood in front of a prey hall.

Following the orders of Austrian LuXi Ya, they searched for the source of fire in La Sudran, but what puzzled them was that they walked through the entire La Sudran, and Greve did not feel any breath of source fire.

When he was at a loss, Tantin thought that not long ago, in this prey hall, he seemed to be faintly aware of the smell of Yuanhuo.

Although Greve directly stated that this was not possible at the time, but in the absence of options, they wandered around and came to this prey hall, which was not too big for them.

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