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The ruins were ruined, and the few large candlesticks were still burning. The fire star rose into the air, following the heavy snow.

Standing on the high wall of the ruins, leaning against the ruins of the ruins, and trapped in the deep pits of stains, every Magus remained silent in this ruin for a long time. Reminiscent of the prosperity of the sky and islands and the busy scene of peers not long ago, and looking at the current ruin, even the usual indifferent Magus will feel a trace of sigh.

The wind lifted everyone’s clothes, and snow fell on the brim.

At this moment, some inexplicable vicissitudes.

I don’t know who it is, so I sang a song of soul-salming, and along with the flames and mourning winds, it spread to every realm of Kongtian Island.

After the song was over, Magus in the ruins slowly recovered from the melancholy melody. At the same time, Lord Munch, who stood in the center of the ruins, said the first sentence.

“I’m sorry.” Meng Qi was wearing a frost robes, and the Chinese suit had curved Moon Seal on both sides. His face is covered by a layer of silver-mask, which is integrated with the frost moon silver crown he wears, complicated and gorgeous.

“This innocuous disaster is the fault of Shuangyue. When this happens, I will pay according to the terms signed with you before.” Munch paused, looked towards Sanders in the dark shadow, looked back and looked at him again. Rheinmuth on the side: “Thanks to the help of 2 people this time, otherwise the sky island may have fallen completely.”

Sanders looked cold and nodded in response. Rheinmuth is faintly smiled, looking towards the side of the ruins with an involuntary look, separated by a wall of glazed glass, indistinctly seeing a silhouette of a woman.

Rheinmutt: “Just present at the right time.”

“I will abide by the previous agreement. If I successfully break through, I will photocopy the handpiece of the breakthrough to Mr. Rhein.” Monch’s remarks gave Rheumt’s indifferent expression a little more joy.

After the brief opening, everyone thought that Lord Munch would arrange a plan to rebuild the Sky Island, but what they didn’t expect was that Munch turned around at this time.

“I came back this time not only because Sinaifa sent me a distress signal, but also I got a message …”

Will the descendants of Demon God come to the surface in the near future? !

As Munch’s words fell, all Magus on the scene frowned. The meaning of Munch is obvious. He arranged for so long in the abyss to capture the message of the descendants of Demon God. Now he finally gets a conclusive answer. Naturally, he is ready to do his hands on the descendants of Demon God.

Although everyone knows that there will be such a day sooner or later, when this day comes, it is still a bit complicated.

Everyone’s expressions were different, and they began to discuss spiritedly, and Munch did not go on, but waited for the noise to subside naturally. He knew very well that even if these people had dissent, they would still agree with him in the end.

The reason why he can get the strong support of the vast majority of Magus organizations in South Territory this time is because he has signed the Tarot Confidentiality Treaty with the most Peak people in the entire Magus world, including more than ten giants including Rheumt. If he really breaks the boundaries of breakthrough Legend, he will record all his experience, energy changes, consciousness perception and information bearing during his breakthrough on the handbook and copy them to them.

This World itself is weak are prey to the strong, the Peak level has been relaxed, and it is only a matter of time before a unified opinion is reached.

Sure enough, after a while, the noise at the scene subsided slowly, and everyone’s eyes gathered on Meng Qi again.

“Since the treaty has been signed before, we will naturally abide by the agreement. However, the hunting of the descendants of Demon God is after all a matter of anti-sky. Even if it succeeds, the aftermath will continue, which may bring great tremendous impact to the Magus world. Disaster, Mongoose or the Frost Moon Alliance, what is the proper way to deal with it? “Talking about a middle-aged Magus with an aquiline nose. His eyes were gloomy, and the cross-like logo on the Magus robe showed his identity— — Stray Magus.

Wandering Magus is free from organization and free, but because there is no protection from the Magus organization, once the shadow of Demon God comes to South Territory, the danger of wandering Magus is much greater than other Magus.

This wandering Magus asked this question based on its own safety, but the other Magus present in the heart secretly agreed that they may have the protection of the Magus organization, and their life can be guaranteed, but South Territory is after all its own nest. In many cases, it is not just The picture is stable. The so-called involvement of the whole body, even if it can calm the Demon God, the subsequent involvement will be very involved.

It’s like a creature chain, one of them is broken, and it’s all that is in trouble. Another example is that market prices, climate and taxation can affect fluctuations, let alone catastrophes.

Faced with the question of wandering Magus, Munch said unhurriedly: “I have been informed by Lapuye before, but the shadow of Demon God is high, but since 10000 years ago, the Great Demonic God of Rising Sun raged South Territory, World’s Will It has set certain restrictions on the strength of this foreign intruder. Even if there is a Great Demonic God coming to the South Territory, wanting to overturn the Continent and change the mountains and rivers to the river, it is not so simple. Even more how, Lapuye It also said that the disaster of Demon God may not really come to South Territory. “

The last sentence of Monge made Magus all stunned. Hunting a descendant of Demon God, how could he not be surprised and angry Demon God? But looking at Munch’s attitude, it doesn’t seem like lying.

Moreover, Lapuye is the “immortal crown star”, the current true leader of the crown star church.

He should n’t be wrong about what he said?

Does the catastrophe of Demon God really come?

While everyone was having discussions, Monge slightly lowered his eyelids. Lapuye did say that Demon God might not come, but if he did not, it did not mean that it would be all right. At least Lapuye ’s worry is that there is nothing less, even more than Munch imagined. It’s just that Munch couldn’t say it at this time.

Anyway, his aim is to point directly at Legend, and any other influences, he will temporarily set aside.

However, Munch is not completely ignoring South Territory, at least he also prepared some backers, such as the mysterious thing of the song of the deep sea.

Sinaifa also stood up at this time, detailing if there was a disaster, Frost Moon would interfere and compensate the measures, which made the presence of Magus slowly calm down.

Next, Mengqi began to arrange tasks, and the reconstruction of Kongtian Island was temporarily stranded. At present, the most important thing is changed to: hunting plan!

The layout of Monge in the abyss has been for many years, and the original plan has been perfected, and now only the final changes need to be made according to the place where Demon God’s descendants come out.

“Sir Monge, with all that said, we do not yet know from which front line the descendants of Demon God come out? Is it the gate of weapons, or is the cave of evil?”

This question is also everyone’s concern, supplemented by a question, all eyes are again focused on Munch.

Monge said softly: “No, it’s Demon City–“

“La Sudran.”


In the shadow crevices of the ruins, Sanders was expressionless listening to Munch’s hunting plan.

Sanders did not express any opinions in the previous discussion. He knew that his personal Will could not change the trend at all. He just silently waited for the meeting to end.

For him, Munch ’s Legend plan is certainly attractive, but Sanders is well aware that Angel ’s dream wilderness has more potential, and the potential that naked eye can see. As for the monkey, whether it can be broken in the end is still a question mark.

Monge wants to borrow bloodline breakthrough from Demon God’s descendants, but it is because a scroll of ancient Magus has recorded similar cases, but it is difficult to say whether the experimental data recorded by Scroll is outdated.

At least Sanders is currently not interested in taking such a partial approach.

Immediately after the meeting, Sanders came to Rheinmuth’s side, but Rheinmuth’s eyes were now looking at Samantha from the wind and snow.

In the eyes of Rheinland, Samantha is beautiful and alluring, like frost princess.

But in Sanders’ eyes, Samantha was a piece of broken glass, or that kind of glass that was incomplete.

When Samantha approached, he squinted coldly at Rhemmt, with a mocking smile on his lips. Originally she wanted to say something, but when she saw Sanders on the side, she swallowed the bad words that came to her mouth, but coldly snorted, and then turned to the location of Lord Monge.

Rhine is helpless sighed.

After complaining for a while, Rhein turned his head and said: “Look, Samantha actually wanted to scold me just now, but she still refrained from saying that she wanted to maintain a ladylike image in front of you. Samantha? Maybe, as soon as you join, Samantha will return to the Savage Cave. “

Facing Rhein who raised La Lang’s thoughts, Sanders’ answer was decisive and indifferent: “No.”

Seeing Rhein and wanting to continue, Sanders bluntly said: “What about Angel now, what should I do now?”

At the mention of Angel, Rhein’s expression was also more serious. After all, Angel himself pulled into the core circle, and he also valued Angel’s potential.

Sanders told what he had sensed that the position of the blood was on the third floor of the abyss: “If Angel is still safe, then he may be ready not in Ice Valley. But even if he knows that he is in the abyss Level 3, but where is he? There is still no answer. “

It is now difficult for Sanders to decide whether to go to Ice Valley to find clues or to find Angel trails on the third floor.

Rhein pondered for a moment: “The current situation is indeed difficult to say, but it is not impossible.”

After a while, Rhein took Sanders to the corner of the sky island.

Originally, this was an open land, because it was next to the inverted waterfall. Not long ago, it was a popular waterfall spot on Kongtian Island. However, at this moment, a large number of tombstones have been erected here.

Most of the people who died in the Evil God chaos were buried here.

In this newly built cemetery, there is an old man with a crutches leaning on his body, walking slowly between the graves in the face of the snow and snow …

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