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“Last time I felt the flickering source of fire here, and I don’t know if it was an illusion, Griff Young Master, shall we go in and see?”

Greywood hesitated for a moment and was still nodded. It was not at all what it felt before, but now it comes back to the prey hall, but there is an inexplicable feeling … Greywood feels that his flames have become more vigorous than before, seemingly looking forward to something.

With this strange feeling, Greywood and Tantin walked into the prey hall.

Through the cold black and white grid floor, the candlelight was dim and dim. Greywood even felt that there was a chilling wind through the hall, and the flames blowing on it seemed to be extinguished like a fire.

Tantin’s brows were frowned, and the atmosphere of the prey hall was too empty and cold, completely unlike the environment that breeds fire.

Obviously, Tanding proposed to come here, but at this time, he couldn’t help asking himself: Is there really a fire here?

On the contrary, at first resolute and decisive, said Grievous, who had no source of fire here, his big round eyes, because of his frowning brows, turned into a triangular shape, and his mouth repeatedly muttered: “Here, it’s weird.”

It has a kind of premonition, there may be the source fire that Austria LuXi Ya is looking for.

As the last descendant of the fire rune family, Greywood could not feel the breath of source fire at all, as if his inner hunch was just a joke.

“Is anyone there?” Tantin’s sound passed into the empty hall. No one answered except for his own echo.

“Look at the inner court.” Greywood listened intently, whispering in the direction of the inner court.

The more the buzzing sounds, the more it goes, like there are countless people talking in his ears, a crazy cry, a desperate whisper, and a vicious curse.

Greywood shuddered and suddenly dared not move forward.

“Young Master, what’s wrong?” Tantin looked over. It was Greve who proposed to go forward. Why is he stopping now?

“Did you not hear?” Griffith was like a sieve, unable to stop shaking, the flickering flames fell to the ground, and si si sounded, and the white smoke was completely annihilated: “Those sound Can’t you hear it? “

“What sound?” Tantin said with a solemn expression: “Young Master, I didn’t hear any sound. If you think something is strange, we might as well quit first?”

Greywood shook his head, but without saying a word, continued to shiver forward, but the pace was much smaller.

If Angel is here, I would also like to sigh: Didn’t expect this Brat actually has a fear side.

Seeing that his Young Master didn’t want to retreat, Tantin hesitated for a moment and kept up.

Along the way, Greywood was bothered by those miserable or desperate or crazy whispers. Before it went to each step, it felt that there might be a terrifying nightmare with a greasy smile in front of it, but until they came to the inner In the exhibition hall, it was still calm.

Standing in front of the exhibition hall, Tantin asked: “Greywood Young Master, how are you?”

Greywood stared into the black door of the exhibition hall, and he could perceive that those whispers hovering in his ears came from inside.

“Let’s go in.” Greywood ignored the worries in Tan Steward’s eyes and entered the gallery.

The prey specimens in the exhibition hall will naturally not scare the young fire Demon.

When Steward looked at the exhibition hall for stumbling blocks, Greewood walked alone to a painting with his tail standing on the ground. Greewood tried his best to push his body up to the burning flame Head-up.

Greywood looked at the flame and somehow felt strangely familiar.

After confirming that there was no danger in the exhibition hall, Tantin came to the side of Greywood. When he stood beside Greywood, he suddenly found a cloud of mist in Greywood’s eyes, staring without blinking Drawing on the wall.

Tantin not at all sees what is special about this painting.

It looked carefully, this picture is a very ordinary painting, only the flame in the dark background, the painting is very realistic.

“Young Master, there is a door next to it, shall we go over and see?”

Greywood did not answer Tantin, but pointed to the flame in the painting: “The whisper came from the flame …”

With sad emotions, it’s like the flame is burying some special thoughts.

Tantin stared at the flame, and still did not hear any sound, nor was there anything strange. He hesitated for a moment, stretched out the dark hand with embers and flames, and touched the flame in the painting.


White smoke arises, and Tantin snaps his fingers back.

As a fire demon, when Tantin touched the screen, he actually felt a burning pain? ! A Fire Attribute Demon was burnt by the fire. This is probably a joke if it is told to any Demon.

But this is actually the case.

When Tantin was puzzled, Greewood suddenly shouted, “The picture has changed!”

Tantine raised his head, but saw that the flame in the darkness suddenly began to increase. In a short period of time, the flame in the center completely covered the darkness. The darkness in the original picture accounted for more than 80%. Today, the flame actually shows signs of fighting in the chamber.

“Why is there more fire in the painting?”

While Tantin was still wondering, Greewood suddenly said with excitement: “I feel it, there is a breath of fire, right in this picture!”

Gregory’s words shocked Tantin. The source fire they have been looking for, in the painting?

When Tantin was still wondering what was going on with the painting, the picture changed again. I saw a ripple in the center of the painting, where the flame was burning the most.

With the appearance of ripples, it seemed that the flames on Grevu felt the frequency, one after another image got into Grevu’s mind.

These images are all flames, or flames under the night in the picture. But it is not a simple flame, there are different burning objects in the flame, there are native people who just gave birth to their heirs and gasped in bed, there are half-blood Demon whose legs are dog legs, there are bitter beasts domesticated by native people , There is the Monster Race in the abyss, there are monsters that follow the fire …

These lives were burned by flames, and they uttered miserable screams and sad melody.

Greywood suddenly understood that the whispers it had heard before might be the last aftertones of these burned creatures.

At this moment, when Greewood looked towards the painting on the wall, he no longer felt that it was just darkness and fire.

There is more information lurking in this picture, but they are all buried in the night and burned by the flames.

The ripples are still expanding on the screen, like a stone thrown into a calm lake, causing a circle of ripples. When the ripples completely spread to the entire painting, a tall silhouette suddenly emerged from the flame in the center of the picture.

When he saw the silhouette, Tantin immediately put Grevora behind him, looking at the opposite side with a vigilant look—

The half-blood Demon that came out of the painting leisurely.

The flame hair is like a prairie, and the lines on her face are distorted, but its expression is cold and quiet.

Obviously it was only a half-blood Demon, but Tantin felt inexplicably intimidated. Is it a pure-blood Demon that actually feels the fear of the mixed-blood hybrid? ! This makes it incredible.

While Tantin was vigilant, the half-blood Demon on the opposite seemed to finally put their eyes on them.

“I thought it would be him.” Half-blood Demon lowered his eyebrows and murmured in a near-sounding sound: “It turned out to be 2 pawns.”

Tantin: “Listening to what you mean, you know we will come? Who are you?”

When Tantin asked, the young fire Demon Griev suddenly came out from the other side. He opened his eyes and stared carefully at the opposite half-blood Demon. It only took a while to say: “The breath of the source fire is on its body. , But … it seems that there is no complete awakening. “

Greywood’s words made Tantin stunned. Yuanhuo was actually born on a half-blood Demon, which has never happened in history.

“How is it possible?” Tantin murmured. “Why does the source fire appear on the half-blood Demon?”

On the other side, the young fire Demon was not at all entangled in half-blood and pure blood, but thought to be able to complete the task earlier, and first talked with the half-blood Demon coming out of the painting. “My name is Greve, I It is on behalf of Austria LuXi Ya Lord to find the source of fire. “

Half-blood Demon looked down at the Fireball in the air and said coldly: “I’m Hall Master here, night.”


When the young fire Demon meets the night, Angel is now immersed in the Thinking Space to build a model of the door.

Finally, when the new Yishuang Road was successfully carried on the model, Angel sighed in relief.

At the same time, the wind bell in the yard suddenly rang.

Angel stretched out his lazy waist, looked at the Toby status in the bracelet, and used Spirit Force to sense the insect nest of the soft state worm to make sure that the dream-weaver ants and the soft state worm still maintain an evenly matched balance. Only then went down from the attic.

As soon as I came downstairs, I saw Canaan in the yard, covering up a lot of corpses of monsters with water film.

Seeing Angel going downstairs, Canaan turned around and said in a suspicious tone: “The shopkeeper, I bought the remains of these monsters as you ordered, but … what’s the use? Doesn’t it taste delicious? . “

Angel smiled and said, “It’s useless to you, but it’s very useful to me.”

Angel was still thinking before, while staying here for a few days, earn more Demon gold coins and acquire a batch of abyss-specific materials.

He asked Canaan if it had bought pipes for special materials. Canaan’s answer was no, so Angel was counting on Ye Hall Master to help him buy it.

However, what he did not expect was that when he was receiving a new batch of guests in the morning, there was a blood-eye Naga from the deep vortex of the dark ocean not at all paying with Demon gold coins, but took out an ocean The monster’s body is in debt.

At that time, Canaan was disgusted, and said in his mouth that this thing could not be sold.

But after Angel saw it, it was nodded without the slightest hesitation that agreed to the transaction.

Because Angel found out that this corpse of the sea monster that had been hollowed out was actually a Magus-level monster!

Although the most useful material was taken by the blood-eyed Naga, the remaining bones, blood, skin, etc. were left in it.

These are nothing for Demon with skin is rough, flesh is thick, and the price cannot be sold.

But for Magus, the value of these things is great!

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