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He vaguely felt that this field seems to be related to “emotional manipulation”.

If it is really emotional manipulation, Angel has a way to temporarily resist it.

“No matter, gamble.” Angel decided to use the field around him as an emotional control. He slowly constructed a trick model in his mind …

The trick model was completed, but he couldn’t inspire it immediately. Today, he is far from the giant snake, and there is boundless silence before the other party finds himself. However, once the trick model is activated and magical fluctuations occur, giant snake estimates that it will immediately lock its position, and when it wants to rush past unexpectedly, it will inevitably be affected.

Angel is still waiting.

Waiting for the giant snake to wrap around the spike, turning the snake’s head back to him.

There was a rustle.

The scales on the giant snake’s body rubbed against the stone, and it began to move slowly. When it became disc-shaped and its head gradually shifted to the back of the spike, Angel eyes shined.

It is this time!

Without without the slightest hesitation, he was silently whispering the secret soul in deep in one’s heart, soul supplemented the trick, Angel did not stay, quickly lifted the veins of gravity, and rushed to the opposite mountain wall!

When Angel entered the field of the giant snake, it was immediately discovered by the giant snake, but it seemed a little curious about what broke in, at first not at all launched an attack, but instantly increased the strength of the field, and then from the other peak. Extend the snake head sideways to check the specific situation.

As the strength of the field increases, Angel instantly feels unable to breathe.

Depressed and depressed, even with despair and sorrow.

Although the field is depressed, the feedback to Angel is not sad but happy! He bet correctly!

He did not guess wrong, this is indeed the field that affects emotions!

In an instant, Angel activated the “soul dimension” solidified in soul, releasing the trick model already built in Thinking Space!

This trick model is just an ordinary basic illusion, but the scope of coverage is not the other party, but the Angel itself is accurately used as the Illusion technique node, completely covering him.

Although the giant snake’s emotional domain field is powerful, Angel’s personal innate skill also has emotional control!

When the Illusion technique node covered itself, Angel readjusted his emotions through the basic illusion, hardly affected by the domain field, and came to the middle-stage of the mountain wall, Toby’s side.

For other snake types, the gray breath around Toby is the lifeblood, but for Angel, this is the most intimate strength.

He stretched out to act without the slightest hesitation, dived into the grey breath, grabbed Toby, and then regardless of the moved towards the crazy sprint outside …

All this happened just in the blink of an eye.

When the giant snake found something wrong, the human who had trespassed on its Domain had already brought the “strange species” it had discovered to the other side of the cliff!

“Si si hiss–“

The violent sound, accompanied by strong anger, came from behind Angel. At the same time, a thick and depressed strength is also formed in the underground karst cave.

This is coercion! And it is Magus-class coercion!

Sure enough, he did not guess wrong. This snake, like Akzo, is also a Magus-level monster!

Angel didn’t stop, grabbed Toby in one hand, and quickly grabbed his own Fleshy body in the other, and began to run in accordance with the established route—

As long as I am fast enough, your coercion will not catch up with me!

Angel holds such a belief and fully activates the context of gravity!

Not even in the blink of an eye, Angel broke through the speed barrier and fled frantically from the underground river channel that he had previously entered.

At this time, the current of the river is smooth for him.

Angel wanted to go down the water, but a dangerous feeling suddenly rose from the river.

Angel quickly flew up, next moment, the river became frozen. Then with the bang, the giant snake broke through the wall at a very fast speed and chased it out …

Angel didn’t dare to delay, and with full horsepower, it was difficult for Official Magus to catch up with him! As long as he is not exposed to the giant snake’s pressure, he can safely take Toby away!

The giant snake also didn’t expect that Angel, a human being, looks much weaker than it. It is so fast that it can’t even see the shadow. It can only be traced by energy fluctuations.

After chasing for a while, he found that the other party was getting farther and farther away from him, and in anxiety, it directed a cold hurricane full of frost stars directly into the air.

Angel also felt the cold wind behind him that was enough to freeze everything, but he still firmly believed that as long as he was fast enough, not just coercive, he could run away from all attacks!

Angel is full of confidence, because he has come to the entrance now, as long as he crosses a short tunnel, he can escape alive.

However, when Angel came to the end of the river where he killed the flying fish monster, he found that the dead bodies of flying fish monsters everywhere disappeared.

At the same time, a huge crab blocked the previous entrance.

This crab is similar to the crab with the “sea anemone” killed by Toby that Angel found before, but this crab is bigger and looks like a moving orange peel fortress from a distance. It also has “Anemone” on its back, but this anemone is already a mature form, not like petals, but like countless tentacles, waving in the wind.

This anemone crab is using his huge crab tongs to eat the flying fish monster he killed earlier on the river bank.

Most importantly, Angel found that the crab also had a breath of fear.

Even if it is not Magus level, it is also near Magus level!

It blocked the road, and there was a giant snake chasing soldiers behind him. Angel seemed to have no way to escape for a while. Moreover, the giant crab also seems to have found something wrong and is looking up towards Angel …

While the Cancer looked towards him, Angel took the chance and plunged into the underground channel that had not yet been frozen.

Since the entrance where he came in was blocked, he would never be able to sit still, and now there is only one way to continue lurking into the waterway, maybe he will find a life.

He dived into the water and drifted down the water.

Surrounded by black paint, only the sound of running water.

“Perhaps a huge monster is hidden in the darkness.” Perhaps it was the environment. The dark underwater environment made Angel’s thought flash in his heart.

He thought about it for a long time, and connected the thinking Space through the way of soul dimension, and constructed an Illumination Technique.

When Illumination Technique started, Angel felt a huge shadow suddenly float from the water.

Angel looked down and turned out to be a troll floating under the water! At this moment, the troll is with arms wide open, like half dead, drifting quietly, eyes closed.

Angel swallowed a spit in the throat and murmured quietly, “Shouldn’t this troll wake up?”

The next second, the troll’s eyes resembling copper bells opened violently, exuding an endless lonely breath.

Angel: “…”

What a crow mouth! Angel even wanted to slap herself.

He accelerated away without the slightest hesitation, moved towards the water deeper. And after the eyes opened, the troll stirred up several groundwater vortices, moved towards Angel and ran away.

“As long as it’s fast enough.” Angel doesn’t care what he is in front of, and the veins of gravity are running at full speed.

Along the way, Angel also saw countless underwater monsters. These monsters saw Angel and immediately attacked. However, there is no monster that can catch up with Angel’s shadow.

After another swim, Angel could feel the waves behind him, and it was estimated that the troll was still catching up.

Maybe, giant snake and anemone crab didn’t give up on him either.

In the quiet and tranquil waters, Angel suddenly had a kind of confusion that nowhere to put.

Can he really escape?

Even if you can really escape, where will it appear?

Angel has tried his best to go around, just not wanting to be too far away, so that he has lost direction.

But is it really useful? The more he ran away, the more he pursued the soldiers. This sense of powerlessness made him start to doubt his life.

Moreover, his soul has limited time to find out.

Angel wandered in the dark and murky water, and all he could do was continue to run.

When he began to doubt himself, the troll got out of nowhere and punched Angel at a far distance.

The turbulence in the water forms a vortex, like a flying White Dragon, which brings up numerous bubbles and rushes to Angel.

Angel escaped at the last moment.

After experiencing this Life and Death Instant, Angel’s previous confusion suddenly disappeared. He didn’t know whether the sudden self-complaint was a psychological effect, or the existence of unknown influenced him, but he woke up after a blow that was almost bombarded.

Continue to escape!

Stop here, even if they beg their opponents, they will not treat you.

Angel ran away again, but this time, he put down the shackles in his heart, and instead of making a big circle, he was ready to choose the direction of the current and escape.

Even if you really deviate from the watchtower and go to a strange place, but as long as you live, there is always hope.

With this thought in mind, Angel’s eyes firmed instantly.

However, when Angel decided to make preparations, an unexpected accident occurred.

The previous attack of the troll caused a huge impact on a stone wall along the side. Just listen to the sound of “hong long”, where it was broken into slag.

When Angel responded, he found that the broken place actually began to pour water.


Angel escaped from the groundwater.

The stone wall shattered by the troll has a narrow tunnel connected behind it, and this tunnel is actually connected to the steam hall below the tree hole.

Although he escaped, he was too happy to be too early.

Just when Angel escaped from the Shadow Cave, he didn’t breathe the cool air outside, he heard a loud noise from behind.

He looked back and saw that the earth suddenly began to sway.

The rocks shattered and the snow on the hill was lifted off. Even the tree hole where Angel had escaped appeared to collapse.

As the dust fell, the huge three-horned snake’s skull slowly came out of the ground.

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