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“Actually follow me!” Angel scolded inwardly, and the snake was too persistent.

Could it be said that Toby pulled out of the snake nest?

Angel glanced down at Toby, who was in the pocket of fleshy body. After saving Toby from the mountain wall, it seemed to understand that he was safe, so he fell asleep with confidence and let himself fall into the dark completely Sweet dreams.

When she fled before, Angel also checked Toby’s condition, not at all trauma, the reason why she was awake because of exhaustion.

Withdrawing his gaze, he saw that the giant snake was about to get out of the cave, and Angel had to run again.

The terrain of the burrows and underground rivers is complicated, and Angel is very difficult to spare no effort, but now he has come to the outside world, and the fortress is not far away, he does not believe he ca n’t run away.

Thinking of this, Angel’s body was covered with gray breath, without the slightest hesitation rushing into the sky.

At the same time, the giant snake’s huge body also got out of the ground.

As soon as it left the cave, it was immediately covered by a white mist and floated into the air. The cold eyes looked towards Angel’s disappearing direction, just like a white practice, flying away.

Angel also took a time to look back and had to say that the giant snake was leaping and leaping in the clouds and was quite imposing. Moreover, under the clouds and clouds, the already terrifying body is now even more massive.

The giant snake chased him.

When Angel looked back, he found that the troll that was originally floating in the underground river, even the anemone crab, who didn’t lose the troll at all, also got out of the ground.

“How much hatred do I have?” Angel was speechless.

What he can do now is to run away.

Fortunately, the fortress is in the vicinity. When it is not snowing, you can even see the Shadow Hill from the watchtower of the fortress. It can be seen that the two are not far away. When Angel was running towards the fortress, Frost Moon’s escort team also discovered the situation here and quickly leaned over.

However, there is one person who is faster than the efficiency of the guards.

I saw a shadow flash, while the frost moon guards were doubting, but they smelled the faint fragrance of the moon in the air.

And Angel was also at this time, hearing a sound coming into his ears.

“I haven’t seen you in 2 3 hours, what are you doing out there again?” The familiar and low-pitched male voice made Angel’s eyes flash.

The next second, the whole body of the black gentleman suit, cloak violently screaming in the snow, appeared in front of Angel.

“Tutor!” Angel stopped, “very good, finally saved!”

The person in front of him is Sanders. He had a headache about “Dream of the Wild” in the study before, but he didn’t deal with the matter here, and he felt roar of monsters not far away.

He just looked up casually.

Then next moment, his eyes were fixed.

“This Smelly Brat actually went to make trouble again …” Sanders scolded, twitched some stiff corners of the mouth, or came out of the study, and moved towards the direction of moved towards Angel.

When Sanders arrived, Angel was given a dose of centering needle.

Sanders glanced at the Fleshy body, which was dragged by Angel soul on his hand, and looked at the already pale lips of Fleshy body, enough to see that Angel had been out of the soul before.

“You come back to Fleshy body first, let me here.” Sanders’ words made Angel overjoyed, but before the emotion of happiness had lasted long, I heard Sanders added another sentence: “You have to make trouble Seeking death, it is better to stay away from you in the future. “

Soul returned to the Fleshy body, Angel only felt exhausted for a while, and it took a while to slow down.

When he came back to his senses a little, he saw that Sanders was already fighting the giant snake.

At this time, Frost Moon’s escort team also came over. When they saw the giant snake against Sanders, there was a trace of regret in everyone’s eyes.

This is a Magus-level monster, and it is not a poor Demon.

Once the monster is killed, at least 6 digits of income. However, now that Sanders is at war, they are sorry to take a slice.

However, this kind of regret not at all lasted too long, because, on the snow hills in the distance, bursts of snow dust suddenly set off.

If you look closely, it is actually 2 monsters.

Although the strength of these 2 monsters can’t be compared with that of the giant snake, but their ranks are all newly entered Magus level, and the value is not low!

“The two guys over there, did you draw them out?” Sanders also noticed the changes in the rear when he was dealing with giant snake.

Angel’s awkward nodded: “Neither, I didn’t actually provoke them, just passed by them and caught up with me.”

In Angel’s words, the response was a cold eye from Sanders, and the Frost Moon Guard’s surprise to him.

The Frost Moon Guards have roughly understood the situation. When they learned that the three monsters were all led by Angel, all they had was admiration.

An Apprentice peak, walking three Magus-level monsters, and finally escaped from the monster’s pursuit, this is not a simple matter.

Even if they encounter this kind of thing, it will not be better than Angel. Moreover, the most important thing is that Angel has no scars, and the whole looks like a walk out.

“Sure enough, it is the disciples of Lord Illusion.” The guards in the heart couldn’t help thinking so.

Anemone crabs and trolls also appeared in the field of vision at this time. I saw Captain of the guard chanted: “Lord Lord Demon also … Mr. Pat, are these two monsters better left to us?”

Angel didd’t expect The Frost Moon Guardians will come and ask himself, his answer is naturally nodded should be.

Sanders also accidentally fought for the two monsters, and the guards immediately slammed the two bloody monsters, all sharpened sharply at the two poor monsters in the snow that had not yet sensed the danger.

About half an hour later, Sanders successfully killed the giant snake.

On the other side, the guards have dozens of Magus, but they are still dealing with trolls and anemone crabs. Moreover, the battle on this side has also attracted more Magus ’attention from the fortress. Join the Qingyi team only for the purpose of sharing benefits.

It is rare for Angel to encounter such a big battle duel.

Moreover, he now finally knows that Official Magus is really nothing compared to the monsters of the same rank. Although the trolls and anemone crabs were a bit embarrassed at this time, they were only minor injuries, and there were already several wounded people in the Magus of the guard, one of which was seriously injured.

As a result, the escort team had to let more Magus join the fight, and even if the monster was actually killed in the end, there was not much benefit.

Therefore, instead of killing the giant snake alone, Sanders, who has a Magus-class monster corpse, gets the most benefit.

While Angel was watching with keen interest pleasure, Sanders put the body of giant snake into the gravity garden, and then flew to Angel, coldly said: “Follow me back to the fortress, I want to know, what did you do? “

Seeing that more people gathered, Sanders called Angel back to avoid being questioned. After all, there were many people who discovered abnormalities here, and many people knew that Angel was the initiator.

Sanders spoke, and Angel could only follow the gray back to the fortress with his tail in grief.

After Angel entered the fortress, he obviously felt that the people around him looked deeply at him, and many of them wanted to stop talking, but because Sanders was on his side, no one really stepped forward to ask.

After all, that’s 3 Magus-level monsters!

Speaking of which, although Magus-level monsters are in the abyss, they can be dealt with by them, and apart from the profitable Demon, speaking of which is not much.

Angel is like digging out the monster nest, and three of them are drawn at once, and it seems that they are drawn near the fortress.

What did he do and how did he do it? This is the doubt in everyone’s mind.

“Speak, what did you do in less than 3 hours?” After returning to the territory, Sanders looked towards Angel expressionless.

Angel felt Sanders’ oncoming eye knife, his expression awkward.

He hesitated for a moment, then pointed to Toby, who was asleep in a comfortable way, and said silently: “Actually, I didn’t do anything, I just looked for it.”

Angel said helplessly about her experience.

He hadn’t thought about it at all. He just wanted to save Toby, and the three monsters were provoked by the twists and turns.

After Sanders finished listening, he was also speechless. After listening to Angel’s words, he really didn’t do too much, he could only say that everything was a matter of chance.

Moreover, Sanders remembered that if the Shadow Cave had been cleaned before, not at all found Magus-level monsters. Because of this, a lot of Apprentice later entered the Shadow Cave, and no one was in charge of the fortress.

But, when Angel entered the Shadow Cave, he encountered Magus-level monsters, and met 3 at once? !

If it was not Sanders who knew that Angel had never stepped into the critical forest, he would have doubted whether Angel was contaminated by the doom patrol? Otherwise, how could it be bad luck to this extent.

Especially Sanders played a giant snake before, its strength is terrifying. If it is handed over to the guards of Frost Moon, it will definitely not be able to take it.

The domain field that can manipulate emotions, if it is one step closer, can almost become Domain!

Once Domain is achieved, even Sanders has to deal with it carefully.

This kind of powerful monster, if Angel did not have the “gravity vein”, has definitely become a corpse.

Sanders sighed. Angel can’t be blamed on this matter.

“It is estimated that the three monsters in the Umbra Cave came from the underground river channel. However, generally speaking, Magus-level monsters will not randomly transfer their territory, nor do they know what happened. Transferred. “

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