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Although the sound was extremely small and murmured accidentally, Angel still stopped like a shock.

He will not admit it, this is definitely Toby’s sound!

Toby is in the vicinity!

Angel’s excitement hadn’t risen from deep in one’s heart, but was confused by the meaning of that soft whisper.

The whispered “whispering” before, in fact, to Angel, could not hear any specific meaning, and even Toby was saying “dream words”. But this sound made Angel feel strange in his heart.

Depressed and weak, it was like Toby was dreaming … Help!

Thinking of this, Angel suddenly felt a sense of uneasiness!

He immediately ran in the direction of the sound source he had heard before. The further he ran, the heavier the smell in the air became. The strong sense of anxiety was like a kind of creeping beast, grinning his fangs, peeping at him in the dark with a cold vertical pupil, and ready to wait for the opportunity.


Angel heard Toby’s sound again, still like a whisper.

Right in front! While Angel was running, she was also vigilant, ready to fight against the “monster” lurking in the darkness around him.

Suddenly, a si si sound came from the front.

Angel stopped for an instant, and as the fluorite was lifted, the scene in front of him narrowed his pupils.

He was still strange before. There were clearly traces of snakes crawling on the ground. How could a snake not be seen. Until now, he didn’t know where all the snakes went–

The road ahead is covered with snakes!

Countless snakes, colorful or dazzling, large or small, thick or thin, crawling densely packed in front, they are wrapped together and intertwined, blocking the road all.

This is a snake road interwoven by countless snakes.

Angel’s arrival made all the snakes look back. The original silent path, and the innumerable “si si” sounded in the blink of an eye. It was like a nail scratching through the smooth porcelain wall, which made the back ridge cool and very uncomfortable.

The arched upper body is an attacking snake, revealing the brighter lines on their body. They are intertwined with each other, as if forming a gorgeous “gate”.

It seems to be admonishing Outsider: Do not enter!

Although these snakes seem intimidating, in fact, the energy content within the body is similar to that of flying fish monsters encountered before. In other words, they are at most the first class monsters, and mortals have the opportunity to kill them.

For this group of monsters, Angel still did not fear, and rushed past.

He originally intended to use the “fog” trick to deal with flying fish monsters, but this trick is not used for these snakes not at all, they do not use eyes to search for prey.

And this group of snakes is completely unaffected in the misty illusion, and each shows Magical Powers, some feel the smell through the snake letter, some sense the temperature of the living creature through the cheek socket, and even feel the vibration through the jaws!

They have no chance of killing the wrong friend, even in the misty illusion, the snake’s positioning of Angel is extremely accurate.

Since the misty illusion can’t deal with this group of snakes, Angel simply set fire.

The flames kill!

The blazing flame instantly encased the snakes!

At the same time, Angel’s fingertips spawned a little white mist again-Nightmare Fear!

When the two tricks were superimposed, the group of snakes immediately became chaotic. The snakes that were intertwined before began to fall apart. At the same time, in order to avoid being burned, they all drilled into the underground river.

It’s just that ordinary water doesn’t work at all if you want to extinguish the flames of fire.

In an instant, the snake that was blocking the road was thoroughly. Angel is too lazy to hunt down, and now it is most important to find Toby who is suspected of sending a “SOS” signal.

Regardless of the scattered snakes, Angel drove towards the end of the road.

Darkness and stench have always accompanied Angel. Flame and fear became the main theme of this path.

Soon, Angel ran to the end of the road, but there was nothing here, just a natural soil stone wall … Angel was pretty sure that before he heard Toby’s sound, it was in this direction. But the road came to an end, but he couldn’t continue, which caused Angel to start looking at her surroundings.

In the end, he set his sights on the underground river.

Although the road on the shore came to an end, the river was not there yet. Without saying anything, Angel 2 opened the purification force field and jumped into the dark water.

Still upstream, Angel walked in the river channel, and there was no road around the shore not at all too far, about ten meters or more, Angel came out of the river.

This is actually a huge cave, and when Angel climbed ashore, he suddenly felt alert in his heart.

It’s not right here.

At first, in the cave where Angel discovered the snake marks, Angel felt a strange sense of depression, feeling inexplicably sullen, as if there were heavy things suppressed in the heart.

Previously on that path, he only looked at the sound of Toby and the hunter in the dark, but he ignored the feeling in his heart.

But when I got here, that sullen feeling again emerged, and it was even more serious.

This kind of suffocation is not a physical discomfort, it is more like a psychological uneasiness affected by emotions.

Angel cautiously clings to the wall and explores this cave. When entering a turning area, he saw several colorful snakes entangled.

The surrounding atmosphere was inexplicably dignified. Angel didn’t go to war like before, but constricted the breath, even completely shielding the body heat, and went around from the other side.

By circling several piles of snakes in a row, Angel found a path upward.

Walking along the upward path, Angel’s mood became more and more uncomfortable, but he also felt faintly that Toby seemed not far away …

When Angel walked around the road to the top, Angel’s eyes lit up.

He saw it!

Toby is on the middle-stage of the grotto opposite!

However, its state at this time is not very good … Toby’s all around scattered a few fluorite, illuminating the surrounding scene. Some bright snakes are surrounding it, spitting out snake letters, which obviously threatens Toby.

Toby, its eyes were half closed and half sleepy.

The reason why they can resist the snooping of the surrounding snakes is because Toby has a thin layer of gray breath around him. Every time a snake approaches, the breath will turn the snake into bloody mud. Therefore, no snake dares to approach.

That is the context of gravity, but it seems that it has been consumed a lot, and there is a tendency to become thinner and thinner.

Once the context of gravity is exhausted, Toby is bound to be under siege by the snakes.

Angel didn’t dare to delay any more, and immediately prepared to fly over the dark sky, and went to the other side to take Toby away. However, when he was about to fly, he saw a rustling sound under the cliff, and a shadow seemed to flash by.

If Angel had accidentally glanced under the cliff before, he didn’t notice that there seemed to be anything below.

He hesitated for a moment, leaning on a corner of Darkness and watching secretly.

After a while, the Shadow finally showed its true face. When Angel saw clearly, there was a shock in his eyes.

It is a giant snake whose size is not inferior to Akzo!

The rock wall where Toby is located seems to be this giant snake’s lair. Its huge body is wrapped around the opposite peak and slowly moving … The huge three-cornered head alone has the height of an adult. It can be seen how scary the body hidden in the dark is.

Angel can’t perceive how specific the snake’s strength is, but it is definitely not weak in terms of body size and inexplicable fluctuations distributed on her body.

Angel had always felt a strange feeling of suffocation, which came out of this giant snake.

This seems to be a “domain field”.

At a certain moment, Angel even had an idea of ​​retreating.

“Otherwise, go back and tell the instructor, let Sanders come to rescue Toby …” This idea just came out of his life, like a torrent, rushing into Angel’s heart.

This torrent was not Angel’s original intention, but a torrent of fear.

However, when Angel saw Toby’s weaker and weaker veins of gravity around him, he knew in his heart that once he returned to the fortress for help, it was equal to giving up the opportunity of Toby’s “Life”.

The couple Apprentice that I met earlier, the female Apprentice not at all went deep here and heard Toby’s voice, which shows that Toby’s situation was not bad at the time.

But in just half an hour, when Angel came here, Toby’s sound was so weak that he could only cry for help.

“There is no time to go back.” Angel suppressed his fear of “unknown” and silently analyzed the scene.

It is not impossible to save.

Although the snake did not at all exude coercion, but since Angel wanted to save Toby, he naturally had to plan for the worst.

Suppose that the snake is stronger than Magus.

Once it finds itself, it will definitely release coercion.

However, as long as he is fast enough, his reaction speed can’t keep up, and the pressure can’t catch up with himself, then he can take Toby to run out.

In other words, he had only one chance … He had to use his full horsepower, run the gravity vein, and take Toby away from the mountain wall, and at the same time, before he did n’t react, he would quickly return from here and escape from the sky.

The plan looks simple, but there are still variables.

Can he rescue Toby before taking advantage of the giant snake reaction? Also, will the “domain field” around this giant snake affect itself?

Angel felt vaguely that the “domain field” was absolutely troublesome, or else, with Toby’s strength and the ability to rely on the context of gravity, he should be able to run out without being in danger.

Of course, it is also possible that the snake passed some kind of coercion to force Toby to stay here.

Even if the “field” really affects him, he must be desperate.

However, Angel is not a reckless man, he is betting on one thing …

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