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Soon, Angel found the dead tree hole that the couple said on the back of the hill.

The tree hole is not obvious under the cover of the branches. Moreover, the tree hole is covered with a thick layer of snow. If it was n’t for the couple who had escaped before, a hole was hit. It is estimated that the tree hole was still covered in heavy snow.

It’s no wonder that the puppet did not find it before.

Angel bowed into the tree hole, the road in the hole was all the way down, dark and deep.

Soon after entering the cave, Angel walked from the narrow tunnel to the very spacious underground karst cave. There was a pungent smell of sulfur in the underground karst cave. At the same time, white steam was occasionally drilled in the cracks in the ground.

In the mist, Angel saw a few white shadows faintly. Spiritual Force probed, but it was empty, and it was estimated to be a “ghost shadow” rumored by the outside world.

There are many forks in the underground karst cave. Angel didn’t know where to go for a while, and he could only judge the direction they had gone based on the footprints and slight blood stains left by the couple on the ground.

Following the traces found on the ground, Angel passed through the geothermal area and walked to a channel with a watery smell.

This Yongdao is longer than before. Through the brilliance of fluorite, Angel can clearly see the messy blood stains on the sidewalls of the Yongdao and on the ground.

When Yong Dao approached the exit, Angel heard the sound of hua hua coming from the water in front of him. At the same time, he also met the couple who had frightened them in the mouth of the previous couple-the flying fish monster.

The shape of this flying fish monster is very peculiar, the scales are like glazed glass, and the body is slender like a shuttle. The fins on the 2 sides of its body are wide and large, which is larger than Toby ’s wings on Number One. Is swinging up and down, so that it can maintain flight in the air.

Angel has opened the infinite silence since entering the Shadow Cave, so the flying fish monster who was cruising alone in the corridor, not at all found Angel.

However, when he wanted to pass by the flying fish monster, the flying fish monster seemed to perceive something, and suddenly a mist of water shook off around him.

Angel Within the envelope of the water mist, the flying fish monster immediately noticed something was wrong, the silver-white fish head, which instantly became scarlet.

A fish mouth, a water arrow as thin as white, rushed to Angel.

Boundless silence is a bit bad. It is to eliminate the sense of existence. When it is not found, it is 10000. But once discovered, it is difficult to hide.

He completely didn’t expect, this flying fish monster will also spread water mist all around to monitor the surrounding movement!

Angel scolded in the heart, and then ducked away from the water arrow. While evading, Angel also took a white long sword from the bracelet and cut it at the flying fish monster.

The flying fish monster’s figure is slippery and very fast. Angel’s cleavage was successfully avoided by it.

However, the main purpose of Angel’s sword is not to cut the flying fish monster.

It’s a water mist!

His sword is a sword with frost magic lines attached to it, and its ice condensation effect is powerful. As long as there is a little liquid around it, it can quickly freeze it.

This flying fish monster is surrounded by water mist. Although Angel’s Swordsmanship is not like Nausicaa, it can stably hit the flying fish monster, but it is not difficult to cut the water mist.

As the sword crossed the water mist, the erosion of the ice followed the water mist to the flying fish monster in the center.

Before waiting for the 2d attack from the flying fish monster, it has frozen into a fish stick and fell off the air with a click. At this time, Angel wanted to hack them, but it was simple.

With a wave of his hand, the frozen stiff flying fish monster was cut in half by him.

The flying fish monster is a big trouble for the couple Apprentice, especially when the number increases. But for Angel, he has too many ways to save them while saving them.

Moving on, Angel encountered more flying fish monsters.

However, no matter how powerful the flying fish monster is, it does not have too high wisdom. Acting instinctively, Angel has various Alchemy weapons to assist, but it is very easy to deal with these flying fish monsters.

After leaving dozens of flying fish monsters on the ground, Angel finally walked out of the corridor.

Outside the Yongdao, there is a wider underground karst cave. As soon as Angel came out, he saw the spacious underground river.

The river is long and stretches without knowing where to go.

The low and dumb hua hua sound of the dark surge, accompanied by the sound of dripping water falling from the rock above the head, echoed constantly in the karst cave, and the empty and quiet sound made people panic.

In addition to water, there are more flying fish monsters flying in the air in the cave. They seem to be resting and cruising, but when Angel stepped into the cave, they were immediately seen by the rays of light of fluorite .

When it was discovered that an outsider had intruded, the 1000 flying fish monsters were like crazy.

They attacked Angel one after another, and the water arrow fell, and they rushed directly with a sharp body.

Angel is still not afraid of such a large number of fish. When he was purifying the garden, he dealt with more flying fish than here, and his strength was more powerful.

Angel directly placed a misty illusion. In the misty illusion, by simulating water arrows, he became a harasser. The flying fish monster was directly caught in chaos and civil war in suspicion and excessive vigilance.

Angel just laid out a chessboard, moved a piece, and then completely watched the wall.

It didn’t take long for the number of flying fish monsters killing each other in the mist to decrease.

At this time, Angel took the Frost Sword and began to harvest at a fixed time. Soon, the flying fish monsters within sight are all gone, and the whole battle does not exceed 20 minutes.

After clearing the flying fish monster, Angel came to the edge of the underground river.

Under the rays of light, you can see that the water in the underground river is very clear, and you can even see the fish below. A flash of silver light flashed, Angel rubbed his eyes, and was surprised to find that there was a shrimp with a light silver light in the river not far away.

No, not one.

It’s a whole team, at least a dozen.

This kind of shrimp creature with the light of the silver ring is not strange to Angel. This is the turbulent silver ring that the Popo and the others were looking for! A gourmet ingredient that has a fascination with men!

He now understands a little bit why the couple went to Youying Cave to find the turbulent silver ring. This discovery was a group, each with a price of dozens or even 100 magic crystals. This is what Angel sees. Just 1000 magic crystals.

The strength of the turbulent silver ring is almost absent. Angel directly reaches out the magic hand and grabs the turbulent silver ring.

Looking at the palm of the magic hand, the dozen or so imprisoned silver rings imprisoned, Angel couldn’t help feeling.

The abyss is extremely dangerous, but at the same time it is accompanied by unimaginable opportunities. If you are in the Magus world and want to earn more than 1000 magic crystals, Magus Apprentice is estimated to have struggled for more than ten years.

That’s why there are so many people who fight for mortal danger and come to the abyss.

I took a bottle at hand, put these turbulent silver rings on it, and stuffed it into the bracelet.

Strange ring of silver, Angel certainly doesn’t need it. He thought, after returning to the fortress, he could divide it between the tutor and Kanter.

Angel walked forward along the river channel. According to the previous woman Apprentice, the bird song she heard came from the underground river.

Therefore, Angel began to go against the direction of the water flow. This river is very long and the caves are also very large. On the way, Angel still encountered many flying fish monsters. Its density is beyond his imagination.

“Will Toby really be in front?” After killing a bunch of flying fish monsters, Angel raised his doubts.

However, this question was quickly answered.

It’s not that Angel found Toby’s trace, but he found the body of a weird monster that had died.

This monster is a crab carrying anemone, taller than an adult, and even larger in size. The monster is dead, but Angel felt a trace of the gravity vein on the monster. It can be seen that this monster is estimated to have been killed by Toby, and the time of death is no more than one day.

It seems that the female Apprentice not at all lied, and Toby was really possible, just deep in the Youying cave.

Angel estimated that Toby should have found that the river channel was frozen outside. It was not easy to catch the fish. Later, he accidentally discovered the underground river channel in the Youying cave and found that there are many fish here.

And Angel called Toby through a signal in the fortress before, and the unanswered answer also surfaced-how could it be possible to receive the signal in the Youying Cave?

Angel is slightly sighed in relief.

Although there are some monsters near the underground river, such as the flying fish monster or the crab monster, these monsters pose little threat to Toby.

Although Toby may not be in danger, in order to prevent 10000, Angel has accelerated the pace, moved towards the cave deep.

It didn’t take long for Angel to walk along the river channel, through a narrow gap, and then he came to another vast underground Space.

As soon as he came to this Space, Angel discovered a strange quirk.

Suddenly the mood was a little sullen, as if something pressed on the heart, making people feel inexplicably heavy.

Moreover, the smell in the air is more intense.

This smell is not the smell of water in the river, but a smell of blood mixed with some reptiles.

This feeling is like the smell that Angel smelled in Akzo’s cave when she left Pokhara.

“Snake type monster?” Angel asked suspiciously in the heart.

He moved towards the center of the karst cave, there were obvious stripes of crawling marks on the ground, and the smell of the traces was more intense.

Apart from accidentally, there are really snakes here, and looking at the size of the trace, the snake is not small.

Not only is it not small, Angel has found a lot of serpentine traces in this cave. This means that there may be more than one snake here.

Could it be a snake den?

While Angel was thinking, a subtle sound suddenly entered his ears.


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