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After Sneifa and Samantha left, only Sanders and Kanter were left on the field.

Sanders quietly looked at the critical forest in the distance … Now there are not too many trees in the critical forest, almost all of them are lava pools. Even if there are some living trees, it is estimated that they will not survive in the diffuse dust. . It shouldn’t take long, maybe it should be renamed here.

The heavy snow was still falling, but when the snow fell over the lava pool, it was steamed out of mist. The dust beneath reverberated, the fire shone, and with the white mist, at first glance, it was pretty.

“No one didn’t expect, under the critical forest, such a Demon actually fell asleep.” Kanter murmured: “Lord Throne’s lord is really rare.”

Sanders didn’t answer Kanter’s words, and his eyes continued to look into the distance. His eyes seemed to be in the critical forest, but he seemed to pass through the forest and look to the farther away howling plain.

“What are you looking at?” Kanter asked doubtfully.

Sanders spoke slowly: “I’m guessing that she will return.”

“This is hard to say, but the martial law of Demon City is over soon. It is estimated that we will leave in a short time, and even if Dong Lai comes back, it will not have much impact on us.” To her degree of doom, I do n’t think Dong La has a chance to come back. “

After Kanter finished speaking, Sanders just smiled and shook his head.

What he said, ‘Will you come back’, refers not to Dong La, but … Madeleine.

When Dong La began to flee with Manjimane, Sanders found Madeleine watching in the distance turned into thorns and sneaked into the ground, secretly followed along.

Think about it for a moment and you will know what Madeleine wants to do.

After all, Dong La once caused the massacre of the Silian family. Madeleine catches up, it must be for revenge.

Sanders discovered this scene, but he did not at all to stop it. Before, Madeleine and Tora were completely unequal in magnitude. If Madeleine went to seek revenge from Tora, Sanders might come forward to intercept. But now, under the influence of doom, Madeleine may really be dying.

In particular, nowadays Tora has no way to recover the magic source.

However, after all, Tora is really Magus, a dying, starved camel is still bigger than a horse, and Sanders can’t judge whether Madeleine can return.

The situation in the abyss changed rapidly in 10000, and Sanders shook his head, deciding not to.

Even if Madeleine really can’t come back, this is her own choice.

When Sanders returned to his territory, he saw Angel still standing on the tower and looking into the distance. It seemed that he had never left, and the snow was on his soft blond hair, but it was like wearing a pure white crown.

“What are you thinking about?” Sanders fell.

“… Is this the Demon’s Strength?” Even if the Demon had left, Angel’s eyes were a bit trance. In just a few minutes, most of the critical forest turned into a lava pool!

“That’s a special Demon.” Sanders thought about it, and simply said what happened before.

After listening to Sanders’s account, Angel’s focus shifted from Demon to the legendary Dongla witch who loved to “graft” parts from others.

“Doom is really so powerful?”

Sanders nodded, even Lord Demon, can’t avoid the doom patrol. In the records of Frost Moon, the location of the doom patrol will cause endless disasters.

“The end of Tora Lord …” Angel asked curiously.

Sanders shook his head with a smile, but said nothing.


After 3 days, the heavy snow did not stop, it seems that there is a trend of getting bigger and bigger.

The lava pool in the distance is still boiling, the fire is shining, and the white mist is hazy. If it is not the strong pungent smell, it is a bit of Immortal Realm.

The order in the fortress became slightly tidy after experiencing the horror of Manjimane. However, this situation did not last long, and everyone received a new order.

“Tomorrow will be evacuated from the watch fortress, packed up, ready to be transferred to the port of Kodo.”

In Sanders’s study, Angel was shocked after hearing the news: “The martial law of Demon is over?”

“Not yet, but because of Manjimoni, Sinaifa decided to shift his position in advance.” Sanders said.

This choice is also in line with the current situation. After all, it is almost impossible for the descendants of Demon God to come out of the channel of the critical forest. Even more how, if Tora came back to his senses and ran back to the fortress, it was also a disaster.

“You also prepare, I will take advantage of this transferred space to take you back to the Magus world.”

This was something Sanders had decided to do well before. The abyss was too dangerous, and Angel did not even qualify as a cannon fodder here.

Angel listened nodded, turned and left the study.

However, instead of sorting his luggage, he left the door after leaving.

Now that he is about to leave, Toby has not returned yet. Angel wants to call Toby back first.

Angel flew directly to the top of the tower and sent a summon signal.

However, ten minutes later, Angel not at all saw Toby’s silhouette. After hesitating for a moment, he sent two more signals, but when he looked around, the four fields were full of falling snow, and Toby still didn’t show up.

Because of the good mood to return to the Magus world, at this moment, suddenly became a little uneasy.

Before Sanders once said that it was safe to stay near the fortress, he assured Toby to play by himself, but now Toby has not returned a message for a long time, so Angel has a bad hunch.

Was it because of the danger encountered, or is, Toby was away from the Safety Sector and did not receive his signal?

Angel recalled the last time he saw Toby.

That was 3 days ago, after Manjimogne was taken away by Tora. Angel recalled Toby and told her 3 times not to go to the critical forest and the Howling Plain.

After that, he fell into research and never saw Toby again.

Angel’s mood is a little uncomfortable, but he forcibly ordered himself not to panic. According to Toby’s strength, there are dark feathers and gravity veins, which is enough to cope with most conditions. It should be fine …

Angel jumped off the tower and moved quickly towards the outpost.

Although Apprentice was a bit lazy and relaxed during this time, the guards on the sentry tower were always waiting for their time. Before Toby wanted to go out, he was almost regarded as an enemy by those guards. Later, Kanter helped explain that Toby could move freely outside the fortress.

Jumping and running in the snow-covered fortress, Angel continuously asked several guards, and no one noticed Toby’s whereabouts. It wasn’t until he came to the tower of the Northern Section of the fortress that he learned something.

In this case, it was not the guard who told him, but an Apprentice who was drinking and having fun on the tower heard Angel ask the guard and help the result.

“You said the gloomy and dull bird?” He was talking about holding an empty glass wine glass, and the chubby Apprentice covered with alcohol, he thought for a moment: “I remember, we went to find Turbulent Silver yesterday afternoon I saw the bird while ringing. “

The turbulent silver ring is a kind of shrimp creature. For the gourmet Magus, this is a low grade ingredient. Direct eating can help the male man.

“Right, pigtails?” Chunky Apprentice shoved Zhengtai Apprentice with a long pigtail pigtail beside her.

The braided child’s face was tinged with red, and he did not know whether it was drunk or because of the mention of the turbulent silver ring.

“It was a bit dark at the time. I didn’t see it. But Popota should have seen it. He has been looking up at the sky.” After the braid child finished, he looked at Angel with curious eyes: “Are you Mr. Pat?”

“you know me?”

“Popota said before, you are the disciples of the illusion.” The braid child’s eyes seemed to be shining with a look of worship.

Popota? After hearing this name, Angel seemed to open the memory box deep in her mind, and a young silhouette dressed in white robe jumped out.

Is this Bobo Tower the Bibo Tower?

When Angel was thinking, the chunky Apprentice took Angel quite diligently around the tower, and came to the other side. Then Angel saw a half lying on the roof, leaning against the upper eaves to cover the snow. Youzao, a man drinking alcohol.

At the same time, the blood-colored chain wrapped around the man surprised Angel.

Sure enough, he.

This chain was originally refined by Angel.

Since refining this chain, Angel has never seen Popota again. After a long time, seeing each other again is actually here.

“Popota, you said, did we see the flying bird yesterday?” The chunky Apprentice leaned against the steel guardrail and shouted at the Popota outside the guardrail.

Popota took a sip of wine and turned his head.

His sight directly skipped the chunky Apprentice and looked towards Angel.

After a moment of distraction, he picked up the wine glass with only a thin layer of liquid and stared at Angel out of thin air.

“Meet again.” Popota smiled.

Angel froze for a moment, his eyes flashing with doubt. Hearing Popota’s tone of voice, he suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

“It seems that Mr. Pat has forgotten me?”

Angel got rid of the strange familiarity in her mind and shook her head to Popota: “Naturally, I haven’t forgotten, and I didn’t expect to meet you here.”

The relationship between them is just the seller and the customer. If you change the time and place, Angel may greet two sentences, but at the moment Toby’s whereabouts are unknown, Angel has not continued to be polite, and directly asked:

“Just now, this …” Angel glanced at the chunky Apprentice. As he was thinking about what to say, he immediately introduced himself: “My name is Dusqui”.

“I’m looking for such a gray seabird.” Angel spread his hands, simulating Toby’s illusion in his palm: “Just now, Dusky told me that you have seen it? I don’t know where it is?”

Popota looked at the phantom bird in the palm of Sanders, thought for a moment, and said, “It seems that I have actually seen it, I think … I should have seen it near the Shadow Hill yesterday afternoon.”

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