“Do not……”

Seeing this scene, the three-headed eagle is violently shaken, and the mouth is desperately long…

At this moment, he simply regrets that the intestines are green, and he suddenly shocked the whole body. It was originally intended to temporarily stop the Starry Sky rush after him, as much as possible between two people. The distance is widened again.

But the end result made him stunned. He didn’t think of it anyway. Starry Sky was so violent that he had a distance of more than one billion miles from Starry Sky. He could actually cross a teleport directly, and teleport arrived. In front of two or three hundred million miles, this time teleport, it has spanned nearly two billion miles.

For him, this is absolutely unimaginable. After all, it is only the Half-Step of the Emperor. If you haven’t reached that step, you will never be able to find out the true Ability of the Emperor Powerhouse…

This time the miscalculation has undoubtedly accelerated his Death process. There may be other ways to try it, even if it is just a struggle.

But now, with Starry Sky violently teleporting to the front and roaring in the first place, the three-headed eagle has had the chance to struggle for a few more times in this dying…nothing. !


The sound of the heaven-shaking sound came, and the whole body was smashed, like a giant eagle-like three-headed eagle. Under the full blow of Starry Sky, there was no suspense and it was directly blown up. A hood of blood mist, not to be scattered, was violently opened into the mouth, into the body of Shennong Cauldron, and began to condense blood.

At this point, the two giants of Xusheng Forbidden Land are all falling, and the other six savage Beast Sovereign have fallen one, leaving the last five, the most powerhouse, but only the cultivation base of Titled Immortal Sovereign Eighth Step, for now Starry Sky, the violent battle of the Fourth Step, is like a real mole crickets and ants!

However, these five fellows are separated from each other, and after all, it is the powerhouse of the emperor. It is difficult to guarantee whether there will be some kind of unexpected escape to Secret Art. Yes, Ye Xuan simply does not dare to take it lightly.


His head screamed and his figure disappeared in the same place. When it reappeared, it was already nearly two billion miles away from the other direction. This direction is the strongest cultivation base strength, reaching Titled. Immortal Sovereign Eighth Step’s tyrannical bear escapes.

The cultivation base strength of this tyrannical bear reached the Titled Immortal Sovereign Eighth Step, which was only weaker than the two Half-Step empire that had been killed before.

Right now, he apparently has escaped. Even though Ye Xuan is showing teleport, he blinks nearly 2 billion miles of Void distance, but the front line of sight is far away, but he still can’t see it.

However, it is not visible in sight, and it does not mean that Divine Consciousness can’t detect it.

Without any hesitation, Starry Sky violently pushed the Divine Consciousness to the limit and extended it in the direction of the front. It was not discovered for the first time, but after the second time was slightly adjusted, the head of the bloody demon bear The figure is finally captured…

Sure enough, the cultivation base strength is closest to the existence of the two giants. It took a while to escape to nearly 10 billion miles. The speed is slower than the two Half-Step emperors. .


The situation is urgent and can’t be delayed. Starry Sky’s violent moment will fully push the True Essence with the body. With a weak sound, the figure disappears instantly, and it has reached nearly 2 billion in the blink of an eye. Outside.

Then, teleport started again… six times in succession!

Six times of full teleport, Starry Sky’s violent Starry Sky distance has exceeded 10 billion miles in just a few breaths, but during this time, the bloody demon bear has pulled forward a distance. It is still ahead, but the distance has been shortened to more than a billion.


With the end of the last teleport of the violent temper, the tyrannical bear that fled in front of him immediately sensed the dangerous aura that came straight behind him. Under the sorrow and anger, he raised his head with a roar, his body swayed, with the body Aura with a surge of energy.

This is clearly to expand the rhythm of the teleport, so although True Essence consumes too fast and can not last, but the current crisis is approaching, the bloody demon bear simply can not care about the other.

Now, the only thing he thinks is to fully teleport, always teleport down, until exhausted…


In the mouth of the temper, a coldly shouted came out. When the words were still not falling, the figure had disappeared again, and the distance between the eyes was close to one billion miles. The distance between the blood and the demon bears who are about to launch teleport is only two or three hundred million. The distance is inside.

It was also at this time, a fist that was like a meteor, suddenly blasted out…


Blood rain spattered, blood mist transpiration, the huge mortal body of the bloody demon bear directly turned into nothingness, all Qi and Blood were swallowed into the belly by Starry Sky, and sent to Shennong Cauldron with the body. Expand blood condensate.

At this point, Xusheng Forbidden Land’s eight-headed Beast Sovereign has fallen half, and there are four left, but the most powerhouse is just the first stage nothing more, it is a Titled Immortal Sovereign Seventh Step The double-headed snapping turtle is also the next target of Ye Xuan’s hunting.


“xiū xiū ……”

The faint sound of the air broke out, and it took only seven times to rest temporarily. Just a few breaths, Starry Sky violently returned to the former core of the great war, Divine Consciousness fully urged, towards the double The head of the snapping turtle escaped in the direction of speed.

This fellow is not good at speed, and the cultivation base strength is only the Seventh Step nothing more, so the escape is not very far, but he is obviously good at some kind of secret Secret Art, but also quite confident.

As Ye Xuan’s powerful Divine Consciousness stretched out, there was no double-headed turtle in the universe void, but in the Star Nucleus of a giant star more than three billion miles away, Ye Xuan discovered Aura of the target…

Very weak and weak, with the powerful Divine Consciousness of his Titled Immortal Emperor Second Step, almost never caught!

Obviously, this two-headed crocodile turtle knows how to avoid weaknesses, and tries to escape the tribulation in this way. In fact, he almost succeeded…

It is a pity that life and death are two very absolute concepts. There is no chance to fool, even if it is only a little bit worse. The final result is often the opposite.


In the middle of the cold glow, Starry Sky violently launched the teleport directly, and two times it has reached the front of this inconspicuous abandoned star.

What Ye Xuan had to admire was that at this point, the two-headed snapping turtle, crouching in the abandoned star Star Nucleus, still had no semi-moving motion, and was not too confident about his hidden Secret Art. I think that Ye Xuan is not aware of it at all, but now it is only a temptation.

Or this fellow is already scared in Star Nucleus, even if you want to move, you can’t do anything…

All this is not important. What is important is that in the hands of Ye Xuan, there will be an extra bloody one. Now, the eight sera of Forbidden Land in Xusheng have basically not run… No suspense!

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