“The Emperor Two is just like the Stephen Step? The battle is going straight to the Fourth Step? Hehe…”

After a short stay, Starry Sky blood wolf made a roaring sound, and finally opened a blood arrow with a mouth, like a pouring rain, falling in the Void…

He is completely desperate.

Just now, the other party only just closed the Emperor One, nothing more, although because of the body Qi and Blood, the force is directly chasing the Second Step, but the Starry Sky blood wolf has the Bloodline Secret Art. Ascending to the First Step, so with the cooperation of the other seven savage Beast Sovereign, there is no chance that there will be no chance to fight.

But now, this violent cultivation base strength has skyrocketed again, and the gap has widened further. How can this be played? There is no hope at all.

Even the promotion of the cultivation base strength to the First Step by the Bloodline Secret Art is not a match at all. The other seven savage Beast Sovereigns need not say much, simply like the mole crickets and ants. Let the other side arbitrarily slaughter…

“Fellow Daoist, have something to say, you and I have no hatred…”

Under the sorrow and anger, the Starry Sky blood wolf gnashed his head and heard a weak voice in his mouth, as if he wanted to ask for peace.



The Starry Sky in the shape of 60,000 is stunned and not hesitant. A huge palm like a Vault of Heaven is shot down.

A loud bang came out, and the huge figure of Starry Sky’s blood wolf exploded in a moment, and there was no remaining piece of bone slag. It was actually taken as a hood of blood mist.


Almost at the same moment, Starry Sky violently opened a bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl. Under the slamming, an invisible terrifying suction force appeared, and the blood mist that was spreading out was all in the mouth. She was directly sent to Shennong Cauldron with the body to carry out blood condensate.

Although the Starry Sky blood wolf used the inheritance Secret Art in Bloodline at the last moment to raise the cultivation base strength to the Titled Immortal Emperor First Step, it was only temporary, not the true combat power of the body Qi and Blood. Grade, so, you can only refine a Top Grade of blood, not a blood.

At this moment, as the Starry Sky blood wolf was killed, the entire Asahi Forbidden Land was quiet, and countless Forbidden Land Vicious Beast sub consciously held the breath, wide eyes, dumbstruck.

In a blink of an eye, one of the two giants of Forbidden Land disappeared so completely?

Even a bone scorpion has no remaining!

The shadow of a Death enveloped the hearts of all Forbidden Land Vicious Beast, letting their body tremble uncontrollably. At this moment, some Forbidden Land Vicious Beast finally started to escape. The Periphery Region of Xusheng Forbidden Land, a path The figure rushed out of the stars in the trembling of the rustling, rushing toward the Forbidden Land outer circle…

In the center of the inner Star Territory’s battle inner circle, a path of dumbstruck cry out in surprise, also slammed at this moment, revealing endless dumbstruck ……

“How is it possible? The blood wolf is like this…fallen?”

“Destroy both body and soul, the bones are not saved, instantly killed by Instant… This violent cultivation base strength is true, the combat power has been chasing the Fourth Step, I can’t be an opponent at all.”

“Xusheng Forbidden Land it’s over, this fight, without any suspense and hope…”




Dumbstruck cry out in surprise, the surviving seven Vicious Beast Kings just like the appointment, all turned around and fled in all directions.

Farther away all around, a large number of sealed and sealed king-level Forbidden Land Vicious Beast, is a swarm of scatter like birds and beasts.

Seeing this scene, Starry Sky screamed with a roar of his hair, his right foot raised high, and slammed to the nearest initial stage of his emperor.


The huge sound of the explosion came, the initial stage of the emperor did not have a little resistance, the whole figure exploded in a moment, the mortal body burst into a blood mist, was directly sucked into the mouth by Starry Sky, sent to Shennong Cauldron, Expand blood condensate.

In the blink of an eye, two fierce Beast Sovereigns were killed and half of the resistance was not.

But all this is not enough, and Ye Xuan’s established goals are far from each other…

“You… can’t escape!”

Sen’s cold snoring came from Starry Sky’s violent mouth. Its huge figure was like a star blasting in Void, and went directly to another Half-Step Pursuit.

Among the remaining six savage Beast Sovereign, this Half-Step has the greatest chance of escaping. If he has a short-time boosting of the cultivation base’s Bloodline divine ability, then he will have the Emperor One order once applied. The cultivation base strength, under the speed of speed, will soon be able to see.

Therefore, Ye Xuan must solve him in any case. As long as he has killed the Half-Step, the other five fierce Beast Sovereigns can’t avoid Ye Xuan’s purchase even if they escape far.

This semi-prefecture exists, it is a bird, showing a hundred thousand heads, three eagle heads, but there seems to be no such bloody Vicious Bird in Starry Sky, it is suspected to be a kind of mixed blood product, which can be called It is a three-headed eagle.

The speed of the three-headed eagle is very fast. He is like a black lightning in the Void. He blinks across the sky and instantly reaches 100 million miles.

This speed can be compared with the Order of the Emperor One of the ordinary. Seeing the Starry Sky violent pupil light, the heart can not help but decide to be correct.

Otherwise, if he chooses to shoot the other five Titled Immortal Sovereign first, and then wait until after all the solutions, look back at the three-headed eagle, I am afraid that the other party has already escaped, and can no longer pursue it…


With a roar of his head, the starry Starry Sky in 60,000 slammed into a big step and chased it up at the limit speed. It was just a physical shot, and it was nearly 200 million miles in the blink of an eye…

According to this speed, it is also possible to stop the three eagle fleeing in advance.

“Irritable, what do you want? Why is Slaughter? There is nothing in Starry Sky that can’t be talked about…”

The three-headed eagle in front saw this scene, and the soul was scared to fly halfway. Under the head, there was a voice of dissatisfaction in the mouth.

However, the shape of the flank between the flaps and the flank is not evenly stagnant. The cast is not reduced. It is only a deliberate attempt to fool Ye Xuan and want to fight for the time of that’s all.


“xiū xiū xiū ……”

Almost in the next moment, in the distant Void, countless sharp and unstoppable sounds suddenly sounded, and the three-headed eagle, which was fleeing forward, actually shook all the black feathers above and below the body and turned it into A black sly arrow rain, the speed is so horrible, like a huge black cloud like a sky, hiding the sky and covering the earth lasing toward the rear…


This bird is so insidious, the words in his mouth are still not falling, and the next moment is to enlarge the sin, which makes Starry Sky violently roar again, raising his hair to a heaven-shaking roar, his body shape, actually It is the direct use of teleport, which disappeared in place.

When it reappeared, it was already in front of the three-headed eagle, not too far away, only a few hundred million miles away, a fisted towards three eagle bangs…

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