
As the violent fist slammed out, the entire abandoned star not far from the front was broken, and a huge blood mist was scattered from the spattered stars.

Starry Sky violently slammed a mouth and slammed it, and directly sent the Mortal Body Qi and Blood of the slate to the body Shennong Cauldron, and immediately began to condense blood!

The last three Titled Immortal Sovereign, two middle stage, an initial stage, can’t escape, and Ye Xuan is now able to catch up with the Strength of the Fourth Step.

“xiū xiū xiū ……”

After a few more teleports, he quickly returned to the original great war, because the three surviving Titled Immortal Sovereign fled in the other direction.

The three fellows thought that there were several other stronger Tentle Immortal Sovereign that had tossed Ye Xuan’s footsteps, so they were very versatile in terms of the time they fled, and there was no need to escape separately.

In addition, the three men’s combat power is a little weaker, get together, and if they are caught up, they can at least join hands, so the three of them are gathered together and flee in the same direction.

Ye Xuan, even if the teleport is launched again, it will go down in this direction.

What made him speechless was that he thought that the three fellows were good brothers and brothers, but the scene seen in the front Void made him immediately turn his eyes.

Among the three heads of Titled Immortal Sovereign, the cultivation base strength is the weakest, only the fellow of the Tiddled Immortal Sovereign Second Step, and one person is hanging behind, while the two middle stage kings in front are more than three billionth ahead. outer.

The speed of the fellow hanging behind is not good. It is clearly that the front two fellows are behind the dead ghost. It is no wonder that the face of anger and anger at this moment…


Ye Xuan didn’t hesitate, and he was close to his body. He directly slammed his fist and slammed his huge body into a black mist. He swallowed his mouth and sucked it into Shennong with the body. Cauldron, unfolding blood.

Then, he launched the teleport again, two times in a row, and the distance between the two eyes was close to a billion miles. The distance between the last two middle stage kings was less than one billion miles away…

“Fellow Daoist, no, senior, I am willing to drop…”

“As long as we can stay with us, let us drive!”

As despair came to the fore, the two middle stage emperors immediately stopped their bodies and asked for pleading to Ye Xuan. When the first moment of the violent figure appeared, they knew they could not escape.

In such a short period of time, even the two giants and the two elite stage emperors have done their best. With their cultivation base strength of the middle stage, what hope?

If this is not the case, the imperial person, I am afraid that it will not be so desperate for mercy.

“Not good means, you wait for the drop, this Star Lord… unwilling to accept!”


Mori’s words came out, and Starry Sky screamed and screamed, and suddenly slammed…



The power of terrifying swept away and directly bombed the two middle stage kings into a blood mist. Then, Starry Sky violently opened his mouth and inhaled it into the abdomen, and sent it to Shennong Cauldron to carry out blood purification.

At this point, Xu Sheng Forbidden Land’s eight fierce Beast Sovereign, all fall!

But for Ye Xuan, everything is far from over.

Looking around, Divine Consciousness stretches out, and the entire Ford Denver Forbidden Land is full of Forbidden Land Vicious Beast, some of which have escaped the edge of Forbidden Land, but most of them still Within the Territory of Asahi Forbidden Land.

After all, Ye Xuan didn’t take much time to kill the eight fierce Beast Sovereign, and the whole Asahi Forbidden Land is so vast. The other Forbidden Land Vicious Beasts are the strongest, but they need to get out of this area. Time……

“Xusheng Forbidden Land, the eight emperors do their best, if there are those who dare to flee… no fuss!”

Soon, as Ye Xuan moved to the True Essence within the body, a Divine Sense sound shrouded the entire Asahi Forbidden Land, and every Vicious Beast heard it, and they all felt a terrifying The emperor’s pressure, the secret pressure came.

The vast majority of Vicious Beast was scared and even when he stopped his body, he groaned in Void and shivered.

But there is also a small part, but it is faster to escape.

“If you want to die, then you will be like you!”

In the middle of the cold glow, the violent figure disappeared instantly, and the teleport was once and again, each time in a different area, harvesting a lot of life to escape Vicious Beast, but each time, it was just a simple punch more than more.

After the semi-column incense, the entire Xusheng Forbidden Land was completely quiet, and no Vicious Beast dared to escape…

“Since I don’t escape, this Star Lord will not marry you, and honestly return to the stars to stand by, if you dare to take the stars out of the stars… Lie!”


“xiū xiū xiū ……”

Hearing this sentence, all the Forbidden Land Vicious Beast are as big as a monk, no longer staying, turned and looked towards the stars where their nests are rushing. In the blink of an eye, a big Xusheng Forbidden Land, Void is empty. Empty, a Forbidden Land Vicious Beast can’t be seen.


In the next moment, Ye Xuan waved Shennong Cauldron with a wave of his hand, and then he came straight to the snorkeling Shennong Cauldron, sitting cross-legged.

Once again, eight baby-sized jewels appear in his right hand palm, the eight blood, and a lot of top-level treasures and desolate ancient creatures Treasure Body natural resource Together, it became the basic raw material for Ye Xuan to refine the 20 4th level.

Of course, in addition to these two basic materials, according to the formula of the two 14th level Fluid deduced by Ye Xuan, he will add about 10 drops of Myriad Evils Source Liquid and some top- previously found in Primal Chaos Void. Level natural resource ……

Eight seals of the blood, plus a variety of top-level natural resources, he has more than 80%, can refine three twenty 4th level Dan, and even the possibility of four treasures, Above 50%… As for the five, the chances are much smaller, only about 30%.

Out of caution, Ye Xuan will have already made a good deed, and have carefully tweeted twice the Twenty 4th level pill recipe, again analyzed it again, after confirming it, before the wave, will formulate everything needed. Natural resource and various top-level treasures Treasure Medicine are all ready.

Then, I closed my eyes…

Shennong Cauldron, internal space, central volcano bottom!


“xiū xiū xiū ……”

The faint sound of the emptiness sounded in succession. A path of serene glow spurted from the height of the Dingkou above the volcano in the central domain. It appeared directly above the flame pool at the bottom of the volcano, and suddenly hovered for a moment, it was exactly Ye. Xuan has prepared various top-level materials and cultivated natural resources for the twenty 4th level.

Eight seals of blood!

Ten drops of Myriad Evils Source Liquid!

There are also a variety of rare and horrible top-level treasures Treasure Medicine…


In the next moment, below all the natural resources, in the flame pool at the bottom of the central domain volcano, a fascinating Shennong Seven Colored flame whistled, and instantly condensed into a colorful one of the circumstance of a one- zhang square, a small and ancient And plain, revealing an out of the ordinary aura.

With the formation of a small flame condensed by the Shennong Seven Colored flame, the already-prepared Vicious Beast blood and other materials and natural resources, all automatically fly, immersed in this flames only about one zhang square Inside the tripod.

Since then, the 20 4th level Dan’s practice has officially started…

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