“The Law of Strength? You want me to be Pangu?”

Ye Xuan was shocked and hurriedly waved: “There is no discussion about this matter, what is the best of splitting heaven and earth apart? There is no good ending in Pangu, and I finally put myself in it…”

“That was just the thing that happened in the last round of Primal Chaos. That’s all…”

Infant corpse shook his head and his face was ridiculous: “Every round of Primal Chaos is different. Both I and Great Desolate Heavenly Dao Will have been in the past. Now he is just struggling and wants to steal this round of Primal. Chaos Qi Transport, but this is doomed in vain, you have a Primal Chaos Qi Transport to add, this new history of fortune is also destined to have a strong ink…”

“When the last round of Primal Chaos was opened, the rule of strength was Pangu, but this round, why can’t you be Ye Xuan? Pangu chooses splitting heaven and earth apart, and you open the Great Desolate golden era, but your choice, by it’s up to you……”

“The premise is that after the opening of the Primal Chaos era, you must have enough power to have the right to speak, otherwise… in the last soft Primal Chaos era, even the three thousand Primal Chaos Demon God, I don’t know. How many of them died before the Pangu Kaitian.”

“It’s rare to meet the era of the Primal Chaos era, and it’s just like a Primal Chaos Qi Transport. You never want this time. You are also like the previous round of certain Primal Chaos Demon God, in a new era. At the beginning of the opening, will you fall fall early?”

“It makes sense to say that I am speechless…”

Ye Xuan was dumbfounded and looked at the headless infant corpse, muttering: “In this way, among the three thousand Primal Chaos Demon God, I really have to do the most powerhouse that controls the law of power, otherwise… Destined to be bullied by others!”

“That’s the truth. Go, look for other Primal Chaos source nests. When you can feel the power of violent, you can stop.”

After that, the headless infant corpse swayed and rushed to Ye Xuan.

This is clearly after the stop, and then return to Ye Xuan’s left chest, turned into a corpse lamp tattoo, the rhythm of crouching down.


Ye Xuan brows, even if subconsciously raises his hand and grabs the left chest, even the body shape is sideways, it seems to be sideways to avoid something, no matter whether it is useful or not, but this is indeed a condition Reflective subconscious movement.

It’s not that Infant corpse is not going back. Ye Xuan and he are already a shackle on the rope. The key is that the child’s pickpocket is too habitual. It’s been so long before it’s so long, it’s hard to wake up. Just a few words and want to rush back to sleep.

It’s hard work, but all of them let you go… Why?

One thought of this, Ye Xuan’s face was pulled down in an instant, and he turned his eyes and said with a sigh of relief: “We are a cooperative relationship now, not right, it has always been a cooperative relationship, but you don’t think that I am always tossing? You It’s comfortable to sleep, this time it’s hard to wake up, how many things are going to happen?”

“You only toss a few years? I was already in the process of Desolate Ancient before the endless years…”

Ye Xuan resentment thought is profound, but the headless infant corpse is just such a sentence, it is not tempered to put him on top.

Think about it too, has he tossed for a few years? Headless infant corpse Since there was no fall in the fight, and lived in the world, how could there be no arrangement?

After the collapse of the Great World of Great Desolate, the headless infant corpse and the Great Desolate Heavenly Dao Azure Eye have never had a positive confrontation, but both sides must be in the dark as much as possible. Everything is for the final fight that will surely come in the future.

For example, Nether Furnace and Origin of All Evil Star Territory, and for example Void Giant Turtle…

The former is the layout of the Great Desolate Heavenly Dao Azure Eye, which is obviously related to the headless infant corpse.

It was a Desolate Ancient Supreme who lived from Desolate Ancient to the world. After being rescued by Ye Xuan, it was immediately gone. If there were no accidents, this must be one of the backhands of the headless infant corpse, just Ye Xuan. Not yet at that level, I am not qualified to know that’s all.

In fact, even if you tell him that there is no fart, at most, listen to the fresh, follow the joy and worry about that’s all.

When I thought of it, he suddenly stunned. The left hand on the left chest squatted a few times on his chest. He smiled and let it go down. He tried and asked: “oh, right, big, except the turtle boss, that year. Your Desolate Ancient Supreme, still alive… How many? Where did you go? Includes Golden Divine Dragon and Desertate Ancient Yaksha? They all have a relationship with me!”

“These are not yet let you know, when you arrive at Universe Supreme Realm, you can naturally understand the whole layout…”

“Universe Supreme Realm? It’s still far away!”

Ye Xuan rolled his eyes on the spot. After the Titled Immortal Emperor, there were five big realm, Universe Venerable, Universe Lord, Universe Supreme, and Desolate Ancient Almighty and Desolate Ancient Supreme!

This so-called Universe Supreme is actually the Quasi-Desolate Ancient Almighty!

Ye Xuan is now even Fenghuang, and Imperial Capital has not arrived yet, let alone the five big realms in the back. Simply don’t know what happened after the monkey year.

“Or, find the ancestral star and enter it… At that time, you will be able to know some of the layout first!”

Without waiting for Ye Xuan to continue, the words of the headless infant corpse visa revealed that the vicissitudes of the vicissitudes of life had once again sounded: “The Desolate Ancient of the year was smashed, the whole Great Desolate big world collapsed, but the ancestral star did not receive much Influence, being swept away by a Primal Chaos…”

“If there is no accident, Zu Xing should be within this Primal Chaos Void. Not only I am looking for it, but also the enemy of the year. You have a Primal Chaos Qi Transport and enter this Primal Chaos Void. It is destined to be taken care of by Primal Chaos Great Dao. Perhaps the ancestral star will be found in your hands…not known!”

“What? Is the ancestral star here?”

Ye Xuan instantly opened his eyes and made a cry out in surprise.

The news was so amazing that he was surprised. Cry out in surprise, his breathing was also rushing.

He has always suspected that this so-called ancestral star is the planet he was born.

According to Ye Xuan’s description of the ancestral star, it has more than 70% of the sea, looking out from the universe void, a blue water, which is exactly the same as Ye Xuan’s real homeland!

Calculating the time, he left the home planet and accidentally landed at Nine Heavens Star. I don’t know how many years have passed. If this ancestral star is really the original earth planet, I don’t know if the time has passed like the outside world.

If it is the same, after such a long period of time, what will be the scene in the present homeland planet?

For a moment, these thoughts all twitched from the mind of Ye Xuan, and he was immersed in confusion…

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