“Titled Immortal King Eighth Step ?cultivation base Strength’s entry speed is barely okay, but… it’s still too weak!”

As Ye Xuan’s voice with a little bit of arousal sounded, the blood color pupil light of the baby’s head held in his arms by the headless infant corpse finally moved slowly and eventually fell to Ye Xuan. locking.

After looking up and down a few times, the strange, innocent and sorrowful voice of the voices of the sorrowful voice, also resounded at this moment: “However, since the body of Primal Chaos Qi Transport, then, Primal Chaos Demon God three thousand There must be one belonging to you, although it is weak now, but once Life Source Demon God is awake, the cultivation base strength will skyrocket… It is also eligible to participate in the final fight!”

“Rely! This is the so-called Primal Chaos Qi Transport, which is actually this?”

Upon hearing this, Ye Xuan widened his eyes on the spot and sighed in the mouth.

Before he took this System title, the headless infant corpse had not yet awakened, so most of them did not know the specific mission of the System title, which was to let Ye Xuan find a Primal Chaos source nest and differentiate a Primordial. Spirit, where the owner is, occupies Nestlé, occupies one of the three thousand Primal Chaos Demon God, refining for his own doppelgänger…

But at this moment, the headless infant corpse still speaks similar words, which is absolutely impossible to be a coincidence.

The only explanation is that the so-called Primal Chaos Qi Transport, which headless infant corpse said earlier, is actually white, and will occupy a place among the Primal Chaos Demon God!

Moreover, listening to what he said at this time, between the headless infant corpse and the Great Desolate Heavenly Dao, there must be a so-called final fight, which is actually the Desolate Ancient that broke the Great World of Great Desolate that year. continue.

The fight of that year, although fierce to collapse the entire Great Desolate world, both camps have suffered numerous injuries, even the existence of the Desolate Ancient Supreme class of Void Giant Turtle and Golden Divine Dragon, Deserte Yaksha, Seriously injured seriously, fallen fall.

In fact, the Commander of the two camps of the year, the headless infant corpse and the Great Desolate Heavenly Dao Azure Eye, did not fall.

Now, after the undulations and recovery of the endless years, the headless infant corpse and the Great Desolate Heavenly Dao Azure Eye have each awakened, so as the final result of the Desolate Ancient dynasty fight, the final fight of this timeless endless years … is destined to come.

Perhaps, the day when the Great Desolate big world is fully brought to the world, is the moment when this fight is officially opened!

If this is the case, Ye Xuan’s time is obviously not too much, and Nether Furnace’s activities are more and more frequent and more and more strange, which gives him a heavy sense of urgency.

Although listening to headless infant corpse, once he refining one of the three thousand Primal Chaos Demon God as his own doppelgänger, then the primacy Chaos Demon God refining as doppelgänger will wake up and Ye Xuan’s cultivation base strength will skyrocket It is even more likely to reach the Desolate Ancient Supreme level like Void Giant Turtle, Golden Divine Dragon and Deserte Ancient Yaksha, with the qualification to formally participate in this final fight…

But…who knows how long it takes for a Primal Chaos Demon God to take birth?

I can guess with the roots of the feet, this time must be short, and Ye Xuan is afraid that he will not wait until then, the Great Desolate Heavenly Dao Azure Eye will suddenly start, let the Great Desolate big world that has already collapsed completely. It’s all over the world!

As soon as I read this, Ye Xuan couldn’t sit still anymore. I didn’t have the mood to talk to my eyes. I always talked about it. Its headless infant corpse, the shape of the look is towards the direction of the giant star. Shoot and go.

Although he is not in a hurry, in his opinion, the birth of Primal Chaos Demon God is not completed in a short time, and now you can fight for a little bit.

Besides, there is also a System title on the head. Just enter the Star Nucleus of the giant star in front, find the so-called Primal Chaos source nest, and differentiate a Primordial Spirit into the Lord. Where, 鸠 雀 Nestlé, occupying one of the three thousand Primal Chaos Demon God, refining for one of their own doppelgänger…

So, no matter when the Primal Chaos Demon God, which is refining as doppelgänger, wakes up, can you wake up before the Great Desolate big world comes to the world, at least for now, Ye Xuan’s sixth system title, finally It can be done.

This is a real benefit, can you miss it?

“The star in front is indeed a Primal Chaos source nest. In its most deep place on Star Nucleus, there is a Primal Chaos Demon God in the breeding…”

As Ye Xuan’s figure spurred away, behind him, the headless infant corpse was young and revealing the voice of the sorrowful sorrow, and at this moment, it sounded again: “However, this aura of the Primal Chaos source nest Too weak, the Primal Chaos Demon God, which was born, is not too strong, it is not suitable for you…”

“In this Primal Chaos Void, there should be 3,000 similar Primal Chaos source nests, what you need…the most powerful source nest!”

“It is said that before the endless years, when the Great Desolate era was not yet open, a place in the Primal Chaos Void that was unknown, there was a Primal Chaos Azure Lotus…”

“Primal Chaos Azure Lotus continues to absorb all around Primal Chaos spiritual qi, gradually forming a huge spiritual qi Storm, from time to time shining dazzling rays of light! Finally, Azure Lotus blasts, three thousand serene glow lasing Going and turning into three thousand stars, at the core of the stars, there is a Primal Chaos source nest, which breeds a Primal Chaos Life, the so-called Primal Chaos Demon God…”

“But these three thousand Primal Chaos source nests are also strong and weak. The Primal Chaos Demon God, which is bred, represents different Great Dao rules, and there are strengths and weaknesses…”

“In Primal Chaos, the rule of three thousand, the so-called Three Thousand Great Dao, among them, the ruler of the top ten rules of ranking is extremely powerful, and the rule of the top ten is: power Law, Law of Time, Space Law, Law of Primal Chaos, immortal dao, Demon Path, Life, Five Elements, Yin Yang, and…destruction.”

“In that year, splitting heaven and earth apart in Primal Chaos Void, the Pangu Demon God, which kicked off the Great Desolate Era, was the Primal Chaos Demon God that came out of the ranking of the first Primal Chaos source nest. It is the top-level rule of ranking first in the first ten rules—the law of power.”

“The law of power once great accomplishment can be splitting heaven and earth apart and go straight to the Great Dao…”

Having said that, the headless infant corpse stunned the blood, and his eyes glanced up and down on Ye Xuan’s body. Finally, he said: “You are different from me. I belong to Great Desolate, branded with Great Desolate Heaven and Earth’s aura can’t change life at the Primal Chaos level, but you, with a glimpse of Primal Chaos Qi Transport, has the chance to be one of the three thousand Primal Chaos Demon God…”

“Today, this round of Primal Chaos Primal Chaos has been gestating, and a new era is coming. Since there is a Primal Chaos Qi Transport, why not choose the strongest rule, use power… conquer everything?”

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