When Ye Xuan recovered from the short-lived disappointment, the headless infant corpse disappeared and looked down. At the left chest, there was a strange and strange corpse tattoo…

This made him quite speechless, and for a long time, after the headless infant corpse woke up, he only stopped with him, but in the end he was still in a deep sleep.

This big stall outside, to put it bluntly, still has to rely on himself to toss!

After a few sighs with a white-eyed sigh, Ye Xuan reactivated the Demon Ape Bloodline within the body, which still changed into a violent look of Starry Sky, so his cultivation base strength climbed to Titled. Immortal King Ninth Step Great Perfection, which is the Half-Step.

In this state, with a semi-emperor cultivation base, the speed is still satisfactory, and the body is only ten zhang high, the most suitable!

After adjusting his mind, Ye Xuan temporarily forgot about the ancestral star, and his body shape suddenly turned into a stream of stalks, spurting toward the front Void, and the blink of an eye disappeared.

Previously, he explored the Divine Consciousness with Xemon Xpe’s Demon Ape Sixth Transformation. At that time, Ye Xuan had the powerful cultivation base of the Titled Immortal Sovereign Sixth Step, and the Divine Consciousness far exceeded the present.

Therefore, the giant star in the front Void was explored.

At the moment, Divine Consciousness will not be able to stretch it, and it will not capture the shadow of this giant star, but the orientation has been locked by him.

Under the full force, Ye Xuan came to this giant star in the past, but did not enter it, but in the Void, staring at it in a weird look.

Since entering this vast and inexplicable Primal Chaos Void, this is the first star discovered by Ye Xuan. To be precise, it should be the only one found except for himself and this dark Void. Other substances.

Really want to say, Ye Xuan really reluctant to give up on it, and even do not want to leave.

Because once you leave here, does the ghost know when to find a second similar Primal Chaos source nest?

Although there is no accident, the Primal Chaos source nest, which breeds a Primal Chaos Demon God seed inside Star Nucleus, has a total of 3,000 in this Primal Chaos Void, which is not too small.

But once the 3,000 Primal Chaos source nests are placed in a dark Void that seems to have no margins and ends at all… This number is actually too little and too little, and tiny is insignificant, Azure Sea An optimistic estimate.

At this moment, Ye Xuan was so impulsive that he immediately entered the Star Nucleus in front of the star and differentiated into a Primordial Spirit, where he entered the place, occupying Nestle, occupying one of the three thousand Primal Chaos Demon God, refining For yourself a doppelgänger…

In this way, at least the System title mission, which is still in progress, can be successfully completed, avoiding the consequences of punishment after failure.

But this is a bit too much to see the instant benefit, Ye Xuan can not want to lose because of the small, and finally, after hesitating and after hesitating, he almost bite his teeth and go away, and the blink of an eye disappears at the end of Void. Not visible again!


Two years, I passed by!

In the past two years, Ye Xuan’s cultivation base strength has improved, but the cultivation base realm in the normal body is still in the Titled Immortal King Eighth Step. For two years, there is no breakthrough.

It is not that he does not want to, but there is no time at all.

For two years, Ye Xuan has barely stopped, and has been strolling around this vast and unprecedented Primal Chaos Void.

Now, he knows a little about this dark Void.

In fact, within this Primal Chaos Void, there are not only 3,000 Primal Chaos source nests with a Primal Chaos Demon God seed in the internal Star Nucleus.

In the past two years, Ye Xuan also saw a lot of ordinary stars, there are scattered stars that do not emit light and heat, but also a star of Stars, and even some Life Stars, but generally some plants Life, even There are flesh and blood creatures, and the level of Life is also very low, and there is no wisdom.

Previously, I mistakenly believe that this Primal Chaos Void has only 3,000 Primal Chaos source nests because he has entered a short time and has too few areas to set foot on, and this Void is too wide and too horrible.

In addition to the abandoned stars of these life’s Life stars, in the past two years, Ye Xuan encountered a few dozen Primal Chaos source nests, all without exception, all of which are huge super giant stars.

This is almost a common feature of the Primal Chaos source nest, and Ye Xuan has seen more and more, and has gradually touched the doorway.

Now, even if he is separated by a distant Void distance, as long as Divine Consciousness can detect it, one can judge at a glance a certain star in Divine Consciousness, whether it is a general ordinary star or inside its Star Nucleus. The Primal Chaos source nest that breeds a Demon God seed…

It is a pity that the Great Dao rule that was found in the dozens of Primal Chaos source nests found in two years is not the Xeon rule that Ye Xuan wants, that is, after the opening of the previous Primal Chaos era, it was Pangu. Go—the law of strength!

But some of the energy aura in the Primal Chaos source nest is as powerful as it is, far beyond the first aura of the Primal Chaos source nest discovered by Ye Xuan in this Primal Chaos Void.

On that few occasions, he again heart movement, almost shaken, made a decision to give up and continue to find the source of power law, but in the end, Ye Xuan insisted on sticking his teeth, with a strong unwillingness, turned away from the few Primal Chaos sources. Nest, once again set foot on it, I don’t know if there will be a result of the search for…

Today, it has been two months since he last discovered a Primal Chaos source nest. In the past two months, Ye Xuan has not found a Primal Chaos source nest, which is less than the average period of more than a dozen Primal Chaos source nests discovered in two years.

Therefore, his heart is inevitably faintly a little uneasy.

The thought of suffering from loss and loss will appear in my mind from time to time in the last two days…

It was also at this time that in the dark Void in the distance ahead, a huge star was detected by the powerful Divine Consciousness extended by Ye Xuan, and it was reflected in his mind.

Just a glance, he determined that this giant star must be a new Primal Chaos source nest.

However, the Primal Chaos Great Dao rule that was born in it is which kind of, or is it a power rule, but it is still uncertain, because the distance is too far away, and it must be close to the front to be inductive.

Without hesitation, Ye Xuan immediately spurred the figure, and the speed was unfolded to the extreme. The figure was turned into a streamlined man, and swept away in the direction of locking.

Soon after, when Ye Xuan finally got close to the distance of this giant star, from his within the body, suddenly there was an unprecedented incitement.

Under the stagnation, Ye Xuan subconsciously extended the Divine Consciousness to the body Eternal World. The next moment, his face changed slightly, and the voice whispered: “What? The whole life giant plug is shaking, this It’s clear that the World Insect is in the rhythm of the family’s trembling!”

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