
As Ye Xuan slammed out, almost at the next moment, and his body shape was nearly 100 million miles away from the Forbidden Land Central Star Territory, just like a response, a heaven-shaking came out suddenly. The dynamic Boom blasted.

The power of this boxing was controlled to be nearly perfect, a fist hit, and the universe void along the way was not affected by the half point. There were countless stars and stars and Vicious Beasts who fell to the ground in Void. Drop one.

But near the miles of miles away, the location of the heaven-shaking explosion, the starry Sky that was still in the dumb eyes, the huge mortal body, but the huge mortal body, without any delay, suddenly exploded. Sky ……

No punching more, less than half interest, a Titled Immortal King First Step, was completely bombarded into a hood of blood mist, destroy both body and soul!


As Starry Sky’s violent mortal body blasts open, an invisible suction force appears in the field, and instantly wraps the tortoise blood mist that is spreading out like a hang of Qi and Blood. It’s shot like a star-shaped giant scorpion outside the mile…

This moment, the entire Forbidden Land deathly stillness, all the Forbidden Land Vicious Beast, all face dumbstruck, big eyes, a few doubts in the dream, simply can not believe the facts at hand.

Just before the moment, all Vicious Beast thought that this head came down, like a star-like tyrant, the first step of the First Step violent family in Forbidden Land.

However, this thought has just emerged from the mind, people have been separated by a Void distance of a hundred miles away, and without saying anything, directly smashed the First Step violently into a hood, blood exhaust, destroy both body and soul !

Where is this family elder? Clearly, there is a life-threatening Killing God!

In the stunned, Starry Sky blood lion and three-legged black crow and other Vicious Beast King of Forbidden Land, after a short sluggish, the first time they plucked back, while the mouth has a cry out in surprise Boom Outgoing…

“Damn, what did the violent temper have done? The anger of the elders in the family is so angry, it is clearly the rhythm of cleaning up the portal!”

“It’s not good, look at him within the body killing intent. I’m not afraid of it. I’m afraid it’s not just killing the violent nothing more. The previous elk is the proof. I’ve been smashed with the fish and I’m going to suffer together!”

“Senior, I have no enmity with you for Forbidden Land. If you have something to say, 10 million is not impulsive…”

“Useless, killing intent is too fierce, either scattered away, or … teamed together!”

The voice is still not falling, and the giant scorpion outside the mile of a hundred miles has swallowed the violent blood mist into the abdomen. There is no hesitation, the right arm that has just been lowered, the blink of an eye has been lifted again. , a punch out…


Another heaven-shaking explosion came out. Among the five Kings, the one was green and I didn’t know what the Bloodline’s Insect Race King was. The whole figure exploded instantly and turned into a bloody green mist. Dispersed, it has been wrapped in an invisible suction force, as before, lasing away from the distance.

Under the sway, it was swallowed into the belly by the emperor!

At this point, the emperor’s violent Boom came to the Star Territory, only three times of time, only two shots before and after, all simple punches, but in the Forbidden Land, there is already Two Vicious Beast King…fallen completely!

Six Vicious Beast Kings, only four.

Red Copper, Starry Sky, Three-legged Black Crow, and Black Shell Insect Race!


“Impatient, you are too much…”

Everything happened too fast, and the short three interest rates did not arrive. The six Kings had already fallen two. Until now, the strongest copper base of this cultivation base strength was finally shocked. While roaring and roaring, it has a huge True Body, which is like a balloon that is inflated. It is swollen at a speed that is difficult to understand with the naked eye.

In just two short periods of interest, this red bronze body has reached a size of five million meters, compared to the body of 10 million giants, only a small circle nothing more !

Obviously, this kind of red copper is also among the Bloodline’s Bloodline, which also inspires a kind of Innate Skill divine ability that can quickly inspire the body Qi and Blood and make the Bloodline True Body soar.

However, Ye Xuan’s Demon Ape has changed the Bloodline divine ability. Each time it is activated, the body’s strength will also increase by a factor of ten.

But this red copper is better than the Mongolian, its Bloodline True Body is about a thousand feet, and within a short period of two, it has soared to five million feet. The strength of Qi and Blood has climbed too much, but its with the body is diffused. Cultivation base aura, but still Titled Immortal King Ninth Step Great Perfection.

It can be seen from this point that the indium skill divine ability in the Bronze Bloodline and the Demon Ape in Ye Xuan are worse than the slight one.

Can be worse, people’s current size has reached a huge five million, although the cultivation base strength has not changed, but with the body of the strength of Qi and Blood, but skyrocketed to one kind of horrible degree.

There is no doubt that this fellow is definitely more difficult to entangle than before, and Qi and Blood are too strong, and it is estimated that it can be compared with the unsuccessful Xiaoqiang!

Seeing this scene, Ye Xuan didn’t hesitate, and there was a coldly snorted in his nose. The third punch blew directly. The powerful force, locked in the distance of 10 million, firmly locked the figure and him. Compared to the already too little red copper than the Mongolian!


“áo wū ……”

Heaven-shaking The roaring sound of the ground was blasted, but the red copper was similar to the huge True Body of the stars, but it was not bombarded with a punch.

This Vicious Beast was originally rough and rough, like a yak, like a mammoth, and it was extremely hit, and now it is an Innate Skill divine ability that motivates the inheritance of Bloodline, which has soared to five million. Strength of Qi and Blood is so desperate, naturally it is more resistant.

It was the full force of the Fenghuang powerhouse. It was impossible to directly kill him. It just hurt him. It’s like a wolf who looks up miserable howl…

Seeing this scene, the Starry Sky blood lion, the three-legged black ravens and the black shell Insect Race, which were originally intended to turn around, stopped their bodies in an instant, exchanged one look with each other, and reached the first time. Consensus, plundering, and speeding up in the Periphery Zone between Ye Xuan and the red copper.

These three fellows clearly saw the hope from this red bronze Bimeng, and decided to rest to fight.

Bibi Forbidden Land also has a similar grade of copper, and it is believed that it will soon be rushed back. By then, there will be two red bronzes that can resist the iron fist of the emperor, and they will stay close to the emperor. Violent, then, they are waiting for opportunities in the surrounding, if you find the opportunity to calculate, this fight, may not have the possibility of killing the emperor!

After all, the Starry Sky is very strong, but it is only Titled Immortal Sovereign First Step nothing more. Most of them are just breaking through not long ago. Maybe realm is not yet stable. If this is the case, their odds will obviously be even more Big!

Killing the emperor represents a huge interest. They have never thought about it before, but this time, since they have already seen a glimmer of hope, they will not miss it.

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