With this red copper, the Innate Skill divine ability that activates the inheritance in Bloodline, the body shape instantly rises from the original violent to the current five million zhang, and it is awesome to the horrible Qi and Blood, hard to resist Starry Sky’s violent full blow, not fall, just hurting to scream and grow up…

All around Void The other three Vicious Beast Kings, who had already planned to escape, stopped their physique for the first time and swam around in the battlefield all around.

On the one hand, waiting for the other half of the emperor to return, but on the other hand, is secretly observing the weakness of Starry Sky’s temper, and intends to wait for the opportunity in the follow-up battle.

The interests of killing a royal emperor are too great. At this moment, including the Bronze Bibi, these four Vicious Beast Kings of Forbidden Land have all greedy…


Almost at the next moment, Starry Sky was violently stunned, and the blink of an eye had reached another position. Under the punch, it would just pass through the black shell Insect Race inside and outside the million side of the body. Blood mist.

Without waiting for the spread, it was directly wrapped up by an invisible sucking force, spurt away, and fell into Starry Sky’s violent blood basin.

For a moment, the four Vicious Beast Kings squatted again, and only three of them were left in the blink of an eye!


The black-black blood mist of the black shell Insect Race mortal body has just been swallowed, and the red copper in the Void outside the 10 million in front of it has already screamed and swayed toward Ye Xuan.

This fellow is clearly a rough skin that wants to squat all over, and more surely resist Ye Xuan. As long as it can be dragged to another red copper, the hope of this fight is really dawning!

“Look at the smashing of the smashed meat. The empire is not abused. At that time, what is the cultivation base? Now it is sealed, can you be stumped by your thick skin?”

Seeing the other side’s stimuli, Starry Sky was extremely angry, and the huge bloody basin was wide open. Ye Xuan clearly voiced with disdain and sarcasm…


“hōng lóng lóng ……”

In the next moment, the faint sound of the air broke out, Starry Sky’s violent figure like a star’s huge body disappeared in the same place. When it reappeared, it was already on the right side of the red copper that was rushing to the front, less than a million. remote……

And as his teleport approached the red bronze, the starry Sky’s violent right hand clearly had a huge black stick. The front end was huge and the closer it was to the rear grip, the smaller it was… It was a big black stick that once had a fierce name in the Origin of All Evil Star Territory!

This big black stick is actually made up of Shennong Medicine Pestle, which is matched with Shennong Cauldron.

Shennong Cauldron is the Desolate Ancient Supreme Treasure, and it is also the era of the Great Desolate era. The complete form is comparable to a giant star. As a supporting Shennong Medicine Pestle, it is naturally huge.

At this time, it was taken out by Ye Xuan and changed into a big black stick. Although the shape has changed, but the size has not yet reached the limit of the original form, Starry Sky is just for the sake of a hand, so it is just right. The right look.

Even so, this big black stick in the hands of Starry Sky, which is held in the shape of 10 million, is amazing enough. Its length is much longer than the diameter of the stars of ordinary small stars. The thickest part of the front stick is clearly comparable to some of the larger meteors…


As the figure appeared, Starry Sky didn’t hesitate, and the first time he raised his right arm and raised the big hand with a right hand. He slammed his arm and slammed it. The heartfelt heaven-shaking screams.

“áo wū ……”

This great strength is not small, after all, is the full strength strike of the Royal Powerhouse, and also uses the domain power of Shennong Medicine Pestle.

Even today, the body has soared to five million, and within the body Qi and Blood, it is horrible, and the skin around the body is thicker and thicker.

It’s so cold, but the brain suddenly swells a giant bag that is as big as a meteor. Its shape is directly in the Void, and it is almost on the spot.

In the mouth, there is a fiercely miserable howl sound, the hearer shed tears, the listener is sad…

“I can’t stop it? It’s just a good show, just started…”

Seeing that this red copper was knocked out by myself, the sound of the miserable howl in the mouth was resounding, but the figure was abruptly stopped, stopping in the Void not far away, still seems to be still slightly Shaking the ground…

This is clearly knocked on the head by a stick, the rhythm of the stars, Ye Xuan heart happy, while the words in the mouth came out, no longer hesitate, the second stick blinked and squatted, kneel!


“áo wū ……”

It was also a huge noise of heaven-shaking. This time, I was still unable to hold back because of the redness of the former stunned head of the previous stick. The miserable howl in the mouth suddenly became a big hit, and the one on the back of the head. A huge bag like a meteor is also a bloody moment.

The huge figure of the five million’s giants is directly pulled forward, struggling with the distance in the million, and the last one rolling, directly squatting in a huge abandoned star, dusty!

This time, the big black stick in Starry Sky’s violent hand was in the same position as the first stick. With the huge bloody bag on the back of the head, it was thoroughly eroded. Hey.

At this moment, the entire huge body broke into the giant abandoned stars outside the million. It was a full amount of interest that never heard of a movement, clearly not a serious injury, or… fainted!

In Void, I am caught in the death stillness again.

This scene happened too fast, and Ye Xuan had two big black sticks in front and back. In total, it was not in the time of the three-time. In the entire Forbidden Land, countless Vicious Beasts were opened wide and looked at it. A giant abandoned star that has been smashed into cracks and smashed, like one has just been thundered, completely plunged into petrify…


He is sick and wants him!

After the second stick was thrown out, Ye Xuan did not stagnate in half, and after the swaying of the figure, the teleport was launched again. The blink of an eye reached the giant star of the dusty, and the right arm was raised high. In the cold glow flashing, big black stick third time …… squat!



“hōng lóng lóng ……”

This time, after the huge heaven-shaking slamming, it was followed by the hiding of the sky and covering the earth. The Boom blast, the giant abandoned star that had been cracked, under the full strength strike of Starry Sky. , completely blown up into countless gravel shards.

Bronze, which has long been fainted in the second stick, apparently failed to escape the tribulation. The endless dust of the stars bursting and spreading, clearly the red bell blood mist mixed with the canopy!

This is not only a bombardment of this abandoned star, but also a huge copper bibi, which has been completely smashed into a hood.

Under the three sticks, a Half-Step is smashed!

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