At this time, it has been two days since Ye Xuan intercepted the colorful elk.

The Bronze Bibi, who had been screaming for recourse on the same day, did not return. He did not even give feedback to the Forbidden Land after the rush.

The purpose is to occupy Shennong Cauldron alone…

But with such a big thing, it is impossible for the Forbidden Land to be half-reacted. As early as half a day after the fight, the disappearance of the colorful elk fall has spread throughout the Forbidden Land Starry Sky.

In these two days, there are countless Forbidden Land Vicious Beasts in Forbidden Land in Bimont. After all, the colorful elk is a Fifth Step King, so powerful, but unclearly intercepted, not even The signal to ask for help came.

This alone is enough to prove the power of the killer.

This person, even without the Titled Immortal King Ninth Step Great Perfection, is the Half-Step of the Emperor’s Strength, at least after the closure of the Immortal Seventh Step!

Suddenly such a powerful late stage King, not only hostile to the Forbidden Land, but also the way to do it, see the head of a divine dragon but not its tail … all this, let all Vicious Beast in Forbidden Land Deeply worried and sick at heart.

For a time, the vast universe of Forbidden Land, the endless vast universe void, was shrouded in 1-Layer’s invisible aura…

As for the six Titled Immortal Kings in Forbidden Land, except for the three stages of the initial stage, even the other two middle stage Kings, which are similar to the colorful elk, are not too Worried.

The shot of the person’s head reveals that his cultivation base strength has not yet reached the Ninth Step Great Perfection. It is extremely taboo for the two bronzes of the Half-Step in the Forbidden Land.

In this way, as long as they do not go out alone, away from the Forbidden Land, they will be able to sit back and relax.

Even if this person is more cunning, in the face of a long-term retreat of the Half-Step Emperor, it will not be long before the whereabouts will be revealed. At that time, the red is being searched wildly in the surrounding Void outside Forbidden Land. Copper than Meng, will be able to kill it!

When Ye Xuan’s Divine Consciousness swells out of the Forbidden Land, the entire Forbidden Land Void is shrouded in an instant, and everything is in the mind, not just all the Vicious Beast in Forbidden Land. Anything that was noticed, even the Vicious Beast King of the five early and middle stages, was completely ignorant.

Only the other red copper in the giant star of the Forbidden Land Central Territory, the first time, the cold hair was blown up, and it was shocked to rush out from the nest…


“Fenghuang! Actually it is the emperor…”

After a roar, this red copper was followed by a whistling roar of the mouth, echoing the entire big Forbidden Land, countless Forbidden Land Vicious Beast was shocked, or a dumbstruck, or ignorant , one after another from all around voluminous in the atmosphere of nearly a thousand Life stars, rushed into the universe void.

The other five Vicious Beast King, the first time they rushed out of the nest star, the face showed a touch of dumbstruck, and the body trembled to the red copper of the Forbidden Land Central Void. Come.

A Starry Sky blood lion, a black carapace Insect Race, all Titled Immortal King middle stage.

As for the other three Titled Immortal King initial stages, one is Starry Sky, one is a three-legged black crow, and the last one is actually a soft reptile, with a green color, which looks like a cold, not very Comfortable, I don’t know what Bloodline Sky Insect Race is for Bloodline.

Although the five Vicious Beast Kings were alarmed, they did not feel the sudden exploration of Divine Consciousness by Ye Xuan. This alone is enough to show that the red copper is more ambiguous than Meng.

The comers are indeed a true emperor, and they are powerful enough to unscrupulously explore Divine Consciousness, they can not perceive it!

“Damn, who said that the killing of the elk, the top of the king stage? This is a real emperor…”

“The matter is very strange. Within the territory of 100 billion miles, there are only Xusheng Forbidden Land and the Taurus Star Territory with the powerhouse. But I am not entangled with Forbidden Land, if this is It’s from these two places, how can you speak out and kill directly?”

“If it is not from these two places, this Fenghuang powerhouse… Where can it come from?”


Not waiting for the words of these Vicious Beast Kings, a shocking roar of noise suddenly came from outside the Forbidden Land, and the people who have come yet have not yet arrived, just by an ordinary roar, they have already compared the whole Countless stars in the Forbidden Land were trembled.

The numerous Forbidden Land Vicious Beast rushed out of the stars, almost at the same time, all of them softened their bodies and stumbled into the universe void.

Even the five Vicious Beast Kings who have just cried out in surprise exchanges, without exception, are conditional reflexes and subconsciously squatted a few times.

Only the copper-birth of the Half-Step, which is known as the Half-Step, can barely resist the sudden pressure of the emperor, but it does not reveal the embarrassment, but the pair of red and red eyes above the huge True Body, but The same serene glow, revealing a sense of dodge to the extreme.

With the endless roar of this pressure, there is a giant 10 million, like a small star-like terrifying figure, which has entered the universe from the universe void outside the billion miles. Territory.

In the next moment, the sights of Vicious Beast in the Forbidden Land in Bimeng all converge toward the starry Sky of the six Kings… Because of the sudden presence of the Emperor, it is also a Starry Sky. !

Seeing this scene, Starry Sky blood lions and three-legged black crows, such as Vicious Beast King of Forbidden Land, apparently misunderstood, and immediately slammed into the Starry Sky. Persuasion, it can be described as bitter, compassionate.

“Irritable, what is the situation? Is this senior yours… or your grandfather?”

“In my opinion, most of them are the ancestors of this fellow!”

“You kid is not kind, when did you escape from the tribe? You are finally caught, and this is clearly the rhythm that we have to be tired of…”

“Hurry, give your ancestors a mistake. After all, it’s a family. There’s nothing to say about it, or a few Fellow Daoist will be killed by you!”


In the face of all this, this cultivation base strength is only Titled Immortal King First Step, apparently it has been a breakthrough in the Starry Sky tyrannical in recent decades, the whole person is completely dumbfounded on the spot.

At this moment, the whole brain is awkward, buzzing, his eyes staring straight at Ye Xuan striding in the distance, and he was so tired that he finally said a complete sentence. The words: “You, I want to have such a strong ancestor, but the key is… this man, I don’t know!”


“hōng lóng lóng ……”

His words were just finished, and the Starry Sky striding in the front of Void was violent, and after a roar of his head, he screamed and punched it out.

This is clearly to make a move on the spot, the rhythm of the six kings…

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