“huā lā lā ……”



This time, Ye Xuan’s breakdown is particularly difficult, not as fast and smooth as usual. This is obviously because his mood is not stable, but it is because of the forced breakthrough.

After swallowing all the natural resources, his within the body is like sky and the earth turning upside down. The chain of huge huā lā lā has not stopped for a second.

The energy that hangs on the river is following the circulation of the whole body, constantly swaying the newly emerging chain, and the endless intense pains are coming, for a moment…

I don’t know how long it has been. In the end, a chain of heaven-shaking moves, and then there is a crisp sound of gold and iron, which breaks through Ye Xuan within the body. The Daoist potential potential chain that appeared was finally completely broken!

In the next moment, the familiar System notification sound rang in his mind, and a clear and bright attack hit him with a huge pain that was not stopped for a moment, and it was instantly restored.

“Hey, Congratulations host, Void Abode Ancient Secret Art realm breakthrough! Current realm:Titled Immortal King Third Step !”

“Hey, Congratulations host, Mortal Body Qi and Blood realm breakthrough! Current realm:Titled Immortal King Third Step !”

Prior to this, Ye Xuan true body’s cultivation base strength has reached the Titled Immortal King Second Step. Once the three heads are activated, the six arms’ Immemorial Demon Ape Bloodline, Strength rises again and climbs directly to the Titled Immortal King Third Step.

If you then use Demon Ape’s nine-divided divine ability and reach Sixth Transformation, you will be able to reach the terrifying strength of Titled Immortal King Ninth Step Great Perfection.

But now, as his cultivation base strength breaks through again, once you activate the Demon Ape Bloodline with the body and enter Demon Ape’s nine-thick Sixth Transformation, its peak power will instantly break through the world. The realm of the realm, reaching the unprecedented First Step of the Emperor, the degree of combat strength, horrifying…

“Fortunately did not fail one’s mission, after all, it was a smooth breakthrough…”

Opening his eyes, Ye Xuan’s face showed a slap in the face, whispering and whispering, and the body shape in the heart of the star was disappeared.

When it reappears in a half-time, it has reached a remote Void outside of 10 million, away from the Forbidden Land.

“Demon Ape is a nine-generation…Sixth Transformation!”

With a roar, the power of Ye Xuan within the body instantly rushed, like the same hanging river, rolling in the body of the body.

A grateful to the terrifying strength of Qi and Blood emerged from the body, which was originally only under the shape of the zhang high, but it was swollen like a balloon that was inflated rapidly.

Less than three interest rates, it has reached the giant of 10 million, like a human star.

At the same time, Ye Xuan’s cultivation base realm, formerly he was in the state of Demon Ape True Body under the shape of zhang high, with the body’s cultivation base aura, only Titled Immortal King Fourth Step.

At the moment, when the huge body of 10 million is revealed, Ye Xuan within the body’s cultivation base aura has reached the terrifying First Step.

And because the strength of Qi and Blood is so bloody, I am afraid that the general First Step is not an opponent!


Looking up and roaring, all around the size of the stars in the Void, it instantly trembled. This embarrassment, Ye Xuan did not motivate with the body’s power, just a simple shock wave, it was so terrifying Power.

From the blessing to the soul, he subconsciously turned his head to a distant void somewhere outside the miles, and his eyes locked on an abandoned star.

The figure is not moving, a punch hits…


Almost in the next moment, in the universe void of 100 million miles away, the noise of the heaven-shaking movement came, and the abandoned star locked by his pupil light directly exploded into a powder without any suspense, and along the way. Universe void , but no reaction at all, completely unaffected.

Fenghuang powerhouse, has been able to grasp the strength of the body, even if it is blown out through a distant distance, Void is invincible along the way, but the goal in the far distance will bear all the power of this fist in an instant!

Not long ago, the fight, Ye Xuan couldn’t do this when he hit a colorful elk. When a punch hit, the Void was broken along the way. The imposing manner seemed more powerful, but in fact this The strength of a punch, but lost a lot on the way.

The punch that is blasted now is truly perfect, Void is not affected, and all the power is used in the blade…

Entering the emperor, Ye Xuan’s Divine Consciousness also skyrocketed, not only because the limit distance of Divine Consciousness exploration expanded too much, but also its concealment.

Today, once Divine Consciousness is launched, it is impossible to be amazed by the powerhouse of the kingdom, unless it is the Ninth Step Great Perfection, which is the Half-Step.

In fact, for the Divine Consciousness exploration of the royal world, although the Half-Step can be sensed, it is limited to that’s all, and it is impossible to pursue the exploration of Divine Consciousness.

In this way, Ye Xuan has no more concerns. After a little indulging, he will not delay, and the Divine Consciousness will be extended as soon as possible. In a short time, the entire Forbidden Land will be covered. This medium-sized Starry Sky will be used. Everything in Forbidden Land is nothing, and it’s all in my mind…

In the Forbidden Land, there are eight Vicious Beast Kings, one of which is the king stage and one of the king stage. The latter has been slain by Ye Xuan, and the former… at this moment, he explored Only then found that actually has returned to Bimont Forbidden Land!

Thus, with the return of the king’s initial stage, there should be a total of seven kings in the Forbidden Land, but in fact, Ye Xuan launched Divine Consciousness to explore the captured king aura, but only Only six!

A Ninth Step Great Perfection, also known as Half-Step, is one of the two red bronzes.

The other five, three are the initial stage of the king, the two are the middle stage of the king… the other is the second copper-birth of the Half-Step.

“Well? Could it be that the red-breasted stag was attacked by the multi-colored elk, and the red copper that snarled and rushed to the squad… did it return?”

Under the slightest sensation, Ye Xuan whispered, and a divine light flashed through his mind. He realized it in an instant: “If there is no accident, the Half-Step of the royal family’s copper is better than the Mongolian. In the 茫茫universe void around Bimont Forbidden Land, expand the search…”

“This Star Lord has escaped with the second child of Qingniu, but at the time he had no choice but to sacrifice Shennong Cauldron to capture the remains of Shennong Cauldron from Void with his cultivation-real base of Half-Step. Supreme Treasure aura, it shouldn’t be too difficult!”

Having said that, Ye Xuan in the eyes bright glow flashes ,within the body faintly sneak out a killing intent : “I still want to search in the Void secretly, start the assassination of this Star Lord…”

“If that’s the case, then there is nothing to be polite…”


After the last sentence, the size of 10 million is like a small star-like Starry Sky. It suddenly screams out of the hair, and then the shoulders sway, the huge and horrible figure disappears.

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