The last redemption treasure is called Withered Demon Blade, and the name of this blade is amazing. When I visited this type of Magical Treasure in the System Exchange Store, Ye Xuan was attracted at a glance and quickly determined. Redeem this blade.

It is a pity that it is just a replica, which makes him feel sorry!

Even so, the Grade has reached the Starry Sky Epic Level, the shape is eye-catching, the whole body is dark, the shape of the knife is extremely incomparable, and the fierce arrogance, although there is no aura leak, but invisibly gives one kind of bullying unparalleled Potential, can be described as Demon Intent!

This blade, Ye Xuan is prepared for the Demon Blood Star Tears Sword, the two swords and swords, I do not know what form will be after successful fusion.

In fact, Ye Xuan prefers the appearance of Withered Demon Blade. Although the sword is strong, but the knife is more aggressive, he is more inclined to the latter, and his heart has been looking forward to it!

Just as Ye Xuan was eager to play the four redemption treasures, the System notification sound in the brain sounded again, two consecutive times, and asked Ye Xuan if he would immediately open the affiliate system and start fusion!

“Hey, Congratulations host, found fusion treasure:Demon Blood Star Tears Sword, Withered Demon Blade! Is it immediate fusion?”

“Hey, Congratulations host, found that fusion treasure: Void Abode Shuttle, Great Five Elements Annihilation Array Disk! Is it immediate fusion?”

Ye Xuan didn’t hesitate, even if a definite reply was made, and two simultaneous fusions started!

After the decision, he waved the Withered Demon Blade and the Great Five Elements Annihilation Array Disk again with the body. At the same time, Void Abode Shuttle and Demon Blood Star Tears Sword were handed over to Devouring System, including a lot of Star Nucleus Source that was just taken out of Eternal World as energy consumption during fusion!

The Void Abode Shuttle originally had 1000 Mosquito Beast, 1000 Armoroid, and the Dean Slave Battalion by the Guihai Yidao Commander. If you expand System Fusion, all Life in the cabin must be evacuated in advance.

However, this issue does not need to be considered now. When Ye Xuan deployed outside of Death Star Vortex, all the forces in the Void Abode Shuttle have been removed and it has long been empty!

Everything is ready, and System notification sound is also ringing at this time.

“Hey, Congratulations host, Demon Blood Star Tears Sword The sixth fusion starts! Progress 1…”

“Hey, Congratulations host, Void Abode Shuttle, the seventh fusion start! Progress 1…”

Ye Xuan has a long sigh of relief, and the heartstring is inexplicably tight!

From start to finish, his Battle Weapon, Battle Armor and Battleship have been mixed many times, but they have never failed. Now they have succeeded six times, and the Void Abode Shuttle has reached seven consecutive successful fusions. .

But the more likely it is to fail after the fusion, the same, the more backward, once the fusion fails, the loss will be more and more serious for Ye Xuan, and it will be a little embarrassing at this moment!

The more times the fusion success occurs, the more time it takes to continue the fusion, the more time it takes, which is really one kind of torment, this time the Battle Weapon Battleship two pieces of the fusion fusion at the same time, I am afraid at least six or seven days. Time will have results, and it will be speechless!

Soon after, Ye Xuan finally calmed down his mind, no longer entangled the fusion results, left the matter behind, and then took out some Weeping Soul Beast, anyway, boring, just practicing Spiritual Force to pass the time!

After closing his eyes, Ye Xuan entered the state of cultivation, and soon I forgot both, letting time pass, no surprise!

I don’t know how many days later, Ye Xuan finally withdrew from the state of cultivation, his eyes just opened, and the notification sound of Devouring System came in time, and the fusion of Battle Weapon and Battleship was finally completed!

“Hey, Congratulations host, Demon Blood Star Tears Sword Sixth fusion success! Get the Treasure Withered Demon Blood Blade! Grade: Quasi Starry Sky Supreme Treasure! Quality: No Perfect!”

“Hey, Congratulations host, Void Abode Shuttle, the seventh fusion success! Grade: Quasi Starry Sky Supreme Treasure! Quality: No Perfect!”

Unsatisfactory, this time the fusion of two treasures unfolded at the same time, the results were still successful, no accidents, let Ye Xuan loosen the tight heartstring.

Surprisingly, after two successful renovations, the Grades of the two treasures were upgraded to the Quasi Starry Sky Supreme Treasure level, which surprised him.

At this point, Ye Xuan’s Battle Weapon, Battle Armor, Battleship, a total of three of the most basic Starry Sky treasures, have all reached the Quasi Starry Sky Supreme Treasure level, if it is known, it will cause an earthquake-like sensation This kind of artificially forged treasure is less than the kind of Heaven and Earth that is like Thunder Emperor Seal. Basically, the Quasi Starry Sky Supreme Treasure level is already peak.

In addition to the Life Raceress Roaring Tyrant Dragon of Human Race Technology Pioneer Xing Bo, Ye Xuan has not heard of the second Starry Sky Supreme Treasure forged!

The name of the Void Abode Shuttle ship that completed the seventh fusion has not changed, but the etched pattern on the surface of the hull is more complicated. The densely packed eyes are dizzy, which should be Great Five Elements Annihilation. The Array Disk is thoroughly integrated into the hull, which is the result of a comprehensive coverage of the pattern.

As for the increase in the attack power of the Void Abode Shuttle after the launch, and the specific power, Ye Xuan has not explored it for a while, and there is time to find the right Void to open the Array.

After waved the Void Abode Shuttle into the body, his eyes turned to the Battle Weapon Withered Demon Blood Blade!

Demon Blood Star Tears Sword’s sword name Ye Xuan didn’t like it very much. Withered Demon Blood Blade listened to more ears, and more importantly, after completing this fusion, the shape of this Battle Weapon has changed dramatically. Before, it was a sword, but now it is a knife, and it is still a whole body of black and bright, with fine blood lines, and the shape is even more arrogant.

Simply can be called perfect, Ye Xuan pupil light, fierce, with the enthusiasm turned over and played for a long time, but even a trace of cockroaches can not pick out, too satisfied!

It was not until the mood was calmed down that he suddenly remembered the Sword Spirit from the Demon Blood Star Tears Sword sword within the body. After this fusion, the Star Tears sword has been completely changed, and it turned into a surprise Heavenly Demon Blade. Sword Spirit won’t be wiped out by this?

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan’s heart jumped, and quickly diverted Divine Consciousness into the Demon Blade for exploration. The result was a false alarm. Sword Spirit Demon Blood is still there, but aura has changed, and the familiar blood-staining is fierce. One kind of very secretive magical meaning, even more amazing.

However, it has fallen into a deep sleep, and seems to be brewing some kind of change.

“This is clearly influenced by the evil spirit of the murderous blade, which leads to the rhythm of the evolution of Sword Spirit. Simply is the joy of surprise!”

After thinking a little, Ye Xuan soon had comprehend and understand, and was even more delighted.

After completing this transformation, Sword Spirit Demon Blood will only be stronger. This change is superimposed on the Withered Demon Blood Blade. The most direct influence is that the magic of this blade is more prosperous. Ye Xuan looks forward to it, hate to feel it right away. This superb savage blade is the ultimate magic!

“Sword Spirit Demon Blood is not quite suitable, but the word “King Ling” is awkward and awkward…”

Happy to play, Ye Xuan mutter to oneself, abandoned the name of the previous Sword Spirit, and laughed loudly: “It is the Withered Demon Blood Blade, the spirit of the blade is simply named after the devil, called perfect, Hahaha…”

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