Battle Weapon, Battle Armor, Battleship!

As the three most basic Starry Sky treasures were upgraded to the Quasi Starry Sky Supreme Treasure level, Ye Xuan’s combat power climbed a lot.

But this is not over yet. Avici Origin Crystal and Tribulation Dragon Melting Disaster Pill are still useless. If nothing else, these two things should be able to make Ye Xuan’s Heaven Falling Bow divine ability and Demon Dragon Bloodline both. Their own combat power has also been greatly improved.

Coupled with the help of three pieces of Battle Weapon Battle Armor, Ye Xuan’s comprehensive combat must be like to shed one’s mortal body and exchange one’s bones, which is not comparable today!

However, considering that the Fusion Battle Weapon has taken several days, plus the time spent in the previous Ten Absolute Sixth Palace, it has been half a month since then, and Ye Xuan is really worried that Victorious Return City will have a change, so After a little sinking, he even plans to use the Avici Origin Crystal and Tribulation Dragon Melting Disaster Pill in a spurt of energy.

This matter can only be put aside for the time being, first return to the Victorious Return Star, and wait until the situation is stable before making a calculation!

After the decision, Ye Xuan even took the Withered Demon Blood Blade into the body Eternal World and waved out the Void Abode Shuttle, and stepped in, and soon drove the Battleship into a purple mang, looking for Export!

After a long time, the Void Channel leaving Death Star Vortex was finally found by him. Ye Xuan’s heart was suddenly loose, and he didn’t hesitate. The speed of the Void Abode Shuttle skyrocketed, and the blink of an eye turned into a faint faint rushing star. Swirl, go straight to the Victorious Return Star in the Death Western Region!

Although only ten days have elapsed, the change of Death Star Territory is completely different from sky and the earth turning upside down.

Thousands of thousands of years ago, the entire Death Star Territory is almost full of swarming diverse clans powerhouse, which is very lively, like a Star Territory-class Void mine, although the conditions are tough, but the popularity is quite prosperous!

Now, with the disappearance of the source of the Devouring Source Crystal’s parent mine, the ruined Death Star Territory instantly loses its original appeal and is no longer valuable, and almost all of the starry sky powerhouses that have been smashed there have been evacuated.

Even the Ten Absolute Heavenly Palace and Immortal Dynasty in the Star Territory’s magical city base, Black Firmament City and Ancient Elder City, are the same. The Black Firmament City was originally a city-style Magical Treasure. It’s easy to go.

As for the Ancient Elder City, the demolition of the demolition, the abandonment of the abandonment, and now there is no previous imposing manner, dilapidated!

Only Ye Xuan’s Victorious Return City is still rooted here. The vast Star Territory is not only half-ghosted, but even the endless Void and countless stars are completely dead. One kind of shocking loneliness!

Ye Xuan drove the Void Abode Shuttle at a speed, crossed the Void, and even half of the starry sky powerhouse was not seen along the way. Even if she was psychologically prepared, the boundless bleakness still left him feeling slightly. Shocked, the uneasiness of my heart is getting thicker, and the fear of Victorious Return is just like this. I have already gone to the sky!


After a short jump, Ye Xuan rushed from the Death Eastern Region to the Victorious Return City in the Star Territory in the west. The familiar magnificent city came into view and clearly protected the reticle. Not abandoned, Ye Xuan relaxed, finally relieved!

During the revival, the Void Abode Shuttle turned into a purple mans, plunged into the surface of the superstar, and soon arrived at the Victorious Return City, and then stepped out and waved the Void Abode Shuttle with the body Eternal World. Pass through the defensive mask and enter the magnificent city!

Magnificent city is still in order, there is no change, there is Tu Wen Old Ghost sitting here, no one dares to offend Heaven and Might of Heaven and Earth Supreme Being!

Of course, Ye Xuan is an exception, and this morning has been fierce, and many starry sky powerhouses have talked about Xuan, and dare not provoke him.

It is that some powerful forces and tribes have been taboo. This time, the Ten Absolute Sixth Palace was really tossed enough. The heads of Heaven and Earth Supreme Being were smashed into oily black eggs, which was too ferocious. , too terrifying!

Even the powerhouse in the Victorious Return City has been scared. At this moment, seeing Ye Xuan suddenly returning, he has changed in disarray. Although he is not afraid, the expression on his face is weird. Look at Ye. Xuan was full of fog, and suddenly he was paralyzed after he realized it!

Napoli and Ying Tai, Guihai Yidao, Li Wen and others quickly rushed after hearing the news. Tu Wen Old Ghost was still old-fashioned. After seeing Ye Xuan, he grinned and grinned. Ye Xuan felt a strong awkward aura assaults the senses and immediately frowned!

Heaven and Earth Supreme Being, but no powerhouse, can not see a little bit, can be a long and short with the turtle, old bastard this wretched disease is absolutely no cure, already deep into the bone marrow, it seems that before Really not loaded, this nature is so!

Ye Xuan expression is weird, but my heart is comfortable, at least at this point, Old Fogy did not deliberately bully. As for the concealing cultivation base, it is even less, 茫茫starry sky powerhouse countless, several have not Have you done it?

After being rushed to the hustle and bustle of the powerhouses, Ye Xuan took a break and quickly dispelled others, only remaining Tu Wen Old Ghost, and the doubts in his mind were too much. Do not think about other things, just ask for immediate confusion!

Unfortunately, Old Fogy was not good at dealing with it. When Yi Xuan asked about his identity and the purpose and plot of being condemned by Ye Xuan, Tu Wen Old Ghost immediately started Tai Chi. In short, there was no serious comment. For a long time, Ye Xuan was not able to get any useful information. The question of the heart remained the same and there was no progress.

In the end, he reluctantly stopped, this is Heaven and Earth Supreme Being, people do not say, who dares to force the question? I didn’t know the identity of the other party before, but now I know that if Ye Xuan still lives as a Master and screams, it is self-deprecating.

However, he did not give up on this. There is a chance to knock on the side, and one day he will dig out all the truth.

After opening the matter, he immediately asked the secret of Devouring Source Crystal and admitted that he needed one kind of substitution of the cultivation natural resource of 9th level Nine-color Star Nucleus Source, which had a bottleneck effect on realm breakthrough. It’s almost useless!

I just encountered this problem when I stepped into Black Hole Realm. It is obviously quite serious. The road to go is still very long!

“I don’t know much about Devouring Source Crystal. I think there must be some special purpose. You have to explore from Immortal Dynasty. The general existence is hard to know. As for the 9th level Nine-color bottleneck, the effect of the breakthrough is After Black Hole Realm has gradually weakened, it is even more impossible, unheard of!”

After waiting for Ye Xuan to finish the conversation, Tu Wen Old Ghost immediately took the message and looked at the idiot like Ye Xuan and shook his head and sighed: “It should be your own, or the cultivation Cultivation Technique has a problem!”

Ye Xuan’s bang in the brain, like a slap in the face, instantly realized.

Damn, forgot this thing, his Void Abode Secret Art is a ruin, only the cultivation of the first eight realm, the Black Hole Realm is gone, the road is broken, can’t move forward, How is breakthrough?

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