After a round, Ye Xuan finally lost hope!

In the hope that the 9th level Nine-color Star Nucleus Source can be temporarily replaced, the natural resource in terms of energy quality is not found!

Perhaps the exchange price at that time is still a question mark, and there will be items that are not normally open. But the result is the same, even if it is true, there is no point at the moment, Ye Xuan does not even have the qualification to redeem!

Disappointed, he reluctantly left the matter behind, and continued to browse other products, gradually comprehend and understand, to determine the final direction of selection!

From the beginning of the Starry Sky environment, until now, I finally entered the Black Hole Realm and became the real starry sky powerhouse. Ye Xuan is a difficult step. If it is not Qi Transport Heaven Defying, I am afraid that it has already fallen. It is.

What is embarrassing is that in the process of the various crises encountered, Ye Xuan is mostly relied on external forces, such as Weeping Soul Blood Horn, such as headless infant corpse…

Although these external forces are indispensable for the starry sky powerhouse, they are part of the comprehensive Strength. It is inevitable that the cultivation base is too weak at the initial stage. Otherwise, it will fall, and if it has not grown up, it will die.

But nowadays it is different. Entering Black Hole Realm has officially entered the real starry sky powerhouse. The subsequent growth path is even more difficult. Heaven and Earth Supreme Being can only be regarded as another higher starting line. Nothing more, will even involve the perception and control of the Universe Starry Sky rule.

From now on, Ye Xuan must rely on her own strength, one step at a time, and really strong in the life and death temper, otherwise the Starry Sky road will be hard to go further!

He decided to improve his combat power as much as possible and be prepared for it.

The cultivation base strength can only be improved step by step. He already has the most top-level Bloodline, Cultivation Technique and divine ability. This is no longer needed, but the three kinds of starry sky powerhouse are Battle Armor, Battle Weapon and Battleship. The basic treasure, but there is still room for improvement.

At least you have to upgrade all of their Grades to the Quasi Starry Sky Supreme Treasure level!

In addition to Inextinguishable Glazed Armor, there is still a need for another fusion. There are still two pieces to improve the Grade, namely Void Abode Shuttle and Demon Blood Star Tears Sword!

Both of these treats are now Starry Sky Epic Level, Void Abode Shuttle has six fusions, and Demon Blood Star Tears Sword is five times.

Soon, Ye Xuan found two redemption items from the System Exchange store, which is currently the best place to use them to fuse and enhance the contents of Grade.

In addition, he also exchanged two extremely rare Heavenly Materials and Earthly Treasures, which are intended to enhance their own Bloodline and divine power!

A total of four items, but XXIX’s 50,000 multiple Devouring Source Crystal in the hands of X XuX%, only thousands of left in the blink of an eye.

Although there was some pain in the body, Ye Xuan finally submitted a redemption request with a bite, and directly confirmed that the next moment, the familiar System notification sound was heard in my mind!

“Hey, Congratulations host, redemption success! Four treasures selected, redemption required Devouring Source total 50,000 zero 800, System automatic redemption completed!”

Ye Xuan’s eyelids are slightly hopping, and subconsciously explores with the body. The Devouring Source Crystal that he earned from Eternal World is not much left. It should be consumed directly by the system. After all, the exchange products provided by the System store cannot be changed. Come out, Bloodline and the divine ability, the Culture Technique and so on that’s all can be stored as data in the System.

But what Ye Xuan has exchanged is not Heavenly Materials and Earthly Treasures, which are rare minerals. They are real objects. System digests those Devouring Source Crystals, transforming them into a mysterious way that Ye Xuan can’t understand and understand. Out of four treasures that Ye Xuan has redeemed!

This approach is really amazing. After entering the Starry Sky environment, Ye Xuan was the first to redeem the treasure from the System store.

At the same time, the System notification sound in my mind has not stopped, and the four treasures exchanged by Ye Xuan have been introduced.

“Hey, Congratulations host, get the treasure! Great Five Elements Annihilation Array Disk: Attack Magical Treasure, cure the array. Convert energy, turn into Five Kinds Annihilation Thunder Light, can be divided, and can be moved all over the body. Attacking the earth’s crust, ruining the mountains and ruining the mountains. Together with the annihilation of one side, the Void!Grade: Starry Sky Epic Level! Quality: no perfect!”

“Hey, Congratulations host, get the treasure! Withered Demon Blade (replica): It is reported that Heaven and Earth are untimely, the Foreign Territory big devil loses memory, the mind is no longer evil, and the unconventional Void deep place, Primal Chaos! One day, the evil thoughts are completely recovered, the great devil is born, turned into a dry blade, dark black light, killing endless creatures, the sorcerer is dying, for the Withered Demon Blade !Grade :Starry Sky Epic Level !Quality: no missing imitation Product!”

“Hey, Congratulations host, get the treasure! Avici Origin Crystal: energy crystal, gather the endless Nine Nether and condense! Grade: Starry Sky Epic Level! Quality: pure and flawless!”

“Hey, Congratulations host, get the treasure! Tribulation Dragon Melting Disaster Pill: According to the inheritance of the ancients, the Dahuahua Longduer must-have Qidan! Grade: Starry Sky Epic Level! Quality: Excellent product!”

“Hey, Congratulations host, redemption of the delivery is completed, please check and confirm!”

The last notification sound just fell, and Ye Xuan felt that the body had a slight tremor. In the blink of an eye, four different top-level Great Treasures were created out of thin air, which was the exchange of the system.

An egg big crystal, dark and bright!

This Avici Origin Crystal is made of Nine Nether, a baleful aura condense. I wonder if it will enhance the power of Heaven Falling Bow after it is collected. After all, it is the Bloodline divine ability of Desolate Ancient Yaksha, the latter’s aura and this Avici Origin. Crystal is slightly similar and should have hope!

A Golden Medicine Pill, shaped like a dragon eye!

This pill , Ye Xuan is specially prepared for the Dark-Gold Dragon Scale in the Sea of ​​Consciousness. Since it is Transcending Tribulation to avoid Ochidan, it must have some effect on Ye Xuan’s Demon Dragon Bloodline. Give it a try!

As for the Great Five Elements Annihilation Array Disk, it is a palm-sized one that looks like a compass. The surface is etched with countless crepe patterns. The ancient aura is extremely thick and more infinitely sharp and faint!

This array, Ye Xuan intends to use the Void Abode Shuttle for the seventh system fusion. If there is no accident, once this fusion success, the Void Abode Shuttle attack Ability will be greatly improved, the ship passed the previous six After the second fusion, it has been more perfect.

Speed ​​Array, Defensive Array, Concealment Array are all in one, the ship within the body has more space folding technology, in addition, short-term space jump and ultra-long wormhole jump Ability has also been perfected.

Only the ship’s main gun is a short board. After all, the hull is less than the hunting meters. The star of the Star Destroyer Cannon is bigger, and the top is also two hundred meters. Even a large fortress of 10,000 meters diameter can’t be used. After the Aerospace Fortress two 10,000 meters Death Ray Cannon’s terrifying power, Ye Xuan now looks at the fordable power of the Void Abode Shuttle Ship Destroyer Cannon.

Great Five Elements Annihilation Array Disk is the hope of solving this short board. Ye Xuan has been looking forward to it for a long time, and it is only today that I found the right fusion treasure!

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