In the end, nothing was done. Under the strong protest and firm opposition of Hakurei Reimu,

"Suika...Don't treat this place as xx!"

After saying this, Ibuki Suika was lifted up by Hakurei Reimu and walked towards the main hall of the shrine.

The lifted Ibuki Suika was still struggling, her arms and legs swaying.

""Hanahi-deyo~! (Let me go~!) Reimu~!"

But anyone could see that she didn't use much strength at all.

【Detection target: Reimu Hakurei】

【Target Race: Human】

【Attack: Brick blast, Defense: Wall blast, Speed: Block, Strength: Building, Skill: Destroy a country, Magic: Destroy a country】

【Overall strength: Exploding city. 】

Another squishy mage...

Although I had guessed it a long time ago, Zhiyang still wanted to complain.

Then let's take a look at another

【Detection target: Ibuki Suika】

【Target race: Ghost】

【Attack: Blast the city, Defense: Destroy the country, Speed: Blast the city, Physical: Destroy the country, Skill: Destroy the country, Magic: Destroy the country】

【Overall strength: destroy a country. 】

Well, one of the four kings of the ghost clan is indeed worthy of his reputation....

Wait, what?

No, you are so powerful, do the other two know?

I have seen it myself, both of them are city-blasting, and their magic is in the same building and block, but you are...

And this hexagonal attribute feels a bit like mine, not much different.

Without thinking too much, Na Zhiyang glanced at the two people who were still sleeping, and then followed them out. Ibuki Suika, who was lying on the table, was complaining

"What revenge is there to take? The surface of the earth has changed countless times in the past few hundred years. Where can I go to take revenge? Reimu!"

"Even so, you can't treat that as entertainment!"

Hakurei Reimu looked a little helpless, and she slapped her face and hasn't let it go yet.

At this moment, a hand came from behind and placed it on Ibuki Suika's head.

"Okay~! Life isn't just for doing that kind of thing, how about playing video games with me?"

"Video games? You mean the ones the Moon Princess plays? I'm tired of those!"

"So that's it...Suika, you really prefer a more lively environment, right?"

"Hehe! Even though we haven't met many times, you know me well~!"

You also know that we haven't met many times....

Before she could think about it, Ibuki Suika had already picked up the wine gourd on her body.

She took off the lid, bit the mouth of the gourd, raised her head and poured the wine in.

That's right, pour it in!

"Hia~! You told me to drink less at first, why don't you stop me now?"

"Anyway, it won't harm your health, so why should I stop your interest? Give me a bite?"

"Oh! Wait a minute, Gollum..."

Seeing Ibuki Suika take another big sip, Na Zhiyang was about to take the gourd, but he didn't expect that

Ibuki Suika would rush over and feed him the wine himself.

After waiting for a while, Na Zhiyang drank the whole sip, but Ibuki Suika still didn't let go.

The two of them became quantum entangled and couldn't stop at all.

Watching this scene, Hakurei Reimu held her forehead with her hand, her elbows on the table, and turned her head away.

"You guys..."

If you were watching anime, there should be three tic-tac-toes on Reimu's head at this time.

At this moment, Ibuki Suika opened her mouth and showed a rather evil smile on her face.

"Hey, Reimu! Do you want to try it too?"

"Get out!!!"

"Don't say that....The outside world is now saying that you are a hundred thousand priestess. As long as you are given a hundred thousand, you can do anything you want. Is that right?"

While speaking, Ibuki Suika took out a book from somewhere....Uh, no, it's a notebook.

After opening it, Hakurei Reimu's eyes widened with disbelief.

"hehe...Hehehe! Suika, tell me, where is this author?"

"I don't know~! I picked it up yesterday, on the Youkai Mountain. It fell from a tree just as I passed by there."


As soon as the voice fell, Hakurei Reimu's head turned around instantly, her eyes fixed on Zhiyang.

""Okay, okay, wait a minute, let me take a look."

He closed his eyes and released his perception.

His powerful perception directly penetrated the barrier and saw the outside world, but...

"Hmm? Weird, no?"

"Oh? There are some missing ones here, let me take care of them."

Just when I was wondering why the whole Neon hadn't found the author, or the work of Gensokyo, Hecatia suddenly appeared.

And gave a brief explanation.

After the world fusion was over, she had changed some things, and this was just an accidental omission.

Hakurei Reimu and Ibuki Suika both nodded, and they understood, but Najiyo, who had experienced the world authority, didn't believe it. After looking at Hecatia for a while, she didn't mention it, but she had some guesses in her mind.

Maybe it was intentional.

Leaving such a book on purpose, and deliberately dropping it in the Monster Mountain, and it just happened to drop when Ibuki Suika passed by. One or two coincidences are nothing, but if there are too many coincidences, it's not a coincidence.

Who knows what this guy Hecatia is going to do, he is probably bored.

"Phew! It's fine as long as there's nothing wrong with it. I don't want to be watched by others doing that every day."

After learning the reason for the incident, Hakurei Reimu finally breathed a sigh of relief, and returned to her calm state, lying back.


"Wow! Wait wait wait...Reimu, what are you doing!"

""Tsk! Who told you to stand behind me without saying a word?"

When he lay back, he happened to lie on the legs of Marisa who was passing by from behind, and she tripped Marisa.

Now the two of them looked like a six and a nine.

They kept this posture for a while, and Na Zhiyang came over and helped them up.

"Are you okay? It's strange that you still feel pain. Shouldn't the floor be hurting?"

"Forehead...Now that you put it that way, it seems like it really doesn't hurt? Then what did I feel just now?"

【Detection target: Kirisame Marisa】

【Target Race: Human】

【Attack: Blast the city, Defense: Blast the city, Speed: Blast the city, Physical: Destroy the country, Skill: Blast the city, Magic: Blast the city】

【Overall strength: destroy a country.

Not bad, pretty average.

I thought that after the restriction period was lifted, the group members would improve their attack and defense speed, but the magic and skills did not fall behind....

Wait, Marisa's magic and skills seem to have been like this before, right?

"Huh? Why are you staring at me? Oh, by the way, the little girl inside seems to have woken up, go check on her."

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