Entering the room, I saw Nashida sitting on the bed, one hand still rubbing her head.

After hearing the sound of the door opening, Nashida looked over.

"Na Zhiyang, please, help me get rid of this feeling, it's really uncomfortable."

"Well, okay, I really don't understand why you want to experience this uncomfortable feeling?"

Na Zhiyang casually eliminated all the uncomfortable feelings of Nashida, and looked at her and smacked his lips.

After the uncomfortable feeling disappeared, Nashida also stood up and showed Na Zhiyang a nearly perfect smile.

"Hehe! I just wanted to experience it, but I didn't expect it to be so uncomfortable. Thank you, Na Zhiyang"

"No need to thank me, what are you thanking me for? Come on! Let's go out together."

Nazhiyang stretched out his hand, and Nashida naturally put his hand on it, holding her hand, and walked out of the room together.

"Oh! Is it ready? It's really fast!...Let me see, this potion is...Good stuff! Na Zhiyang, let's try this next time?"

As soon as he left the room, Na Zhiyang saw Marisa holding a bottle of potion, a bottle of pink potion. He recognized it at a glance. This is the one on sale today in the mall.

"Marisa...If you want to use this stuff, be careful. It says on it that you should dilute it before use."

"Eh? There is also writing...Oh, it's really written on it!"

I looked at the bottle carefully and saw that there was indeed a passage of words on it.

【Please dilute the medicine with water in the ratio of 1:9, and divide it into 10 portions for use. If you take it directly, you will take the consequences at your own risk. 】

Tsk tsk! It's just a small bottle, even if you add water, it's still a mouthful.

"Anyway, if you want to play with this thing, you should be careful. After all, it is produced by the system, so it should be powerful enough."

"Yes! Don't worry!"


Hmm? Someone in the group tagged me?

【(Teyvat) Ying: @Nazhiyang, you took the Grass God away, right?】

【(Teyvat) Ying: What happened in Xumi has spread to Liyue.】

【(Teyvat) Ying: Now it is said that Xumi has lost his god due to his popularity】

【(Group leader) Nazhiyang: Nashida is indeed with me】

【(Group leader) Na Zhiyang: But I didn’t expect it to be spread like this.】

【(Teyvat) Ying: When will you send her back?】

【(Teyvat) Ying: I'm afraid it wouldn't be a good idea to continue like this?】

【(Group leader) Na Zhiyang: I know this. They will definitely focus on the sage.】

【(Group leader) Na Zhiyang: After a long time, they will blame Nashida】

【(Group leader) Na Zhiyang: But wait a couple of days, it seems Nashida is having a lot of fun】

【(Gensokyo) Kirisame Marisa: Oh, so that's how it is? Haha!】

【(Teyvat) Ying: So what will you say when you come back?】

【(Group leader) Na Zhiyang: What else can I say? Just say that Nashida went to find a way to solve the dead zone!】

【(Group leader) Na Zhiyang: Then I will solve the problem of the world tree and it will be over.】

【(Group leader) Na Zhiyang: When the time comes, the Xumi people themselves will punish the sages.】

【(Group leader) Na Zhiyang: And it will also make Nashida receive a lot of praise】

【(Teyvat) Ying: Why do you sound so relaxed?】

【(One punch) Tornado: Improve your strength, Ying. Once you become stronger, everything will be easy.】

【(Teyvat) Ying: I also understand this principle....】

【(Beng San) Xilin: Group leader, do you know something?】

【(Beng III) Xilin: Ever since you came here yesterday, the red-haired woman has been looking at Kiana in a strange way.】

【(Honkai Impact 3) Kiana: Eh? Aunt Himeko? Why didn't I notice that?】

【(Beng San) Xilin:...】

【(Beng San) Xilin: Isn't it normal that you didn't notice anything?】

【(Kitchen 2 Disease) Garden Lily Bell:...】

【(Kitchen 2 Disease) Garden Lily Bell: 6!】

【(Group leader) Na Zhiyang: This...It's nothing important, don't worry about it】

【(Honkai Impact 3) Kiana: What do you mean? How come it's normal?】

【(Beng San) Xilin: Group leader, please don’t be a riddler】

【(Magic Garden) Nan Xiaoniao: This is not an important matter....】

【(One punch) Tornado: @Najiyang, you have had communication with Child Emperor before, right?】

【(Group leader) Na Zhiyang: Yes! What’s the matter?】

【(Beng San) Xilin: Tsk!】

【(Honkai Impact 3) Kiana: Please pay attention to me, the other me!】

【(One punch) Tornado: Child Emperor wants to get some of your samples】

【(Group leader) Na Zhiyang: Huh?】

【(Gensokyo) Kasumigaoka Utaha: No, if you are like this, is he serious?】

【(One punch) Tornado: Kasumigaoka Utaha, is this really all that’s on your mind?】

【(Gensokyo) Kasumigaoka Utaha: Hey?】

【(Group leader) Na Zhiyang: They probably want physical data, or genes or something.】

【(One punch) Tornado: That’s right】

【(Group leader) Na Zhiyang: Well, you tell him no, I don’t want to be cloned by a bunch of people】

【(Group leader) Na Zhiyang: I know Child Emperor won’t do that, but the data can be stolen】

【(One punch) Tornado: I understand, I'll tell him now】

【(Magic Garden) Minami Kotori: I feel like the conversations between adults are so powerful, so decisive....】

【(Kitchen 2 Disease) Hanazono Yurizu: Not everyone is like this, just them.】

"Then shall we go?"

"Let's go! Really, you have to tell us this again."

Kirisame Marisa waved her hand nonchalantly.

"Do you want to come with us?"

"Oh? Although I am glad you invited me...But I have something else I want to do today."

Marisa refused to go along. As for what she said, it seemed like she had some agreement with Alice and Patchouli?

"So, you three came here?"

In the world of anime, looking at the three people sitting casually in front of her, Rikka Takanashi didn't know what to say.

Touka went to do the investigation, and Kato Megumi was the same as usual. Now there were only five of them in Kato Megumi's villa.

It was obviously four people, why five people? Because...

"Haha! I feel so relaxed...."Huh?"

A girl wrapped in a bath towel appeared from the corridor. Because of the angle, Zhiyang was not seen. It was not until she rushed over and threw herself on the sofa that she noticed that there was a...

"male...Men! Why are there men?...Ah!!!" screamed and ran away...

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