Looking at the potion in his hand, Zhiyang felt that something was missing, so he continued to study it to kill time.

As for how to make it, of course, he would just crush some things directly into it, decompose some items into atoms, and then reassemble them.

No one really thinks that potions must be made by practicing medicine. (Laughing with sidelong eyes)

After a while...


"What is this?"

Just after I successfully copied the potion, I heard Yakumo Yukari's voice.

I turned around and saw that Yakumo Yukari was wearing the pink pajamas again, rubbing her eyes, as if she had just woken up.

"It’s nothing, just a potion I just made. Miss Yakumo Yukari, could you please help me test its effects?"


Hearing this, Yakumo Yukari shuddered for no apparent reason, and her face twitched visibly twice.

"Ala...For an old man like me, forget it. If you want to test drugs, there is always a rabbit that specializes in drug testing. You might as well go find her. Testing drugs, that rabbit is a professional. I'm going to take a nap now. See you next time!"

After saying that, Yakumo Yukari opened the gap at an unprecedented speed and quickly got in.

It seemed that if she was a little late, she would be used for drug testing.

"Tsk tsk! Why are you so nervous? I won't force you to try the drug, really...."

As he said this, Na Zhiyang put all 10 bottles of medicine in his hand into the system space, leaving only one bottle in his hand.

Looking at the two people who had fallen asleep, Na Zhiyang was a little eager to try....

"Phew! Forget it, let's talk about it when Marisa is alone."

He muttered to himself, and the last bottle of medicine in Zhiyang's hand was also returned to the system space.

As for the drug test...Don't worry, there will always be opportunities....

"water...Lord Water God, I never thought I could meet you like this....Sorry, I'm so nervous."

"Hahaha! There's no need to be so reserved. I'm the great Water Demon God Fukaros, and I have some tolerance."

Passing by the reception area, the voices of Funina and ordinary Fontaine people came from inside.

Hearing the voices, Villette stopped here and watched for a while. He watched until the visitor left, and before Funina noticed him, Villette turned and left.

He returned to his workplace, and Villette held his forehead with one hand, looking like he had a headache.

He wanted to ask Funina what she did the past two days, but after thinking it over for a few times, he still didn't speak.

"Mr. Villette, this is the income and expenditure report of Fontaine for the past week. Please take a look."

"Well, I understand. Give it to me."

Blue Melusin handed a stack of papers to Violet, bowed and turned away. After finishing half of today's work, Violet suddenly remembered about Funina.


Shaking his head, Violet forgot about these things for the time being and concentrated on the work at hand.

On the other side, Funina had received the third visitor. These people had waited in line for who knows how many days before it was their turn to meet the water god.

"Lady Funina, are you worried about something? I feel like you are absent-minded....Ah! I'm sorry, I'm just an ordinary person, I really shouldn't speculate on the thoughts of gods"

"Hahaha! It's okay! I was just thinking about Fontaine's recent situation."

Funina spoke in a high tone, as if she wanted everyone to hear her.

It was this attitude that made the people of Fontaine more convinced that Funina was the water god.

"As expected of Lady Funina, she always cares about Fontaine. On the contrary, I even complained a few words because of the long queue. I really deserve to die!"

"Don't worry, I'm the god of Fontaine..."

The same words had been said thousands of times, and everything about Funina was very natural.

Even the longing in her eyes was taken by people as thinking about Fontaine's recent situation and various problems, big and small.

At the same time, Villette finished reading a latest report.

"Is the news true?"

"Lord Villette, the news is absolutely true."

"...I understand. You can go down now."

Looking at the intelligence in his hand, or the newspaper, Villette frowned slightly.

"The god of Xumi was imprisoned by the Ministry of Education for 500 years, but he suddenly disappeared the day before yesterday, and even the heart of the god disappeared with him...."

"The Rock King was assassinated, and the Liyue Seven Stars held an emergency meeting. The immortals attacked the Seven Stars, but were persuaded by the foreign travelers and the mud...."

"The god of Inazuma is furious and wants to reorganize the Three Magistrates. The Sixth Fatui Executive Officer is expelled from the country, and the Umijima resistance army wants to go to war with the shogunate...."

"Is something going to happen recently? There are big events everywhere."

It's hard to imagine that the reporter of Steambird Newspaper is so well-informed.

The events in other countries have only happened for two days, but they have already made the headlines of Steambird Newspaper.

Looking at the news above, Villette suddenly remembered the disappearance of Funina some time ago.


He finally sighed, held his chin with both hands, closed his eyes, and didn't know what he was thinking....


"Na Zhiyang! Let’s do it!"

""Puff! Ahem! Wait, Suika? What did you say?"

Ibuki Suika opened the door and suddenly shouted, causing Reimu Hakurei, who was behind her, to spit out the tea she had just drunk.

From the position between Ibuki Suika and the door, one could see Reimu Hakurei's surprised expression.

"It's so boring! The party is over and everyone has gone home, hurry up! Come on, come on, come on, come on..."

"Too boring...You can go to the outside world and clean up the descendants of your former enemies or something!...What have you turned the shrine into? A place dedicated to that kind of thing?"

"What's the difference? When there's no business, I'm just sitting around and lying down somewhere."

"There is a big difference!!!"

From outside the room, Hakurei Reimu's roar came, and it seemed that she was angry....

No, she didn't seem angry, because she just shouted this and then nothing more happened.

Then, Ibuki Suika ran in and jumped onto Najiyo's back from behind.

"Come on, come on, come on~! I'm so bored! Come on~!"

"Suika, even if you are bored, you can't do it this way....Besides, it happened several times last night. Are you okay?"


Ibuki Suika suddenly laughed, lowered her head, and put her mouth close to Najiyo's ear.

"Zhiyang, the new fish of the ghost tribe is very strong."

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