When Aixi heard the news, she lost her mind for a moment, because she knew that Sejuani was not the kind of person who would deceive herself, even if the relationship between two people reached this point, She would believe that Sejuani would not deceive her. But in the same way, she also believed that Li Ke would not deceive him, so this contradictory reality made her a little lost.

And Li Ke thought about all the accidents he would have at the wedding scene with Ashe, such as wrestling with countless Freljord robust man, or close hand-to-hand combat. But he absolutely didn’t expect Sejuani to come, and he didn’t absolutely didn’t expect. After he objected, Ashe still held Sejuani with a hint of kind delusion. Because in his personal experience, Sejuani is not as tolerant of Ashe, she is more like a traditional war mother than Ashe, rather than a leader of a country.

“I never promised you, Sejuani, and it was just a misunderstanding! A misunderstanding cannot be counted as an oath!”

But even if he is not special Knowing Freljord, he also knew that this event was a big deal. After all, no matter in that era, there will not be few people watching the excitement and gossip, and such a big melon will not be eaten by anyone. And Sejuani was definitely not here alone, she definitely came with her own army!

“hmph! An oath is an oath! Misunderstanding is not an oath?!”

The disdain on Sejuani’s face is even more obvious. She specially hides her identity and walks into Aixi’s The insufficiency is for this moment. She did not hesitate to fill in her own fame for the purpose of letting the sacred coat of Li Ke and Ashe be stripped off so that she could fight Ashe on the starting line. After all, it was equally important for her to prove that she was a more qualified war mother than Ashe, and to develop and grow the tribe so that it could continue for thousands of years.

As for the conversation between them, the priests on one side were already stunned. Although some of them hurriedly called the equally stunned guard, but more still plan to watch it, because Sejuani’s actions are still in line with the’rules’. In their eyes, the rules are more important than Ashe’s face and the development of the tribe.

“It seems that we still can’t reach a consensus, Sejuani! Take out your weapon, let’s use a duel to decide who is right!”

Li Ke no longer wants to After speaking, he can understand Sejuani’s domineering character. After all, such a big tribe is expecting her to live, but this does not mean that he will accept it. Since Sejuani has reached this point, he still persists in your own wrong doings, and feels hard. If you want to follow her rules and ideas, then it means that she is the enemy. Moreover, Ashe’s weakness and show mercy towards Sejuani are bound to make her hurt in the future, or when will she be hurt because of the friendship she cherishes.

So long-term pain is worse than short-term pain!

His hand was on the hilt, and a subtle Thunderlord’s Decree began to appear, as well as a flash of sparks. Even if he wanted to kill Sejuani, he didn’t want the girl who had pursued him to suffer too much, so he planned to directly use his strongest attack to cut Sejuani in half while also cutting her in half. Burned to fly ashes, without letting her feel any pain, she left in this world.

But Ashe grabbed his hand and shook the head to him.

“Ha! You are not qualified to challenge me, Li Ke, only the war mother can challenge the war mother. I will promise Ash’s challenge, but yours will not. But you don’t have to worry, The purpose of my coming this time is to get to know Ashe.”

Sejuani sneered and finally said his purpose.

She knows very well in her heart that after her own people have gone through so many battles, if they open up their battles and fight against the Ashe tribe that conserve strength and store up energy, then there will only be defeat. road. But if she does things according to the rules, then it’s different. For a coward like Ashe, she doesn’t dare to violate those old-fashioned old laws in front of her allies. So even if she humiliated her at the festival and did all kinds of things, as long as she did not slaughter her tribe and acted according to the rules, then she would have nothing to do with herself!

This is the difference between her and Ashe! She is a coward who obeys the rules! And she has the courage to break the old rules!

“Come on Ashe! I came to snatch your blood alliance according to the ancient law of Freljord! Let us understand all our grievances here!”

Holding Li Ke’s hand and preventing Li Ke from slicing Sejuani in half, Ashe was silent for a moment, and she worked hard to calm her mood. She is extremely longing that she and Sejuani can get back to their old good, which not only allows them to become one of Freljord’s biggest forces, but also allows her to make up for one of her regrets. But unfortunately, Sejuani is still as stubborn as before, and the conflict between the two of them is more obvious.

The specific expression is Li Ke’s choice.

“I accept your challenge, but I will not use my love as a bargaining chip. Because no matter what the result, I and her are inseparable.”

Sejuani was coldly snorted, and the distorted expression on his face became more and more distorted.

“Are you scared?!”

Ashe shook the head.

“I’m just telling the truth, Sejuani, he chose me… Honey, please knock down her fighters, okay?”

A rare opportunity, she wants to Sejuani is convinced here, and at this point, she actually has the same view as Sejuani, that is, only after defeating the other party can she be able to reason with the other party! She took off her bow, and Sejuani also took out her flail, and this obvious move made the people she had prepared stand out from the crowd and challenged Li Ke.

“Come on! Immortal! I want to challenge you and give your head as a gift to Master Sejuani!”

The first speaker was a war banner against his tribe Ryze, and there are hundreds of people like him. Such an arrogant attitude directly caused the soldiers of the Ashe tribe to blow up their hair. They took out their swords and wanted to fight these uninvited guests to the death. But what surprised Li Ke was that Ashe’s priests actually prevented Ashe from doing so. Warriors!

“This is the challenge of Master Li Ke!”

“Their challenge is in accordance with the ancient law!”

Looking at the priests’ righteous words Look, and the faces of those soldiers who were as blank as their own. As the person involved, Li Ke didn’t know what to say. Even though his perception told him these priests’ words came from the heart, he still couldn’t help but feel that their brains must be broken.

“I still think it is faster to kill her directly.”

“I know…but she is my only friend.”

lightly stroked After holding Ashe’s back and handing over all his remaining Frost Energy to Ashe, Li Ke jumped under the high platform. Then he pointed with his stick to those who wanted to challenge him.

“Let’s go together.”

“I’m in a hurry.”

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