He will respect Ash’s choice because they are already one on the mental and physical level. And Ashe is also a living person, and the grudge between her and Sejuani should indeed be resolved by her in her concept. And Li Ke also found it out, although it seems that Sejuani was facing Ashe at this time because of his own reasons. But in fact, Sejuani was even more annoyed that she chose Ashe instead of choosing to “marry someone”.

Otherwise, she will not let go of the idea of ​​fighting with herself.

I’m just a fuse.

“This feeling is really amazing.”

Ignoring what those who want to duel with him are saying, Li Ke just kicked that unfathomable mystery. The battle flag of China, with messy blue lines painted on his face, and a lot of bullshit fighters kicked flying. And his move undoubtedly stabbed the hornet’s nest. First, because he did not accept the challenge in the name of Avarosad, the priests were very dissatisfied with the behavior of knocking down the challenger. Second, because of his behavior, Sejuani’s people considered it a provocation.

They roared and abandoned the battle flag in their hands, then moved towards Li Ke and charged. As for this, Li Ke just threw a few potatoes indifferently, and then waved his staff in their puzzled eyes.

After mixing the magic power in the staff, the potatoes that Li Ke threw out began to grow and sprout in mid-air, and followed Li Ke’s ideas to directly trap these energetic members of society. Yan Yanshishi, let them fall directly on the way to the charge, and then they were tied up by the soldiers who blocked the priests and threw them aside.

This is the result of Li Ke expending a lot of his vitality, and his original abundant vitality within the body has therefore been reduced to his normal level. After all, he wants to do it quickly and go back to look after Ashe early to avoid her being injured in the battle with Sejuani. But it was obvious that his idea failed, because just when he was going to return to the high platform and hang Sejuani with Ashe to fight, an acquaintance of Li Ke stood in front of him against a banner.


“I want to challenge you, Li Ke!”

His eyes are full of bloodshot and depression, he knows the gap between himself and Li Ke, even more how Li Ke is still there He just showed an unusually powerful spell. He knew he was going to die, but he could do nothing. He must challenge Li Ke here and lose his life, otherwise the clansman he was kidnapped by Sejuani will lose their lives!

He fiercely planted the battle flag on the ground, and his heart was full of anger at the unfair fate. He clearly only wanted his tribe to survive, but fate continuously cracked a against him. joke. The poor and hard life did not defeat them, but because he helped Li Ke, he was hated by Sejuani and threatened him with his entire clansman life as a bargaining chip. And his clansman is also reduced to a slave because of this. Only when he dies because of Li Ke will he be freed.

Such fate filled his heart with anger, anger at Sejuani, anger at fate. Under some interesting influences, his eyes slowly turned red, and his strength continued to grow. This was originally a standard symbol of Freljord Olaf, but under the influence of a certain Power of Darkness, moved towards a peculiar direction changed.

His fate has not escaped from the cage, but it is actually because his aptitude is too good. As long as the person who brings him this kind of power meets him, then his fate will go. Get on the so-called right track and gain the power he didn’t want to get!

“Get out of the way. Tedamir, I don’t want to kill you.”

Li Ke doesn’t want to kill this hero he likes very much, but if the other party blocks his way, then I’m sorry too!

“I don’t want to stand on the opposite side of you, Li Ke, but reality leaves us no choice! For my clansman, I must challenge you here!”

And TEDA Mir also shook the head in pain. He really didn’t want to let things happen like this, but based on his ideas and thoughts, he had no way, only such a dead end.

“Please give me the death of a soldier!”

He brandished his sword and rushed towards Li Ke, and lost a lot of vitality, as well as all iceborn vitality. Li Ke did not directly use spell to subdue Teddamir. The divine force of Ornn and Volibear was too wasteful to use on Teddamir, so he just waved his staff, blocked the big knife that Teddamir had cut, and kicked it until the empty door opened wide. On Taidamir’s body, his strong body flew out directly.

The fragmentation of the skeleton and the sound of Teddamir’s landing sounded at the same time, but to Li Ke’s surprise, when he wanted to leave, Teddamir stood up again, moved towards He charged!

Li Ke had to block his sword again, and then an elbow hit Teddamer’s temple, while flying his horn helmet, he also knocked out Teddamir’s ears. The blood came, and Tedamil was dizzy because of the blow, and he took a few steps back before he stood still. The world in his eyes began to rotate, and the silhouette of Li Ke walking over became more than a dozen. .

The gap between them is too big. Before, Li Ke could use skills to knock him who is only suitable for the battlefield to the ground. Even if he is now strengthened for various reasons, his The skills have not improved much, and his sword is simply not suitable for one-on-one combat.

One more punch was made to the back of Teddamir’s head, and after the stubborn warrior fell to the ground completely, Li Ke looked towards that panic appeared in his eyes, but he was still chatting with Aish. Sejuani, and then sneered at her. After all, no matter what idea she had, but now that the people she challenged her have fallen, no amount of her thoughts will help. If you want to hate, hate herself or use the previous standard to measure him Li Ke!

He is not the warrior who could only swing at people with swords now!

But when he was taking a step, he felt that his feet were being held by who. He lowered his head and found that it was the Tedamil who he thought had passed out, with blood on his cheeks. The pupils were also extremely at a loss, but he still stubbornly held his big knife and prevented himself from going to the high platform.

“When the matter is over, I will help you save your tribe.”

Li Ke appreciates his will, but does not intend to do more with him Entangled, he pierced Teddamir’s wrist with a sword, forced him to let go of his hand, and continued to move towards the high platform amid Teddamir’s wailing.

“The entanglement of mortals is really boring. But there are two suitable people…really interesting.”

Taking the fleshy body of this human, but not Aatox, who was killing him, smiled and looked at Li Ke who was standing, and Tedamir who stopped Li Ke to go to the road. There was a chilling smile on his face, and the people who followed Sejuani wanted to urge this iceborn named Tiger to let him also play. But he just slapped this’Tiger’ on the shoulder. After seeing Red’s eyes, he lost consciousness in horror and fell into the arms of other people.

“But it’s time, you don’t have to endure anymore.”

‘Tiger’s smile became more and more impudent, he strode towards Li Ke, and When he passed Tydamir lying on the ground, he drew the big sword behind him, and then shook it at Li Ke, who else tried to stop him.

blood light appears suddenly, but it is not Li Ke, but Tiger.

His face with a weird smile turned into two halves in the air, and Li Ke, who did all this, didn’t even turn his head back.

Then, a Fiend appeared.

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