Although the festival started as scheduled, but because of Li Ke’s ambiguous attitude, Ashe did not dare to open the festival too much, so this festival not only caused dissatisfaction among the priests , It also makes this festival full of haste and a sense of urgency. After all, many clans only knew that this was to hold a festival and to get food. But I didn’t know that this was the ceremony for the blood alliance between Ashe and Li Ke, so when they got the news, many of Ashe’s previous arrangements seemed a little insufficient.

But obviously, people here don’t care much about this. They gathered today to participate in Ashe’s event, so a little lack of preparation simply won’t be the source of their dissatisfaction. , Because they know very well that not everyone can gather so many people!

There are at least 50,000 people here!

What a huge number this is! What kind of preparation is needed to satisfy so many people? So these people who rushed in, just in front of the food issued by the Ashe faction, eliminated their dissatisfaction, and only allowed some of the most representative people of their tribe to participate in Ashe’s festival.

But even so, the venue that Ashe prepared was packed.

“Welcome you here! My people, brothers and sisters of the Alliance! Welcome to follow my orders and come here and build our new home together!”

Wearing a grand dress instead of the blue shirt she often wears, Ashe waved her arms at the people below on the high platform, and after she said this, she opened her bow and set an arrow. Amidst the cheers of the people below, a magical Inhibitor arrow was shot into the sky above their heads, and it exploded in the air, cracking into a large piece of dreamy ice dust.

The people from various tribes below cheered because of her actions, because they can see the strength and bloodline of Ashe, so for them, there is such a strong and strong The leadership of a powerful war mother is indeed a thing to be happy about. On the other hand, Li Ke looked at Ai Xi who was talking about their ideas and plans after the two of them were enthusiastically fused, but he was somewhat speechless. Because he absolutely did not expect that the dress he wore at this’wedding’ would be a whole set of armor.

The armor he is wearing now is obviously specially made for him, not to mention that it is tightly integrated, and does not affect his activities. And from helmets to boots, to belts and arm guards. It looks very sturdy, not to mention, there are no scratches. And not only that, Ashe also brought him a true ice two-handed sword, which is now inserted behind his back and tied to the staff. Moreover, this whole set of dresses had to be coupled with the bow and quiver he was carrying, as well as the various bits and pieces and weapons hung on his belt. To be honest, he at first thought he was going to fight with Ashe’s suitors again.

“This wedding dress is really unique.”

Thinking of the structure of the matriarchal clan here, Li Ke couldn’t help but muttered a little while Ai Xi quietly knocked He touched his hand armor to make him tolerate these ancient laws for a while, and kept silent while she was speaking.

However, Li Ke did not wait long, and Ashe ended her opening speech, instead she talked about her own business.

“Bless the three sisters, and Myriadth of Freljord, when I needed someone to accompany me most, I met the closest person in my life. It was him who solved our lack of food. It was him that made me see more things!”

Aish said there was a pause, grabbed Li Ke’s hand, and continued speaking like an oath.

“So, I will sign with him a vow of never separation and never betrayal. Myriadth will testify again that he will be my first and only blood alliance!”

Her words once again caused an uproar. Many of her suitors didn’t want to believe their ears and this reality at all, so they shouted loudly and wanted to find out who this guy who came out of the room was. what happened. Ashe tried to stop, but Li Ke pulled her a bit, and then drew the staff behind her back.

“Is anyone dissatisfied?”

He took a step forward, and then lightly clicked on this wooden platform. This wooden ring is surrounded by countless people. Under the shocked gaze, it began to take root and sprout, and countless twigs and green leaves grew in the heavy snow, making everyone present absolute silence. And when the flowers and green fruits appeared on these twigs, the people below screamed as if they were waking up from a dream, and then, with most of them kneeling on the ground, they screamed. Suspicion of Li Ke arose.

They live in such a difficult place, that’s why they long for summer, and their war mother’s blood mates have the power to call summer, so what else do they have to doubt and Questioning it? Not to mention that this man also brought gains, this is as important as victory!

But at this moment, among a large group of standing people, a woman who was also fully armed raised her hand high.

“I’m not convinced!”

The voice of this woman made Li Ke stunned. He didn’t believe that a woman would question his identity, and then he was shocked by this voice. Familiar with. And when he turned his head and looked towards the person who was itchy and wanted to be beaten by him, a bad premonition of a major event appeared in his heart.


“I oppose you forming a blood alliance!”

Sejuani shouted again, and then under Ashe’s surprised and worried eyes, walked to the high platform. She couldn’t tell whether she was angry or smiling, but one thing Li Ke was certain was that this woman was here to disrupt the situation!

“I don’t need you to serve, Sejuani. You and I have nothing to do with you!”

He unceremoniously pointed his staff at Sejuani, and Plan to throw a few potatoes in the past and tie this woman up tightly. But Ashe walked over, trying to hold the hands of her childhood friend with her own hands.

“I heard that you are here, but I can’t find you, Sejuani, I am really happy to see you today.”

I can see you again The childhood friend was really happy, but Sejuani slapped her hand away and showed a disdainful smile.

“But I’m not happy, betrayer! Seeing you will only make me sick… and it looks like you not only betrayed me a few years ago, but now you shamelessly make do with another betrayer. Let’s get together! People often say that they are in the same way, so they are talking about this situation!”

The smile on her face was distorted by a kind of hard to describe feeling, and when she said this At that time, he turned his head and showed a more distorted expression at Li Ke.

“I’m right, my blood!”

As she said, Ashe’s eyes suddenly widened.

She has never heard of such a thing!

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