“I really didn’t expect that there will be so many people.”

Ashe, who sneaked out of the banquet, looked nervously at the set up On the high platform, he couldn’t help but put his hand on his chest, feeling his heartbeat constantly accelerating.

“It’s normal to have this number of people? After all, you are welcoming the tribes that keep coming until now.”

And Li Ke who slipped out of his tent also He was shocked, but he was not because of the change in the number of people, but because of the changes here. Ashe’s capital is now really densely packed, all of them are tents and people. The previous clean appearance has completely disappeared. A prosperous…

town was left behind.

This place is so big after all.

“These are all due to you. If it is not your strength, I simply can’t feed so many people.”

Aish smiled and took Li Ke’s hand on his face. With a pretty good smile, Li Ke also smiled and hugged her waist. But in a place that neither of them saw, a man wearing a cloak and covering his face with a hood suddenly crushed the bone statue on her hand, especially when she saw Li Ke wearing a When she took away the white suit from the Sejuani tribe, she even held her hand to death, letting those sharp bone spurs stab her palm.

If you want to say why she is so angry, the reason is also very simple, that is, the white clothes that Li Ke wears are stitched out one by one by herself!

She deliberately rushed over to beat up these two men, and then pulled Li Ke’s collar and asked her whether she was inferior to the betrayer in any way, but she still endured it and didn’t. My identity is exposed here.

After all, now that Ash knows that she is here and is continuously looking for her, can she be exposed because of this.

And just after she used two Gold Coins to compensate the Boss’s bone sculpture, a man wearing Freljord’s fur armor suddenly appeared next to her, and quietly reported to her Started my own experience.

“War mother, we have inquired, that person is Immortal Li Ke, but here he has shown a kind of magical power, it seems to be the power that can give birth to food… and Avaro The granaries of the Sa tribe are indeed full. The wheat and potatoes that are distributed to other tribes are all newly harvested. And they even opened a brewery workshop!”

The scout’s words It made Sejuani even more angry, especially after the scout gave her a comparison with the amount of food he probably calculated, she clenched her fist, and the scene of Li Ke’s rejection of herself appeared continuously in her mind, and his unreserved nostalgia Back view.

“In other words, in just one month, he has produced enough food for tens of thousands of people to eat for a year? Ha, it is really hard work!”


Sejuani tried hard to tell herself that if you want these two people to pay the greatest price, then they will have their own revenge at tomorrow’s festival, and with the help of this grand event, their reputation will be blown down. Engrave your name on Ashe’s head forever, and if possible, you can completely turn Ashe into a loser, let her understand that her kindness is only weak, and her Sejuani is right!

Of course, she herself knows that the risk of this action is very high. After all, Li Ke’s strength is not weak. She and his win rate were originally five to five, plus Ai Xi If so, she simply has no chance of winning.

But fortunately, I have other support.

Finally, after seeing Li Ke and Ashe hugged without shame in their silhouettes, Sejuani couldn’t help but let out a sneer. In her original plan, Ashe, a betrayer, was about to die. , Li Ke, a betrayer, is also going to die, but since Li Ke’s power is so effective, then he has to let the two of them survive so that he can make his tribe stronger.

“I’m good to be imprisoned, and every time I win a victory, I will let you meet for 3 minutes. As a man who can even throw me aside, 3 minutes should be more than enough Yes!”

Throwing the broken bone sculpture that he bought aside, Sejuani’s mind came up with the word love, because Li Ke’s front and back changes were really too fast, the front foot Rejecting her, Sejuani got on the back foot with Ashe, and in less than half a year, she obtained food for Ashe that she couldn’t even think of!

How can this keep her from getting angry, how can she keep her from hating Li Ke? If Li Ke chose her defeated, Cherna who abandoned her blood alliance once, or other who. Then she wouldn’t care so much, because it only showed that Li Ke had no eyesight. When she came to the city, he would naturally understand who he really should choose.

However, he shouldn’t, he shouldn’t, he chose Ashe in such a short time!

Her sister, her blood ally, her enemy!

A hatred far beyond her towards Ashe appeared in her relationship with Li Ke, so even knowing that what she was doing was actually quite irrational, and it would cause the future of the tribe. A devastating blow. She rushed over like crazy, and annexed all the tribes who had offered a helping hand to Li Ke along the way. And the person who allows Li Ke to flow unimpeded on a section of the road has become the sharpest asaber in his hand!

So she will not rush over because of anger, she will wait, she will wait until tomorrow, when the festival begins, and she is revenge.

“Tedamir, Tiger, and other people who want to be my blood confederacy, see the man named Li Ke.”

Sejuani lowered his voice and faced him. The people behind me who had also wrapped themselves up asked them, and those who followed her silently were also nodded, indicating that they understood. And Sejuani was quite satisfied with their obedience, especially Tedamil’s unwilling eyes, which made her feel the most joyful, and made her feel that the flames of anger that burned her continuously had been slightly calmed down.

But just as Li Ke and Ashe didn’t notice them, Sejuani didn’t notice a terrifying thing, that is, one of her suitors, one from another tribe, called Tiger The warrior, his eyes are no longer the noble blue, but the bright red. And the big sword wrapped in cloth behind his back is also under the cloth covering it, and it is breathing like a rhythm.

“Should I kill now and take that person’s body, or watch a good show tomorrow?”

Aatox, fell into a little bit During the struggle, but it didn’t take long before he and Sejuani came to the same conclusion.

“Tomorrow, kill him.”

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