The flesh and blood of a mortal had no possibility of blocking in front of his sword, and the bodies of these two poor warriors were also pulled away in an instant. The blood and essence were taken away. Tokes merged into his body. His body slowly became bigger and taller, and the rotten flesh that could no longer carry his body was repelled by his body and fell to the ground and turned into puddles of pus.

“What monster is this!”

The soldiers yelled, and their voices were full of panic. After all, they had never seen such an enemy before, but if they were asked to say it, they would definitely think that this guy was the kind of Fiend in the legend. Because the two are so alike, the same hideous, the same huge and weird, and they have a powerful force that mortals are far from being able to inspire.

“Get together! Sejuani war mother will not allow us to flee without a fight!”

The leader of this force saw the panic of his soldiers, so he Pulling out his Warhammer, while moving towards Aatox, who kept cutting the people around him into various stumps and arms, he called out his warriors. The soldiers who had planned to escape, or had already escaped, all returned here because of this sentence, and then moved towards Aatrox launched a charge.

After all, fleeing is death, and fighting such a monster is also death, so why not choose a more Glory choice for them?

“Ah, disgusting courage and Glory… kill them all!”

Aatox laughed loudly, his body received a lot of freshness The human flesh and blood became vital again, and the power he was able to exert began to gradually become stronger. Although it was not as good as his strength in his heyday, as long as the flesh and blood of a mortal were enough, then he This body that mimics his previous body can also exert a certain amount of strength before it collapses.

“Come on! Try to kill me!”

His twisted and dark sword that absorbed everything from him also changed with his height Some size and become more terrifying. The smooth back was also twisted in darkness, and a pair of bright red wings appeared. This pair of wings spread out like an eagle displaying its own wings, and the huge size and dark magic power brought these wings a powerful oppression, so that the warriors who were close to him couldn’t help it. The thing that I feared the most sounded, and subconsciously felt that only running away was the only way to survive.

But so far, he is still too exhausted. Just when he was laughing wildly and trying to kill dozens of people again, a heavy flail suddenly appeared in front of him, carrying a A powerful force, moved towards his body that was about to collapse, flew over.

If he is to absorb the flesh and blood of a mortal, then the flail with the powerful power of Ice Thunder will either be flew by him or will be avoided by him with no difficulty. But it’s a pity that even if Aatox brought to the point of perfection with the black magic that shaped his own body, he was incredibly proficient and proficient. But the flesh and blood of those robbers is too fragile to its power, so he inevitably has a decline in power, and although he saw the weapon with strong demon power, but It was too late to escape.

The huge force of true ice exploded when it collided with his face, and when he waved his weapon, it directly froze his whole body, so that he could not even take the Soldiers frightened by his might.

And the soldiers under Sejuani did not waste this opportunity. They quickly cut off the trapped limbs of Aatox, completely severing Raikage’s limbs to prevent Aatok. Like some monsters, Si was able to escape from being frozen again, and then continue to attack them.

But they were shocked to find that after they cut off the limbs, the monster lost its intact body in an instant, and it was Shattered in an instant! And the sword in his hand changed back to normal. The size is no longer that huge.

“What the hell is this…”

Sejuani looked at the sword quietly wading in a pool of blood and rotten meat, and suddenly there was a have one’s in his heart. The feeling of hair stand on end. Although she didn’t understand the magic that Aatox used to transform its body, she could still see that there was definitely a problem with this sword. So she stopped other people’s plans to pick up the sword, and she made up her mind not to touch the sword, but let it stick to the ground, and thought about what to do with the sword.

But this is exactly what Aatox needs, he is not afraid of true ice, but he is afraid of forgetting, and even if his previous body is being repaired with a mortal body, there is no way. Keep going. So when he saw the army that Sejuani had brought, he immediately thought of this, that is to lose deliberately, and then by these people in a densely populated place.

And only one thing that differs from his thoughts is that these fighters cut off his arm so decisively before he broke the ice, causing his body to lose contact with his sword. And then collapsed into a pile of rotten meat.

Originally, he planned to kill Sejuani’s army by half, so he felt angry again at the fact that he didn’t have a real body, and decided that when he went out next time, must start training to be able to carry The physical body of his body makes them have to find themselves, and then when their bodies are ready, use their bodies to shape a body that can keep them moving for a longer period of time.

“Let me think… Ah, I thought, find the right person, and kill his family, beloved, and child in front of him, then he must come back to me and quickly The growth of…ha ha ha…”

As for the method of cultivating this body, he also chose the most unacceptable and cruel way in the darkness of emptiness.

“The wounded stayed to accept Heal, and those killed in battle were saved as much as possible, and sent back to their tribe. And this sword…”

I don’t know that I have been trapped. Sejuani, while arranging for her people to start sorting out the endgame of this unfathomable mystery battle, she looked at the weird big sword that was stuck on the ground and no one cares about it under her command. Then there was a smile that didn’t know whether it was cruel or pleasant.

“Let the Iceborn named Tiger come over and take this sword as his weapon to challenge Li Ke with Teddamir at the festival tomorrow.”

All betrayals Everyone has to die, and the betrayer’s helper also has to suffer torture and die.

This is one of the creeds she adheres to, and it is also an iron law to maintain her authority!

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