Because Ashe trusts Li Ke very much, and Li Ke is also optimistic about Gulagas’ ability to drink, so after Ashe came back, she saw a simple Winery , And Gulagas who is using two people looking for things as chairs. At this time, half a month has passed, and their festival is just around the corner. So Ashe just met Gulagas for a while, and went to Li Ke to discuss some things.

However, their way of talking is very unique.

“The time for the two of us to form a true blood alliance is only three days later. According to the ancient law, we are not able to meet now.”

Aish raised his chin slightly, Li Ke can explore his neck as much as he can, and put his arms around Li Ke’s head, and then smiled at the man.

“According to your old rules, many things can’t be done.”

Li Ke laughed, and then kissed Ai Xi, who was already his partner.

“So I chose to abandon the ancient law in your mouth.”

Aich’s eyebrows raised.

“Rely on this?”

“Rely on this.”

So when they finally had the intention to say something else, Ashe was already Sweat all over his body, and Li Ke got out of bed in his clothes to add some fuel to the charcoal fire in the house. And Ashe looked at Li Ke who was fiddling with the stove, her beautiful eyes flickered a few times before she slowly revealed the information she had obtained.

“Sejuani’s tribe, they also arrived nearby. It is said that they came to our ceremony and plan to give us gifts on that day.”

Li Ke was taken aback. The first thing he thought of was that broad chest, and then he thought of Sejuani’s figure riding on the steel bristle of a war pig.

“I don’t think this is good news, and to be honest, I have some…well, personal grievances.”

Even if he thinks about that day, there are some weird things. It feels, after all, such a beautiful girl… and it didn’t take long for me to choose Ashe…

“Not anymore, no matter what grievances you have with her, we will all face it together. And I I also want to use this opportunity of your reconciliation to re-establish an alliance between our two tribes and rebuild our friendship.”

Aishe smiled, her face full of hope for a better future. .

“I don’t think so…she really looked like she wanted to kill me that day.”

Li Ke filled the stove with some more carbon and stood up , Wiped the toner on his hands.

“Although my research has not been completed yet, the food produced should have been enough for a long time. As for that piece of land, I need to rest for a while.”

He After thinking about those that were still being sorted by the people of the Ashe tribe, they were piled up with food in the warehouse that I don’t know how much, and I finally feel more at ease. After all, according to calculations, the food he produced during this period is enough for Ashe and He His allies have eaten about a year.

“That’s good, after all, the tribes that should come have already come, I think they will like this news.”

Aish also hugged Li Ke again, and He pulled back the warm quilt.

“According to the old law, we only need to do things to make ourselves happy. As for the rest, let’s worry about what time it will be.”

Her face On the other hand, he showed a childish smile, and then Li Ke put on the quilts of the two people again, and continued their activities interrupted by the cold.

“I like this ancient law.”

But the happy time is always short. Regardless of whether Li Ke and Ashe wanted to, they were forced to separate on the 2nd day. Because according to the rules stated by the priests, they would not be able to meet until the beginning of the ceremony. And they also had a lot of opinions about the fact that Ashe gave them all the ceremonies, and that they only came back two days before the start of what time, they felt that she didn’t respect the ancient rules very much.

And a lot of time was also spent in the time when the two people were fiddling with various priests. During this time, Li Ke can be said to be quite tormented. He was first blessed with various strange priests, and taught him various oaths and precautions for many things. And this attitude and practice of catching the ducks on the shelves also made Li Ke more dissatisfied with these priests. After all, before Ashe came back, these priests had never revealed that he had to recite so many things.

But just like all men are actually impatient when choosing wedding dresses, but they can endure it and find it interesting, this kind of thing Li Ke is considered to be a wedding dress selection, so he finally Patience, and according to the instructions of the priests, waited for the beginning of the ceremony in a small room. And Ash is the same, she was forced to let go of most of the things and had to get together with a lot of women.

Only at this time, the enemy Li Ke felt was also active again.

“It’s just ahead…but…”

Aatox, who followed his induction moved towards Li Ke, watched his pus and blood continue to flow out. An unusually unwilling expression appeared on his face. On the hell of the icefield, the blood and fleshy body he plundered from mortals could not be nourished by a large amount of flesh and blood, so it was quite fragile, so fragile that he just accelerated the speed and drove on, and he was on the verge of collapse.

“Damn it, I feel like I will miss a good show.”

He looked at the sky with flying snow falling with a little dissatisfaction. He knew that his current mission was already It is no longer to find the person who can absorb your own strength, but to make sure that when your body collapses, the sword that seals your own will not fall on the place of some bad luck, but can be quickly found by mortals. local!

After all, the blizzard heaven knows how long this ghost place will last. He doesn’t want to be buried in the snow for countless years.

With this idea, Aatox began to search for the nearest human stronghold, but it was as if his long-lost good luck finally found him. Before he left, he just Saw a huge team. This team is full of strong fighters and full of fighting intents.

This is exactly what Aatox needs, whether it is to kill these people, or use their flesh and blood to make his body stronger and more durable. He needs a lot of fighters with strong fighting intents and excellent flesh and blood!

The former is to respect him, while the latter is to give him a lot of’free’ time!

“Come on!”

He roared, holding his big sword flat, moved towards the team and rushed over, and he saw the warriors in horror and surprise The expression, and before they could react, they directly tore the chests of the two fighters, and pulled their flesh and blood away!

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