“Well, I originally wanted to get some wheat from here to make wine, and for me, there is nothing better than novel brewing materials! And you The kind of wheat that can mature in winter, I naturally gave my goal!”

The red and swollen nose still has blood stains, but Gulagas didn’t care, but He picked up a large glass of Beer and poured it into his stomach. After drinking, he patted his stomach, smiled with hiccups at Li Ke, and then continued.

“But you are really too stingy! I exchange my wine for your wheat, and your guards are not willing. So–“

Cherna interrupted The words of this hero.

“So you grabbed it?”

She looked very upset, after all, it was Li Ke’s task to guard this wheat field.

“Wine making…how can it be considered grabbing?”

Gulagas’s face showed a sorry expression, and his voice became smaller and smaller, only to make a sound ‘What can I do if I don’t trade or delegate it? Self-seeding is impossible and self-seeding, and all this life is impossible by self-seeding. ”If you don’t have food, drinking isn’t enough. ”People do not drink for the sake of bread, but for the sake of drinking. ‘Such incomprehensible words.

But because his voice is so loud, his grunting is no different from the ordinary person’s roar, so Li Ke appreciates Cherna’s eyebrows. Why is it shaking because of the beating eyelids. And Li Ke thinks that if it is possible, Cherna may directly kill the hero who loves wine as one’s life. But fortunately, Gulagas was not really that cruel. He still knew that he had done something wrong, and he also knew the fact that although wine was important, the people of Freljord lacked food.

“I will pay for the loss caused by wine, but can you please give me some wheat here, I am really curious about what wine can be made from this kind of wheat, of course. I will use my wine to buy it.”

He gave his own plan somewhat sorry, and Li Ke, who had long thought of keeping him as a senior beater and winemaker, would naturally not give up This opportunity, so he picked up the wine glass, took a sip of Enuk’s milk, and then in the look of Gulagas’s expectation, nodded agreed.

“Of course, but in fact, these wheats can grow in winter because of my magic, not because of their own magic. So you may be disappointed, but If your idea is to find novel things to make wine…”

Li Ke put the crops of the Frost Bloodline series that can be used as civilian weapons one by one in front of Gulagas. As his bargaining chip to seduce Gulagas.

“These may be able to satisfy you.”

Gulagas picked up these crystal clear and near-transparent crops in surprise, and then in Li Ke’s shocked gaze, He ate a frosty potato in one bite, then bit off half of a frosty bloodline corn cob, and chewed in his mouth.

These products with frost magic power constantly released frosty air in his mouth because of his actions, freezing his saliva into ice cubes, but he didn’t care about it at all, still smacking The lips chewed on these crops, as if the frost magic of these crops only added the sound of ice cracking to his chewing sound.

“It feels very good, the taste is perfect, and it is a good raw material for a novel wine. Although it is a bit worse than true ice, it is also something that can make a good wine!”

He made a hiccup with a large amount of snowflakes. Gulagas wiped his thick lips covered by frost with satisfaction, and then picked up the pile of ice wheat that Li Ke took out. The same was thrown into his mouth and chewed, and looking at his appearance, if you didn’t know that he was chewing wheat, I might think he was eating popping candy.

“You are satisfied…”

Recalling the power that these things can explode under the flames, and the plain attitude of the other party when they eat this stuff, Li Ke because The arrival of Lissandra, and the fluctuating heart after knowing some inside stories, calmed down instead. Probably it has become’whatever it is, this World is fucking enough anyway. ‘The shape of it.

After all, the argument that his own ability can destroy the world is the first time Li Ke has heard of it, although he also knows that what Lissandra said may be true.

Void creatures have the ability to absorb vitality and strengthen themselves, and as the big-eyed creatures of void life, that is…what is it called? In short, that creature still has the ability to decompose the material world and understand the material World Rule to strengthen their physical abilities in the material world. And it is very hopeless that this kind of ability is not unique and unmatched, but a universal ability.

It’s just that most of them are analyzed by eating and fighting, such as the cream dog… Rengar’s old enemy Khazick and Cho’Gath Kogas are like this. The big eye is analyzed by laser decomposition, and in terms of “personality”, it is much higher than that of Khazik. So what Lissandra said is not unreasonable. If Freljord’s life is too active, it will indeed speed up the awakening of those void creatures, but this does not mean that he will immediately stop because of her words. .

Listening to the enemy’s words is the most stupid thing, and even if the world’s doomsday is like, before the final day comes, people always have to live, and try to make themselves live better, more old.

“In this case, I will provide you with a lot of grain, a huge brewery, and how about you helping me brew in it? I can provide you with high-quality grain as much as possible, as well as novelties. Things make you brew wine. If you want to come, you know that if someone helps, your winemaking journey will be easier.”

There is not much agreement on Gulagas’ face. , But did not show too many expressions of rejection. He seems to be thinking about the balance between having fun and work, and whether Li Ke can provide this balance. So Li Ke gave some simple conditions to keep this hero.

“Of course, this does not mean that you have to work for us day and night. You only need to meet the needs of those of us who like fine wine as much as possible, and you are not alone. Work.”

Our Gragas, the meaty war chariot in the canyon, took a sip of wine and patted his belly.

“I have two conditions. If you can do it, I will promise you.”

For him, it is enough to have wine that can make him drunk. As for where , What conditions are really not a problem for him.

“First I want to fight.”

He put up a finger very seriously, and Li Ke thought about the tribes that have not been settled, and directly nodded . Seeing his answer so quickly, Gulagas also happily said his second request.

“You have to be righteous, brother. I don’t do dirty work.”

Gulagas was very serious when he said this, although he was still drunk , But Li Ke can feel his seriousness. But for Li Ke, justice is really too far away. He never felt that he was righteous, because implementing justice would cost many people, so he just expressed his feelings.

“I’m not interested in justice, I’m only interested in everyone being able to eat and dress…with alcohol and drink.”

But Gulagas smiled, and then He slapped him hard on the back.

“This is justice, man!”

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